baoshan / user-management-api

Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete Users

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RESTful API for User Management

ci codecov

This Express.js app sets up 8 API endpoints for user management.

  • Some endpoints require (JWT) authentication.
  • Some endpoints require (JWT) authentication as an administrator.
# Method Route Purpose Auth? Admin?
1 POST /users Create a new user No No
2 POST /auth Authenticate No No
3 GET /user Get the authenticated user Yes No
4 GET /users/:id Get an existing user Yes Yes
5 PUT /user Update the authenticated user Yes No
6 PUT /users/:id Update an existing user Yes Yes
7 DELETE /user Delete the authenticated user Yes No
8 DELETE /users/:id Delete an existing user Yes Yes

Prepare, Test, and Start

Database scheme is defined in the scheme.sql. Below command drops & recreates the table named users.

psql postgresql://username:password@server:port/database -f scheme.sql

A .env file is required to provide the PostgreSQL connection string and the JWT secret:


After npm install:

  • Run npm test to run tests.
  • Run npm start to start service.

Create a User

Create a new user by providing name, email, and password.

  • Request
POST /users HTTP/1.1
    "name": "John Appleseed",
    "email": "",
    "password": "password"
  • Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
  "id": "326b8b5e-e4ac-464a-ab61-38246148e9b0",
  "name": "John Appleseed",
  "email": "",
  "admin": false,
  "jwt": "..."


Authenticate a user using email and password.

  • Request
POST /auth
    "email": "",
    "password": "password"
  • Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "id": "ba2fab75-5873-4e66-a5d2-b91a5de695f3",
  "name": "John Appleseed",
  "email": "",
  "admin": false,
  "jwt": "..."

Get the Authenticated User

The authenticated user is determined using the JWT token in the Authorization header.

  • Request
GET /user
Authorization: Bearer ...
  • Response
200 OK
  "id": "ba2fab75-5873-4e66-a5d2-b91a5de695f3",
  "name": "John Appleseed",
  "email": "",
  "admin": false

Get an Existing User

Authentication as an administrator is required.

  • Request
GET /users/ba2fab75-5873-4e66-a5d2-b91a5de695f3
Authorization: Bearer ...
  • Response
200 OK
  "id": "ba2fab75-5873-4e66-a5d2-b91a5de695f3",
  "name": "John Appleseed",
  "email": "",
  "admin": false

Update the Authenticated User

Update one or more properties (name, email, and password) of the authenticated user.

The authenticated user is determined using the JWT token in the Authorization header.

  • Request
PUT /user
Authorization: Bearer ...

{"name": "Johnny Appleseed"}
  • Response
HTTP/1.1 204

Update an Existing User

Update one or more properties (name, email, and password) of the authenticated user.

Authentication as an administrator is required.

  • Request
PUT /users/ba2fab75-5873-4e66-a5d2-b91a5de695f3
Authorization: Bearer ...

{"name": "Johnny Appleseed"}
  • Response
HTTP/1.1 204

Delete the Authenticated User

The authenticated user is determined using the JWT token in the Authorization header.

  • Request
DELETE /user
Authorization: Bearer ...
  • Response
204 No Content

Delete an existing user

Authentication as an administrator is required.

  • Request
DELETE /users/ba2fab75-5873-4e66-a5d2-b91a5de695f3 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer ...
  • Response
204 No Content

Error Handling

Errors found during the processing of your request are returned in an array.

  • Request
POST /users HTTP/1.1
    "name": "",
    "email": "",
    "password": ""
  • Response
422 Unprocessable Entity
    "code": "USER_NAME_INVALID",
    "message": "Name should be non-empty."
    "code": "USER_EMAIL_INVALID",
    "message": "A valid email address is required."
    "message": "Password should be between 8 and 32 characters."

All pre-defined errors (code and message) are detailed in the table below.

# Code Message
A SYNTAX_ERROR Syntax error.
B UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST Unauthorized request.
C PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied.
E USER_NAME_INVALID Name should be non-empty.
F USER_EMAIL_INVALID A valid email address is required.
G USER_PASSWORD_INVALID Password should be between 8 and 32 characters.
H USER_EMAIL_CONFLICT Email is already taken.

Codes are stable but messages are subject to change.

Not all errors apply to all endpoints. For example, the UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST error does not apply when creating a new user. This table lists endpoints and their applying error numbers. Open circles are program errors that you should (and can) avoid.

Endpoint A B C D E F G H
Create a new user - - -
Authenticate - - - - - -
Get the authenticated user - - - - - -
Get an existing user - - - - -
Update the authenticated user -
Update an existing user
Delete the authenticated user - - - - - -
Delete an existing user - - - - -


Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete Users


Language:TypeScript 100.0%