barannmeisterr / Minimum-Spanning-Tree-Prim-Algorithm--And-Shortest-Path--Dijkstra-Algorithm

This project finds the smallest path with minimum spanning tree value of connection to loads and source which is Minimum Spanning Tree of the undirected graph and finds the shortest paths from a single source to all load points and the graph is directed graph.

Repository from Github https://github.combarannmeisterr/Minimum-Spanning-Tree-Prim-Algorithm--And-Shortest-Path--Dijkstra-AlgorithmRepository from Github https://github.combarannmeisterr/Minimum-Spanning-Tree-Prim-Algorithm--And-Shortest-Path--Dijkstra-Algorithm

Minimum Spanning Tree And Shortest Path

This project finds the smallest path with minimum spanning tree value of connection to loads and source which is Minimum Spanning Tree of the undirected graph and finds the shortest paths from a single source to all load points and the graph is directed graph.


  • Arda Baran


  • Implementing Prim's Algorithm in order to find Minimum Spanning Tree.
  • Implementing Dijkstra's Algorithm in order to find shortest path from a single source to all destination.
  • Prim's algorithm and Dijkstra's algorithm implemented as unique way and implementation bases on the definition of these algorithms
  • Dynamic Programming

Technologies And Data Structures Used

  • Java
  • Undirected Graph
  • Directed Graph
  • Two Dimensional Array For Adjacency Matrix Implementation(Both boolean and integer types)
  • Singly Linked List
  • Prim's Algorithm
  • Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Stack Singly Linked List Implementation

File Structure

  • src/: Contains the Java source code


This project finds the smallest path with minimum spanning tree value of connection to loads and source which is Minimum Spanning Tree of the undirected graph and finds the shortest paths from a single source to all load points and the graph is directed graph.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%