bangarharshit / Mattermost-kotlin

Kotlin client library for Mattermost API Reference

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io.swagger.client - Kotlin client library for Mattermost API Reference

Command to generate

swagger-codegen generate -i mattermost-openapi-v4.yaml -l kotlin -o kotlin/


  • Kotlin 1.1.2
  • Gradle 3.3


First, create the gradle wrapper script:

gradle wrapper

Then, run:

./gradlew check assemble

This runs all tests and packages the library.

Features/Implementation Notes

  • Supports JSON inputs/outputs, File inputs, and Form inputs.
  • Supports collection formats for query parameters: csv, tsv, ssv, pipes.
  • Some Kotlin and Java types are fully qualified to avoid conflicts with types defined in Swagger definitions.
  • Implementation of ApiClient is intended to reduce method counts, specifically to benefit Android targets.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
BrandApi brandImageGet GET /brand/image Get brand image
BrandApi brandImagePost POST /brand/image Upload brand image
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdDelete DELETE /channels/{channel_id} Delete a channel
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdGet GET /channels/{channel_id} Get a channel
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdMembersGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/members Get channel members
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdMembersIdsPost POST /channels/{channel_id}/members/ids Get channel members by ids
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdMembersPost POST /channels/{channel_id}/members Add user to channel
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdMembersUserIdDelete DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id} Remove user from channel
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdMembersUserIdGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id} Get channel member
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdMembersUserIdNotifyPropsPut PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/notify_props Update channel notifications
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdMembersUserIdRolesPut PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/roles Update channel roles
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdPatchPut PUT /channels/{channel_id}/patch Patch a channel
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdPinnedGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/pinned Get a channel's pinned posts
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdPut PUT /channels/{channel_id} Update a channel
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdRestorePost POST /channels/{channel_id}/restore Restore a channel
ChannelsApi channelsChannelIdStatsGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/stats Get channel statistics
ChannelsApi channelsDirectPost POST /channels/direct Create a direct message channel
ChannelsApi channelsGroupPost POST /channels/group Create a group message channel
ChannelsApi channelsMembersUserIdViewPost POST /channels/members/{user_id}/view View channel
ChannelsApi channelsPost POST /channels Create a channel
ChannelsApi teamsNameTeamNameChannelsNameChannelNameGet GET /teams/name/{team_name}/channels/name/{channel_name} Get a channel by name and team name
ChannelsApi teamsTeamIdChannelsAutocompleteGet GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/autocomplete Autocomplete channels
ChannelsApi teamsTeamIdChannelsDeletedGet GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/deleted Get deleted channels
ChannelsApi teamsTeamIdChannelsGet GET /teams/{team_id}/channels Get public channels
ChannelsApi teamsTeamIdChannelsIdsPost POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/ids Get a list of channels by ids
ChannelsApi teamsTeamIdChannelsNameChannelNameGet GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/name/{channel_name} Get a channel by name
ChannelsApi teamsTeamIdChannelsSearchPost POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/search Search channels
ChannelsApi usersUserIdChannelsChannelIdUnreadGet GET /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id}/unread Get unread messages
ChannelsApi usersUserIdTeamsTeamIdChannelsGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels Get channels for user
ChannelsApi usersUserIdTeamsTeamIdChannelsMembersGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/members Get channel members for user
ClusterApi clusterStatusGet GET /cluster/status Get cluster status
CommandsApi commandsCommandIdDelete DELETE /commands/{command_id} Delete a command
