bardius / savingsAccounts

skill test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Built with Grunt Build Status Dependency Status Dependency Status

Savings Accounts Application

This is an JQuery app project that visualises a Savings Accounts data with capability to be a fully responsive web application or website.

Bower and Grunt with custom build tasks are included for better workflow on development, testing and documentation generation.

Pages are generated with grunt assemble npm module from handlebars templates. Good practices are being used for htaccess, favicons, html meta, og meta, twitter card meta, legacy browsers etc.

Editorconfig file and jshint is in place to ensure coding and formatting standards are in place, along with a gitignore file to filter the tracked files at will.

Travis CI service is used to test the build (running the grunt bundle task in the Travis Servers) as changes are getting committed.


Quick Start

To setup and spin up a local server, use follow these steps (assuming no proxy is required, if one is in place add the details to the project .npmrc file)

1. Checkout of the Git repo
2. Run npm install
2. Run npm grunt
2. Run npm grunt-cli
3. Run grunt serve
4. Use the commands grunt [watch, dev, bundle, generate, serve, document, test]


1. Install NodeJs +v4.4 and add it to you system PATH (

How To Use

You can run the Grunt tasks from the root folder and all the compiled/generated assets will be placed to the /public_html folder.

The JQuery application source files are found under /js/src and grunt tasks take care of the concatenation and unit testing.

The HTML files are generated with Grunt tasks based on Assemble generator with the Handlebars templates found in /static-src folder. The templates are split into layouts, partials and pages. Partials can be included in a layout, page or another partial. Pages can have variables whose values are defined in the top part of the file (eg. page title).

In the /scss folder you can find the existing styles and place your own. IT css methodology has been used for the conventions.

The application JavaScript is getting "bootstrapped" the /js/src/script.js file following structural pattern and self declaring variable/method names. Additionally, AJAX data loading and responsive table features are written as jQuery plugins with a module pattern.

The mock data file for the response of the API endpoint that should provide the Savings Accounts table data can be found under /public_html/mockData folder.

Grunt tasks

Grunt tasks have been created to support the automated builds while developing and when releasing to environments. The existing tasks can be found under the /grunt folder and are grouped in shorthand tasks within Gruntfile.js

Essentially by running "grunt serve" all the assets are generated, a local server is spin up and tests are run, while watch rebuilds any required assets, runs test and uses live reload as necessary.

To generate the fully optimized assets that should be deployed for a release candidate, "grunt bundle" executes the required tasks.

All available tasks:

 * grunt : run jshint, uglify, sass, autoprefixer, csssplit
 * grunt watch : run jshint, uglify, sass, autoprefixer, csssplit, karma
 * grunt dev : run jshint, uglify, sass, autoprefixer, csssplit
 * grunt jsdev : jshint, uglify
 * grunt bundle : run jshint, uglify, sass, autoprefixer, combine_mq, csssplit, csso
 * grunt serve  : run jshint, uglify, sass, autoprefixer, csssplit, assemble, connect, karma, watch
 * grunt generate  : run jshint, uglify, sass, autoprefixer, csssplit, assemble
 * grunt document  : run jsdoc
 * grunt test : run jshint, uglify, sass, autoprefixer, csssplit, assemble, karma
 * grunt travis :  run jshint, uglify, sass, autoprefixer, combine_mq, csssplit, csso

Testing, coverage & reports

Karma is in place as a test runner with jasmine for unit tests. Sample unit tests are included to showcase configuration. Tests can be run with the corresponding grunt tasks. Upon the tests completion reports are getting generated for coverage and unit testing scenarios and are placed within /test/test-reports.

Related grunt tasks:

* grunt karma:unit
* grunt karma:continuous
* grunt test (will run once all the tests and generate reports)


The application documentation can be generated in the docs folder with the corresponding grunt task and the help of jsdoc ( by adding proper annotations to the code.

Related grunt tasks:

* grunt document

Deployment scripts

Sample deployment shell scripts have been included in the /deployment folder. These scripts could be run as a deploy task within a CI solution like Jenkins or Teamcity to support continuous delivery/integration workflow.

This scripts will use rsync to:

  • copy the files for the Jenkins job workspace to the provided target directory,
  • excluding the files listed in exclude.txt (regular expressions list)
  • setting proper file owner and permissions

This scripts accepts parameters to:

  • 1 - Location of the build checkout - double quoted, no trailing slash
  • 2 - Relative path to be deployed - no trailing slash (in this case is the public_html folder)
  • 3 - Target server location - full server path
  • 4 - Target server sudo user

Sample Virtual Host Settings

Here is a sample setup for your virtual host configuration

    <VirtualHost *:80>


            DocumentRoot /var/www/

            <Directory /var/www/>
                    Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride All
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all

            ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/

            # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
            # alert, emerg.
            LogLevel warn

            CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ combined

Useful Links and Documentation

NodeJs, Node Packaged Modules, sass, GIT and bower dependency manager


skill test

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 32.8%Language:JavaScript 27.2%Language:HTML 25.2%Language:ApacheConf 11.1%Language:Shell 3.8%