balepc / attacheable

Merb/Rails image handling plugin with one row per image. (RMagick free)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


attacheable is a Rails/Merb plugin for working with attachments, mostly image attachments.

It is based on file_column, acts_as_attachment and attachment_fu plugins which have some shortcomings:

1. Every single image thumbnail has its own record in the database.
2. There is no method provided to regenerate thumbnails from an uploaded image.
3. No chance to do on-the-fly thumbnail generation.
4. Too many "engines" for working with images (attachment_fu) -- using ImageMagick command-like utilities is enough for most tasks (resizing and cropping of images); also, using command-line utilities instead of RMagick saves your memory.
5. It is not simple to crop images.


attacheable is a fork of attachment_fu plugin by technoweenie ( with implementation of the following features:

1. Disk-only file storage.
2. All image-related work is done using command-line utilities: identify, convert, mogrify
3. One image with *all* thumbnails maps to *one* record in the database.
4. You can crop images.
5. You can regenerate thumbnails any time you want.
6. When deleting an image, the corresponding filesystem catalog for the record is deleted -- this deletes all thumbnails and all files that may be generated for this record by other plugins. 

Plus, there is an experimental feature of copying file attachments over scp (useful when you have a Rails cluster).


Create a migration:

	create_table :images do |t|
	  t.string :filename
	  t.string :content_type
	  t.integer :width
	  t.integer :height
	  t.string :type

This goes to your ActiveRecord:

	class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
	  has_attachment :thumbnails => {:medium => "120x", :large => "800x600", :preview => "100x100"},
	    :croppable_thumbnails => %w(preview), :path_prefix => 'public/assets/images', :autocreate => true

In your view (editing form):

  Use uploaded_data field.

In your view (view a record):

	<%= image_tag @image.public_filename(:preview) %>

Note that if you're migrating from acts_as_attachment, you may need to specify partitioned_path like this:

  class Image
    def partitioned_path(*args)
      [id.to_s] + args
You can use regenerate_thumbnails! method to regenerate all thumbnails for an image, like this:



Max Lapshin <>,
Yaroslav Markin <>


Merb/Rails image handling plugin with one row per image. (RMagick free)

License:MIT License