Colors blind people’s eyes;
– Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Ch. 12 Sentence 1
Two uncoloured color themes for Emacs: tao-yin and tao-yang.
Tao in MELPA
`M-x package-install tao-theme`
or alternatively:
`M-x package-install-file tao-theme`
- By default
, and produce following colors:
#FCFCFC #FAFAFA #F6F6F6 #F1F1F1 #E8E8E8 #DADADA #C3C3C3 #9E9E9E #616161 #3C3C3C #252525 #171717 #0E0E0E #090909 #050505
You can change that:
should return 16 2-digit numbers (tao-theme-golden-scale)tao-theme-scale-filter-fn
scale filter (by default filter (< it #x05) (> it #xFC))tao-theme-use-height
(defun tao-palette () (tao-theme-golden-grayscale-yin-palette))
, then you can use tao-with-color-variables
(tao-with-color-variables tao-palette
hl-paren-colors (list color-14 color-11 color-9 color-7 color-6)
hl-paren-background-colors (list color-4 color-4 color-4 color-4 color-4))))
- [X] Fix and simplify original code
- [X] Remove dirty hacks
- [X] Add other hacks
- [X] Readability
- [X] Variable/Fixed pitch
- [X] Fix org headings size
- [X] Syntax improvement
- [X] :box-es
- [X] Good Markdown faces
- [X] Fix readability
- [X] Sepia scale (thank you @terlar)
- [X] Many new faces
- [X] New options
- [ ] color scales: equal temperation, just intonation, etc;
- [ ] support for
and terminal - [X] simplicity