bananatron / uploadcare-ruby

ruby wrapper for Uploadcare API

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A Ruby wrapper for Uploadcare.


Installing uploadcare-ruby is quite simple and takes a couple of steps. First of, add the following line to your app's Gemfile:

gem 'uploadcare-ruby'

Once you've added the line, execute this:

$ bundle install

Or that (for manual install):

$ gem install uploadcare-ruby


Init is simply done through creating an API object.

require 'uploadcare'

@api = # default settings are used

@api = # using user-defined settings

Here's how the default settings look like:

    public_key: 'demopublickey',   # you need to override this
    private_key: 'demoprivatekey', # you need to override this
    upload_url_base: '',
    api_url_base: '',
    static_url_base: '',
    api_version: '0.5',
    cache_files: true,
    autostore: :auto,
    auth_scheme: :secure

You're free to use both demopublickey and demoprivatekey for initial testing purposes. We wipe out files loaded to our demo account periodically. For a better experience, consider creating an Uploadcare account. Check out this article to get up an running in minutes.

Please note, in order to use Upload API you will only need the public key alone. However, using REST API requires you to use both public and private keys for authentication. While “private key” is a common way to name a key from an authentication key pair, the actual thing for our auth-param is secret_key.

:autostore option allows you to set the default storage behaviour upon uploads. For more info see store flag for uploads via URL and UPLOADCARE_STORE flag for file uploads


This section contains practical usage examples. Please note, everything that follows gets way more clear once you've looked through our docs intro.

Basic usage: uploading a single file, manipulations

Using Uploadcare is simple, and here are the basics of handling files.

First of, create the API object:

@api =

And yeah, now you can upload a file:

@file_to_upload ="your-file.png")

@uc_file = @api.upload(@file_to_upload)
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

Then, let's check out UUID and URL of the file you've just uploaded:

# file uuid (you'd probably want to store those somewhere)
# => "dc99200d-9bd6-4b43-bfa9-aa7bfaefca40"

# URL for the file, can be used with your website or app right away
# => ""

Your might then want to store or delete the uploaded file. Storing files could be crucial if you aren't using the “Automatic file storing” option for your Uploadcare project. If not stored manually or automatically, files get deleted within a 24-hour period.

# that's how you store a file
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

# and that works for deleting it
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

Uploading a file from URL

Now, this one is also quick. Just pass your URL into our API and you're good to go.

# the smart upload
@file  = @api.upload "http://your.awesome/avatar.jpg"
# =>  #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

# use this one if you want to explicitly upload from URL
@file = @api.upload_from_url "http://your.awesome/avatar.jpg"
# =>  #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

Keep in mind that providing invalid URL will raise ArgumentError.

Uploading multiple files

Uploading multiple files is as simple as passing an array of File instances into our API.

file1 ="path/to/your/file.png")
file2 ="path/to/your/another-file.png")
files = [file1, file2]

@uc_files = @api.upload files
# => [#<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="dc99200d-9bd6-4b43-bfa9-aa7bfaefca40">,
#     #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="96cdc400-adc3-435b-9c94-04cd87633fbb">]

In case of multiple input, the respective output would also be an array. You can iterate through the array to address to single files. You might also want to request more info about a file using load_data.

# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="dc99200d-9bd6-4b43-bfa9-aa7bfaefca40">

# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="96cdc400-adc3-435b-9c94-04cd87633fbb", original_file_url="", image_info={"width"=>4896, "geo_location"=>nil, "datetime_original"=>nil, "height"=>3264}, ....>

Upload options

You can override global :autostore option for each upload request:

@api.upload(files, store: true)
@api.upload_from_url(url, store: :auto)

File object

Now that we've already outlined using arrays of File instances to upload multiple files, let's fix on the File itself. It's the the primary object for Uploadcare API. Basically, it's an avatar for a file you uploaded. And all the further operations are performed using this avatar, the File object.