CommandsApi commandsCommandIdPut PUT /commands/{command_id} Update a command
CommandsApi commandsCommandIdRegenTokenPut PUT /commands/{command_id}/regen_token Generate a new token
CommandsApi commandsExecutePost POST /commands/execute Execute a command
CommandsApi commandsGet GET /commands List commands for a team
CommandsApi commandsPost POST /commands Create a command
CommandsApi teamsTeamIdCommandsAutocompleteGet GET /teams/{team_id}/commands/autocomplete List autocomplete commands
ComplianceApi complianceReportsGet GET /compliance/reports Get reports
ComplianceApi complianceReportsPost POST /compliance/reports Create report
ComplianceApi complianceReportsReportIdDownloadGet GET /compliance/reports/{report_id}/download Download a report
ComplianceApi complianceReportsReportIdGet GET /compliance/reports/{report_id} Get a report
DataretentionApi dataRetentionPolicyGet GET /data_retention/policy Get the data retention policy details.
ElasticsearchApi elasticsearchPurgeIndexesPost POST /elasticsearch/purge_indexes Purge all Elasticsearch indexes
ElasticsearchApi elasticsearchTestPost POST /elasticsearch/test Test Elasticsearch configuration
EmojiApi emojiAutocompleteGet GET /emoji/autocomplete Autocomplete custom emoji
EmojiApi emojiEmojiIdDelete DELETE /emoji/{emoji_id} Delete a custom emoji
EmojiApi emojiEmojiIdGet GET /emoji/{emoji_id} Get a custom emoji
EmojiApi emojiEmojiIdImageGet GET /emoji/{emoji_id}/image Get custom emoji image
EmojiApi emojiGet GET /emoji Get a list of custom emoji
EmojiApi emojiNameEmojiNameGet GET /emoji/name/{emoji_name} Get a custom emoji by name
EmojiApi emojiPost POST /emoji Create a custom emoji
EmojiApi emojiSearchPost POST /emoji/search Search custom emoji
FilesApi filesFileIdGet GET /files/{file_id} Get a file
FilesApi filesFileIdInfoGet GET /files/{file_id}/info Get metadata for a file
FilesApi filesFileIdLinkGet GET /files/{file_id}/link Get a public file link
FilesApi filesFileIdPreviewGet GET /files/{file_id}/preview Get a file's preview
FilesApi filesFileIdThumbnailGet GET /files/{file_id}/thumbnail Get a file's thumbnail
FilesApi filesPost POST /files Upload a file
JobsApi jobsGet GET /jobs Get the jobs.
JobsApi jobsJobIdCancelPost POST /jobs/{job_id}/cancel Cancel a job.
JobsApi jobsJobIdGet GET /jobs/{job_id} Get a job.
JobsApi jobsPost POST /jobs Create a new job.
JobsApi jobsTypeTypeGet GET /jobs/type/{type} Get the jobs of the given type.
LDAPApi ldapSyncPost POST /ldap/sync Sync with LDAP
LDAPApi ldapTestPost POST /ldap/test Test LDAP configuration
OAuthApi oauthAppsAppIdDelete DELETE /oauth/apps/{app_id} Delete an OAuth app
OAuthApi oauthAppsAppIdGet GET /oauth/apps/{app_id} Get an OAuth app
OAuthApi oauthAppsAppIdInfoGet GET /oauth/apps/{app_id}/info Get info on an OAuth app
OAuthApi oauthAppsAppIdPut PUT /oauth/apps/{app_id} Update an OAuth app
OAuthApi oauthAppsAppIdRegenSecretPost POST /oauth/apps/{app_id}/regen_secret Regenerate OAuth app secret
OAuthApi oauthAppsGet GET /oauth/apps Get OAuth apps
OAuthApi oauthAppsPost POST /oauth/apps Register OAuth app
OAuthApi usersUserIdOauthAppsAuthorizedGet GET /users/{user_id}/oauth/apps/authorized Get authorized OAuth apps
PluginsApi pluginsGet GET /plugins Get plugins
PluginsApi pluginsPluginIdActivatePost POST /plugins/{plugin_id}/activate Activate plugin
PluginsApi pluginsPluginIdDeactivatePost POST /plugins/{plugin_id}/deactivate Deactivate plugin
PluginsApi pluginsPluginIdDelete DELETE /plugins/{plugin_id} Remove plugin
PluginsApi pluginsPost POST /plugins Upload plugin
PluginsApi pluginsWebappGet GET /plugins/webapp Get webapp plugins
PostsApi channelsChannelIdPostsGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/posts Get posts for a channel
PostsApi postsPost POST /posts Create a post
PostsApi postsPostIdActionsActionIdPost POST /posts/{post_id}/actions/{action_id} Perform a post action
PostsApi postsPostIdDelete DELETE /posts/{post_id} Delete a post
PostsApi postsPostIdFilesInfoGet GET /posts/{post_id}/files/info Get file info for post
PostsApi postsPostIdGet GET /posts/{post_id} Get a post
PostsApi postsPostIdPatchPut PUT /posts/{post_id}/patch Patch a post
PostsApi postsPostIdPinPost POST /posts/{post_id}/pin Pin a post to the channel
PostsApi postsPostIdPut PUT /posts/{post_id} Update a post
PostsApi postsPostIdThreadGet GET /posts/{post_id}/thread Get a thread
PostsApi postsPostIdUnpinPost POST /posts/{post_id}/unpin Unpin a post to the channel
PostsApi teamsTeamIdPostsSearchPost POST /teams/{team_id}/posts/search Search for team posts
PostsApi usersUserIdPostsFlaggedGet GET /users/{user_id}/posts/flagged Get a list of flagged posts
PreferencesApi usersUserIdPreferencesCategoryGet GET /users/{user_id}/preferences/{category} List a user's preferences by category
