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My first changes

Gulp / LESS / Jade / LiveReload boilerplate for web designers

This is a fork of Gulp-boilerplate-for-web-designers by tsevdos but I've included gulp-connect and LESS stylesheet support. The LiveReload just works and there's a built in static server so just start coding. LiveReload browser extension is not needed.

Gulp / LESS / Jade / LiveReload boilerplate for web designers provides directory and file structure to aid web-designers kickstart their next project. It will help you develop and deploy any html-based (and more) templates. Some out of the box features :

  • OOCSS and SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS) ready infrastructure
  • Compile LESS files
  • Autoprefix styles (you only need to write the web-standard version)
  • Compiles and lints Coffee scripts files
  • JsLinter
  • CSS and JS minification
  • Compiles Jade
  • Image optimization
  • Live-reload just works. Visit http://localhost:8080/. All dev tasks are done before live-reload. All production / minifying / dist tasks are done after reload - valuable seconds when doing heavy development.
  • Outputs all production code to dist folder. All development in app folder.


Follow the Getting Started with Gulp for an in-depth look at setting up Gulp, but basically:

  1. Boot up terminal
  2. Make sure to have Node.js installed
  3. Install gulp globally npm install -g gulp
  4. cd to your project folder
  5. Git clone ( or download the zip from
  6. Install Gulp and required gulp tasks npm install 8a. Run gulp and enjoy 8b. To simply preview the latest production code in the browser, use gulp serve-dist. You would need to do a gulp or individual build tasks.

File structure

Your development environment is in the app directory - you do all the work there. Whenever you are ready you can build the work by running the gulp task (the default task). This task will generate a dist directory that will contain all your files (CSS, JS, HTML and images) optimized and ready to distribute/upload/share.


You can run the below tasks.

  1. gulp (default task) : Creates a dist directory with all the optimized files (read File structure section for more details).
  2. gulp serve : Probably the most usable task. Just run this task and work elegantly with live-reload and all the cool features listed above.
  3. gulp serve-dist : Serves your dist production folder. LiveReload works as well, but you probably just want to use this to test the final product before deployment.
  4. gulp styles : This task compiles all the Sass files and autoprefixes. After that it saves the generated CSS files expanded into the development directory and the minified version into the public directory.
  5. gulp coffee : This task lints and compiles your coffee script files (you must include them into the js directory).
  6. gulp lintscripts : This task lints all javascripts files except from those located under the vendor directory.
  7. gulp scripts : This task will concatanate all scripts into one using the order you'll specify. The public version of this file will also be minified.
  8. gulp images : This task will optimize all images (with jpg, png and gif extension) under the img folder.
  9. gulp jade : This task will compile your jade templates.
  10. gulp markup : This task will pretify your html files.
  11. gulp clean : This support task cleans (deletes all the contents of) the public directory in order to prepare it for the build (default task).


  • ECMAScript6 support. Soon!


License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:JavaScript 58.0%Language:CSS 41.8%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:CoffeeScript 0.0%