@file_to_upload ="your-file.png")

@uc_file = @api.upload(@file_to_upload)
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

# => "dc99200d-9bd6-4b43-bfa9-aa7bfaefca40"

# => ""

Please note, all the data associated with files is only accessible through separate HTTP requests only. So if you don't specifically need file data (filenames, image dimensions, etc.), you'll be just fine with using :uuid and :cdn_url methods for file output:

<img src="#{@file.cdn_url}"/>

Great, we've just lowered a precious loading time. However, if you do need the data, you can always request it manually:


That way your file object will respond to any method described in API docs. Basically, that's an an OpenStruct, so you know what to do:

# => "logo.png"

# => {"width"=>397, "geo_location"=>nil, "datetime_original"=>nil, "height"=>81}

File object from UUID or CDN URL

File objects are needed to manipulate files on our CDN. The usual case would be you as a client storing file UUIDs or CDN URLs somewhere on your side, e.g. in a database. This is how you can use those to create File objects:

# file object from UUID
@file = @api.file "dc99200d-9bd6-4b43-bfa9-aa7bfaefca40"
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="dc99200d-9bd6-4b43-bfa9-aa7bfaefca40"

# file object from CDN URL
@file = @api.file ""
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="dc99200d-9bd6-4b43-bfa9-aa7bfaefca40"

# note, files you generate won't be loaded on init,
# you'll need to load those manually
# => false


Another way to manipulate files on CDN is through operations. This is particularly useful for images. We've got on-the-fly crop, resize, rotation, format conversions, and more. Image operations are there to help you build responsive designs, generate thumbnails and galleries, change formats, etc. Currently, this gem has no specific methods for image operations, we're planning to implement those in further versions. However, we do support applying image operations through adding them to CDN URLs. That's an Uploadcare CDN-native way described in our docs.

@file = @api.file ""
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="dc99200d-9bd6-4b43-bfa9-aa7bfaefca40"

# => ["crop/150x150/center", "format/png"]

# note that by default :cdn_url method returns URLs with no operations:
# => """

# you can pass "true" into the :cdn_url method to get URL including operations:
# => ""

# there also are specific methods to either dump or include image operations
# in the output URL:

While there's no operation wrapper, the best way of handling operations is through adding them to URLs as strings:

<img src="#{file.cdn_url}-/crop/#{width}x#{height}/center/"/>
# or something like that

Copying files

You can also create file copies using our API. There are multiple ways of creating those. Also, copying is important for image files because it allows you to “apply” all the CDN operations specified in the source URL to a separate static image.

First of all, a copy of your file can be put in the Uploadcare storage. This is called “internal copy”, and here's how it works:


# =>
  "result"=> {

Once the procedure is complete, a copy would be a separate file with its own UUID and attributes.

#internal_copy can optionally be used with the options hash argument. The available options are:

  • store

    By default a copy is created without “storing”. Which means it will be deleted within a 24-hour period. You can make your output copy permanent by passing the store: true option to the #internal_copy method.


    @uc_file.internal_copy(store: true)
  • strip_operations

    If your file is an image and you applied some operations to it, then by default the same set of operations is also applied to a copy. You can override this by passing strip_operations: true to the #internal_copy method.


    file = @api.file ""
    # => This will trigger POST /files/ with {"source": ""} in the body
    file.internal_copy(strip_operations: true)
    # => This will trigger POST /files/ with {"source": ""} in the body

Another option is copying your file to a custom storage. We call it “external copy” and here's the usage example:


# =>

First argument of the #external_copy method is a name of a custom destination storage for your file.

There's also an optional second argument — options hash. The available options are:

  • make_public

Make a copy available via public links. Can be either true or false.

  • pattern

Name pattern for a copy. If the parameter is omitted, custom storage pattern is used.

  • strip_operations

Same as for #internal_copy

You might want to learn more about storage options or copying files with Uploadcare.

File lists

Uploadcare::Api::FileList represents the whole collection of files (or it's subset) and privides a way to iterate through it, making pagination transparent. FileList objects can be created using Uploadcare::Api#file_list method.

