bangadennis / PLM-BundleMaker

FHIR bundle maker component of the patient level monitoring (PLM)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Repo Owner: Vlad Shioshvili @vshioshvili

FHIR bundle maker component of the patient level monitoring (PLM)



BundleMaker app is a middleware data transformation component, written in Java as a RESTful web application, using Spring Boot framework. It implements definition based extraction of resources from questionnaire responses into referenced FHIR resources. It accepts and converts a single Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Bundle of QuestionnaireResponse (QR) resources or a single QR resource into a transaction type bundle of resources as identified by questionnaire-definitions of questionnaire items in the supllied QuestionnaireResponse.

Currently, only creation of new resources is supported. Pre-population and updating using context resources is not supported.

The BundleMaker relies on HAPI FHIR library for both parsing and generating FHIR resources.


  • Only json content is consumed and genarated; xml support can be easily added, by implementing XML parser use;
  • It is limited to STU4 of FHIR, and is not backwards compatible with STU3 and earlier.
  • While all FHIR resource types are selected, focus is only on a select demographic and clinical resources, and others have not been verified. Supported resource types are:
  • Generated resources are not persisted, and are only returned as a response



Maven is used as the software project mananagement tool.


Use mvn clean package to build the executable jar file. Maven will build executable jar with dependencies and place them in the target directory.


Current version of the BundleMaker is a standalone restful web application that expects a single configuration at the runtime - path to the FHIR server where it can locate Questionnaire resources to use during extraction. By default, application will run on port 8080. Alternative port can be specified using server.port option.

java -jar bundleMaker-0.0.1.jar --fhirserverpath=PATH_TO_FHIR_SERVER --server.port=9000


Application implements QuestionnaireResponseExtract operation ( ).

It supports POST requests to either 'type' or 'object' endpoints.

http://localhost:9000/Questionnaire/$extract or http://localhost:9000/Questionnaire/{id}/$extract

If using object level endpoint, qustionnaire ID as it appears in the referenced FHIR server should be used, and it will be verified against the submitted QuestionnaireResponse.

Currently only application/json type input is supported and is expected as the body of the request. Input can contain either a singular resource or a bundle of QuestionnaireResponse resources.

Output is a transaction type bundle containing all the generated resources.



FHIR bundle maker component of the patient level monitoring (PLM)


Language:Java 100.0%