PreferencesApi usersUserIdPreferencesCategoryNamePreferenceNameGet GET /users/{user_id}/preferences/{category}/name/{preference_name} Get a specific user preference
PreferencesApi usersUserIdPreferencesDeletePost POST /users/{user_id}/preferences/delete Delete user's preferences
PreferencesApi usersUserIdPreferencesGet GET /users/{user_id}/preferences Get the user's preferences
PreferencesApi usersUserIdPreferencesPut PUT /users/{user_id}/preferences Save the user's preferences
SAMLApi samlCertificateIdpDelete DELETE /saml/certificate/idp Remove IDP certificate
SAMLApi samlCertificateIdpPost POST /saml/certificate/idp Upload IDP certificate
SAMLApi samlCertificatePrivateDelete DELETE /saml/certificate/private Remove private key
SAMLApi samlCertificatePrivatePost POST /saml/certificate/private Upload private key
SAMLApi samlCertificatePublicDelete DELETE /saml/certificate/public Remove public certificate
SAMLApi samlCertificatePublicPost POST /saml/certificate/public Upload public certificate
SAMLApi samlCertificateStatusGet GET /saml/certificate/status Get certificate status
SAMLApi samlMetadataGet GET /saml/metadata Get metadata
StatusApi usersStatusIdsGet GET /users/status/ids Get user statuses by id
StatusApi usersUserIdStatusGet GET /users/{user_id}/status Get user status
StatusApi usersUserIdStatusPut PUT /users/{user_id}/status Update user status
SystemApi analyticsOldGet GET /analytics/old Get analytics
SystemApi auditsGet GET /audits Get audits
SystemApi cachesInvalidatePost POST /caches/invalidate Invalidate all the caches
SystemApi configClientGet GET /config/client Get client configuration
SystemApi configGet GET /config Get configuration
SystemApi configPut PUT /config Update configuration
SystemApi configReloadPost POST /config/reload Reload configuration
SystemApi databaseRecyclePost POST /database/recycle Recycle database connections
SystemApi emailTestPost POST /email/test Send a test email
SystemApi licenseClientGet GET /license/client Get client license
SystemApi licenseDelete DELETE /license Remove license file
SystemApi licensePost POST /license Upload license file
SystemApi logsGet GET /logs Get logs
SystemApi logsPost POST /logs Add log message
SystemApi systemPingGet GET /system/ping Check system health
SystemApi webrtcTokenGet GET /webrtc/token Get WebRTC token
TeamsApi teamsGet GET /teams Get teams
TeamsApi teamsInviteInviteIdGet GET /teams/invite/{invite_id} Get invite info for a team
TeamsApi teamsMembersInvitePost POST /teams/members/invite Add user to team from invite
TeamsApi teamsNameNameExistsGet GET /teams/name/{name}/exists Check if team exists
TeamsApi teamsNameNameGet GET /teams/name/{name} Get a team by name
TeamsApi teamsPost POST /teams Create a team
TeamsApi teamsSearchPost POST /teams/search Search teams
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdDelete DELETE /teams/{team_id} Delete a team
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdGet GET /teams/{team_id} Get a team
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdImportPost POST /teams/{team_id}/import Import a Team from other application
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdInviteEmailPost POST /teams/{team_id}/invite/email Invite users to the team by email
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdMembersBatchPost POST /teams/{team_id}/members/batch Add multiple users to team
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdMembersGet GET /teams/{team_id}/members Get team members
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdMembersIdsPost POST /teams/{team_id}/members/ids Get team members by ids
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdMembersPost POST /teams/{team_id}/members Add user to team
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdMembersUserIdDelete DELETE /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id} Remove user from team
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdMembersUserIdGet GET /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id} Get a team member
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdMembersUserIdRolesPut PUT /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}/roles Update a team member roles
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdPatchPut PUT /teams/{team_id}/patch Patch a team
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdPut PUT /teams/{team_id} Update a team
TeamsApi teamsTeamIdStatsGet GET /teams/{team_id}/stats Get a team stats
TeamsApi usersUserIdTeamsGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams Get a user's teams
TeamsApi usersUserIdTeamsMembersGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/members Get team members for a user
TeamsApi usersUserIdTeamsTeamIdUnreadGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/unread Get unreads for a team
TeamsApi usersUserIdTeamsUnreadGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/unread Get team unreads for a user
UsersApi usersAutocompleteGet GET /users/autocomplete Autocomplete users
UsersApi usersEmailEmailGet GET /users/email/{email} Get a user by email
UsersApi usersEmailVerifyPost POST /users/email/verify Verify user email
UsersApi usersEmailVerifySendPost POST /users/email/verify/send Send verification email
UsersApi usersGet GET /users Get users
UsersApi usersIdsPost POST /users/ids Get users by ids
UsersApi usersLoginSwitchPost POST /users/login/switch Switch login method
UsersApi usersMfaPost POST /users/mfa Check MFA
UsersApi usersPasswordResetPost POST /users/password/reset Reset password
UsersApi usersPasswordResetSendPost POST /users/password/reset/send Send password reset email
UsersApi usersPost POST /users Create a user
UsersApi usersSearchPost POST /users/search Search users
UsersApi usersSessionsDevicePut PUT /users/sessions/device Attach mobile device
UsersApi usersTokensDisablePost POST /users/tokens/disable Disable personal access token
UsersApi usersTokensEnablePost POST /users/tokens/enable Enable personal access token
UsersApi usersTokensGet GET /users/tokens Get user access tokens
UsersApi usersTokensRevokePost POST /users/tokens/revoke Revoke a user access token
UsersApi usersTokensSearchPost POST /users/tokens/search Search tokens
UsersApi usersTokensTokenIdGet GET /users/tokens/{token_id} Get a user access token
UsersApi usersUserIdActivePut PUT /users/{user_id}/active Update user active status
UsersApi usersUserIdAuditsGet GET /users/{user_id}/audits Get user's audits
UsersApi usersUserIdAuthPut PUT /users/{user_id}/auth Update a user's authentication method
UsersApi usersUserIdDelete DELETE /users/{user_id} Deactivate a user account.
UsersApi usersUserIdGet GET /users/{user_id} Get a user
UsersApi usersUserIdImageGet GET /users/{user_id}/image Get user's profile image
UsersApi usersUserIdImagePost POST /users/{user_id}/image Set user's profile image
UsersApi usersUserIdMfaGeneratePost POST /users/{user_id}/mfa/generate Generate MFA secret
UsersApi usersUserIdMfaPut PUT /users/{user_id}/mfa Update a user's MFA
UsersApi usersUserIdPasswordPut PUT /users/{user_id}/password Update a user's password
UsersApi usersUserIdPatchPut PUT /users/{user_id}/patch Patch a user
UsersApi usersUserIdPut PUT /users/{user_id} Update a user
UsersApi usersUserIdRolesPut PUT /users/{user_id}/roles Update a user's roles
UsersApi usersUserIdSessionsGet GET /users/{user_id}/sessions Get user's sessions
UsersApi usersUserIdSessionsRevokeAllPost POST /users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke/all Revoke all active sessions for a user
UsersApi usersUserIdSessionsRevokePost POST /users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke Revoke a user session
UsersApi usersUserIdTokensGet GET /users/{user_id}/tokens Get user access tokens
UsersApi usersUserIdTokensPost POST /users/{user_id}/tokens Create a user access token
UsersApi usersUsernameUsernameGet GET /users/username/{username} Get a user by username
UsersApi usersUsernamesPost POST /users/usernames Get users by usernames
WebhooksApi hooksIncomingGet GET /hooks/incoming List incoming webhooks
WebhooksApi hooksIncomingHookIdGet GET /hooks/incoming/{hook_id} Get an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi hooksIncomingHookIdPut PUT /hooks/incoming/{hook_id} Update an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi hooksIncomingPost POST /hooks/incoming Create an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi hooksOutgoingGet GET /hooks/outgoing List outgoing webhooks
WebhooksApi hooksOutgoingHookIdDelete DELETE /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id} Delete an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi hooksOutgoingHookIdGet GET /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id} Get an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi hooksOutgoingHookIdPut PUT /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id} Update an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi hooksOutgoingHookIdRegenTokenPost POST /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id}/regen_token Regenerate the token for the outgoing webhook.
WebhooksApi hooksOutgoingPost POST /hooks/outgoing Create an outgoing webhook

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.


Kotlin client library for Mattermost API Reference


Language:Kotlin 100.0%