@list = @api.file_list # => instance of Uploadcare::Api::FileList

This method accepts some options to controll which files should be fetched and how they should be fetched:

  • :limit - Controls page size. Accepts values from 1 to 1000, defaults to 100.
  • :stored - Can be either true or false. When true, file list will contain only stored files. When false - only not stored.
  • :removed - Can be either true or false. When true, file list will contain only removed files. When false - all except removed. Defaults to false.
  • :ordering - Controls the order of returned files. Available values: datetime_updated, -datetime_updated, size, -size. Defaults to datetime_uploaded. More info can be found here
  • :from - Specifies the starting point for a collection. Resulting collection will contain files from the given value and to the end in a direction set by an ordering option. When files are ordered by datetime_updated in any direction, accepts either a DateTime object or an ISO 8601 string. When files are ordered by size, acepts non-negative integers (size in bytes). More info can be found here

Options used to create a file list can be accessed through #options method. Note that, once set, they don't affect file fetching process anymore and are stored just for your convenience. That is why they are frozen.

options = {
  limit: 10,
  stored: true,
  ordering: '-datetime_uploaded',
  from: "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
@list = @api.file_list(options)
@list.options # => same as options hash above, but frozen

Uploadcare::Api::FileList implements Enumerable interface and holds a collection of Uploadcare::Api::File objects, as well as some meta information.

@list = @api.file_list # => 1977
@list.meta # => {
#   "next"=> "",
#   "previous"=>nil,
#   "total"=>1977,
#   "per_page"=>100
# }

# Enumerable interface
@list.first(5) # => array of 5 x Uploadcare::Api::File
@list.each{|file| puts file.original_filename}{|file| file.uuid}
@list.reduce(0){|overall_size, file| overall_size += file.size}
# ...

On the inside, FileList loada files page by page. First page is loaded when you call Uploadcare::Api#file_list and subsequent pages are being loaded when needed. The size of pages is controlled by a :limit option.

Currently loaded files are available through FileList#objects. FileList#loaded method returns the number of currently loaded files.

@list = @api.file_list(limit: 5) # will load first 5 files
@list.loaded # => 5
@list.fully_loaded? # => false

@list.objects # => array of 5 x Uploadcare::Api::File
@list.objects[4] # => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...>
@list.objects[5] # => nil (since 6th file is not yet loaded)

@list[4] # won't load anything, because 5 files are already loaded
@list[5] # will load the next page
@list.loaded # => 10

# Note that the example below will load all the files left, page by page,
# and return the count only when they all will be loaded
@list.count # => 132
@list.fully_loaded? # => true

Loaded files are preserved when break statement or an exception occures inside a block provided to #each, #map, etc.

@list = @api.file_list(limit: 10)
@list.loaded # => 10

i = 0 do |file|
  raise if i >= 19
  i += 1
end # => RuntimeError

@list.loaded # => 20

Store / delete multiple files at once

There are two methods to do so: Uploadcare::Api#store_files and Uploadcare::Api#delete_files. Both of them accept a list of either UUIDs or Uploadcare::Api::Files:

uuids_to_store = ['f5c477e0-22af-469d-859a-712e14e14361', 'ec72c6eb-5ea8-4057-a009-52ffffb27c94']
# => {'status' => 'ok', 'problems' => {}, 'result' => [{...}, {...}]}

old_files = @api.file_list(stored: true, ordering: '-datetime_uploaded', from: "2015-01-01T00:00:00")
old_files.each_slice(100) do |batch|
  response = @api.delete_files(batch)
  # Do something with response if you need to

Our API supports up to 100 files per request. Calling #store_files or #delete_files with more than 100 files at once will cause an ArgumentError.

For more details see our documentation on batch file storage/deletion

Group object

Groups are structures intended to organize sets of separate files. Each group is assigned UUID. Note, group UUIDs include a ~#{files_count} part at the end. That's a requirement of our API.

# group can be created from an array of Uploadcare files
@files_ary = [@file, @file2]
@files = @api.upload @files_ary
@group = @api.create_group @files
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::Group uuid="0d192d66-c7a6-4465-b2cd-46716c5e3df3~2", files_count=2 ...

# another way to from a group is via an array of strings holding UUIDs
@uuids_ary = ["c969be02-9925-4a7e-aa6d-b0730368791c", "c969be02-9925-4a7e-aa6d-b0730368791c"]
@group = @api.create_group @uuids_ary
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::Group uuid="0d192d66-c7a6-4465-b2cd-46716c5e3df3~2", files_count=2 ...

