Barbara Calderon's repositories
The "Diário Oficial da União" (DOU) Web Restful API developed in the thesis for the bachelor's degree in Information Systems at UFSC. This is a mock API project, as it focuses on a limited dataset spanning of three days.
A responsive and dynamic portfolio website designed and developed by myself.
The simple Slot Machine game played in Casinos recreated in HTML, CSS and Javascript.
The "12 barcodes API" provides a simple and efficient way to generate barcodes for your applications.
A brief introduction about myself, Barbara Calderon, software developer.
Study notes on Web Scrapping using Python, Beautiful Soup and Requests. Notas de estudo sobre Web Scrapping usando Python, Beautiful Soup e Requests.
Aplicação EduConnect é uma API RESTful para gestão educacional, com gerenciamento de alunos, professores, cursos, notas, matérias e etc. Desenvolvido em Java com Spring Boot e PostgreSQL, fornece operações CRUD e controle de acesso por JWToken.
This repository contains the commencement speech for the March 2024 graduation ceremony of the Information Systems program at UFSC. The speech highlights key moments, achievements, and future aspirations of the graduating class.
The Pokédex project is a comprehensive system developed to manage and provide detailed information about Pokémon. It consists of a backend API built with FastAPI and a frontend interface developed using Angular. Docker is used for deploy and Pytest for unit tests.
Program to estimate speedup and efficiency on different numbers of pthreads, using OpenMP. Programa para estimar o speedup e a eficiência sobre um número diferente de pthread, usando OpenMP.
Uma breve apresentação sobre mim mesma, Barbara Calderon, desenvolvedora de software.
A Python-based REST API using FastAPI and PostgreSQL for managing casino transactions and player operations. Tests with Pytest and deploy with Docker Compose.
Simple guess-the-number game with Flask Python, to learn more about it.
This is a web template from HTML5 Up rendered by Flask and customized at will. This project's purpose was to learn more on Flask.
Restful API project developed in Java, Spring Boot, using JDK17 and Lombok.
My Java exercises for FMT initiative.
O LabQuiz é um formulário simples desenvolvido em HTML e CSS para testar conhecimentos sobre HTML e CSS. É uma atividade individual e avaliativa do módulo 2 do curso Fullstack do SENAI/SC - Florianópolis.
Library restful API project developed in Java, Spring Boot, using JDK17, PostgreSQL with DB schema.
Tutor Agenda restful API project developed in Java, Spring Boot, using JDK17, PostgreSQL with DB schema.
Majority App is a web application built using the Dash framework in Python. It provides insights into the voting behavior of US legislators on various bills.
My general notes on the Python language. Minhas anotações gerais sobre a linguagem Python.
A simulation platform for equipment metrics in oil & gas environments. Includes a Python-Golang backend integrated with RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL storage, and an Angular frontend. Developed and deployed using Docker and Docker Compose.
My learnings from the course "Python for Everybody" course, by Dr. Charles Severance, at Michigan University