# also, you can create a group object via group UUID
@group_uloaded = "#{uuid}"

As with files, groups created via UUIDs are not loaded by default. You need to load the data manually, as it requires a separate HTTP GET request. New groups created with the :create_group method are loaded by default.

@group = "#{uuid}"

# => false

# => #<Uploadcare::Api::Group uuid="0d192d66-c7a6-4465-b2cd-46716c5e3df3~2", files_count=2 ...

# once a group is loaded, you can use any methods described in our API docs
# the files within a loaded group are loaded by default
# => [#<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="24626d2f-3f23-4464-b190-37115ce7742a" ...>,
#       ... #{files_count} of them ...
#     #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="7bb9efa4-05c0-4f36-b0ef-11a4221867f6" ...>]

Check out our docs to learn more about groups.

Group lists

Uploadcare::Api::GroupList represents a group collection. It works in a same way as Uploadcare::Api::FileList does, but with groups.

@list = @api.group_list(limit: 10) # => instance of Uploadcare::Api::GroupList
@list[0] # => instance of Uploadcare::Api::Group

The only thing that differs is an available options list:

  • :limit - Controls page size. Accepts values from 1 to 1000, defaults to 100.
  • :ordering - Controls the order of returned files. Available values: datetime_created, -datetime_created. Defaults to datetime_created. More info can be found here
  • :from - Specifies the starting point for a collection. Resulting collection will contain files from the given value and to the end in a direction set by an ordering option. Accepts either a DateTime object or an ISO 8601 string. More info can be found here

Project object

Project provides basic info about the connected Uploadcare project. That object is also an OpenStruct, so every methods out of these will work.

project = @api.project
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::Project collaborators=[], name="demo", pub_key="demopublickey", autostore_enabled=true>
# => "demo"

# => []
# while that one was empty, it usually goes like this:
# [{"email":, "name": "Collaborator"}, {"email":, "name": "Collaborator"}]


Raw API is a simple interface allowing you to make custom requests to Uploadcare REST API. It's mainly used when you want a low-level control over your app.

# here's how you make any requests
@api.request :get, "/files/", {page: 2}

# and there also are shortcuts for methods
@api.get '/files', {page: 2} ...

@api.put ...

@api.delete ...

All of the raw API methods return a parsed JSON response or raise an error (handling those is done on your side in the case).

Error handling

Starting from the version 1.0.2, we've got have custom exceptions that will be raised in case the Uploadcare service returns something with 4xx or 5xx HTTP status.

Check out the list of custom errors:

400 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::BadRequest,
401 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::Unauthorized,
403 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::Forbidden,
404 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::NotFound,
406 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::NotAcceptable,
408 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::RequestTimeout,
422 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::UnprocessableEntity,
429 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::TooManyRequests,
500 => Uploadcare::Error::ServerError::InternalServerError,
502 => Uploadcare::Error::ServerError::BadGateway,
503 => Uploadcare::Error::ServerError::ServiceUnavailable,
504 => Uploadcare::Error::ServerError::GatewayTimeout

That's how you handle a particular error (in this case, a “404: Not Found” error):

  @connection.send :get, '/random_url/', {}
rescue Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::NotFound => e

Handling any request error (covers all 4xx status codes):

  @connection.send :get, '/random_url/', {}
rescue Uploadcare::Error::RequestError => e

Handling any Uploadcare service error:

  @connection.send :get, '/random_url/', {}
rescue Uploadcare::Error => e

Since many of the above listed things depend on Uploadcare servers, errors might occasionally occur. Be prepared to handle those.


For testing purposes, run bundle exec rspec.

Please note, if you're willing to run tests using your own keys, make a spec/config.yml file containing the following:

public_key: 'PUBLIC KEY'
private_key: 'PRIVATE KEY'


This is open source so fork, hack, request a pull — get a discount.

Security issues

If you think you ran into something in Uploadcare libraries which might have security implications, please hit us up at or Hackerone.

We'll contact you personally in a short time to fix an issue through co-op and prior to any public disclosure.


ruby wrapper for Uploadcare API

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%