baldurbjarnason / ink-library

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ink-library -- The front end service for Rebus Ink


During dev you probably need to be running npm run watch:typescript alongside npm run dev if you're working with typescript code.


The code in this repository is the sapper server that's used to serve the front end to the Rebus Ink project.

Using sapper and expressjs this server provides:

  • A svelte-based Single-Page App with:
    • A dashboard at /
    • A sources library under /library/*/*
    • A notes library under /notes/*/* with a:
      • Individual notes view under /notes/*/*/:id
    • A profile /profile/
    • A reading UI under /sources/:storageId/:sourceId/:path+
    • API endpoints under /api/** (see below)
  • Server-side rendering for the SPA
  • Session management via express-session
  • Authentication via passportjs and Auth0 (although other passportjs adapters can be used)
  • API endpoints that provide request pre-processing and proxying to the Rebus Ink API server
  • Signed URL generation for direct uploading to a Google Storage bucket (other storage backends aren't supported)
  • A Google Cloud Function that processes uploaded files and turns them into more easily processable JSON files (using ink-engine). Found at functions/onfinalize/index.js
  • A read endpoint that takes those processed JSON files, matches annotations to the server-rendered HTML (using ink-engine and rehype-annotate)

npm scripts

  • "dev": runs the sapper dev server
  • "build": builds the typescript files, the sapper app, and if necessary will also save the Google Cloud keyfile from env
  • "build:typescript": builds typescript files
  • "export": "sapper export --legacy",
  • "start": starts the built server, make sure to run build first,
  • "lint": runs the healthier linter and svelte-check,
  • "snapshots": updates the test snapshots,
  • "test": runs the tests,
  • "watch:test": runs the tests in watch mode,
  • "watch:typescript": runs the typescript compiler in watch mode,
  • "watch": runs all watch scripts in parallel,
  • "deploy-function": deploys the production google cloud function for uploads,
  • "deploy-dev-function": deploys the dev google cloud function for uploads,
  • "deploy-dev": deploys the app to development,
  • "deploy-production": deploys the app to production,
  • "save-config": saves the app.yaml config file from env, used by the GitHub Action for automatic deployments,
  • "save-keyfile": saves the keyfile from env, necessary if hosting outside of the Google Cloud Platform

Directory Structure

  • components/widgets: commonly used widgets (should probably be moved into src)
  • functions/onfinalize: the Cloud Function that processes uploads deploy to dev or production using npm run deploy-dev-function and npm run deploy-function respectively with that directory as the current working directory
  • sapper: the build target. This is the code that will actually get deployed. (We use 'sapper' instead of the default 'sapper' because Google App Engine's Standard Environment has problems with '_' in filenames).
  • src: This is where most of the code lives excluding the newer state and style code (see below)
    • src/components: where most of the app lives
    • src/routes: Sapper uses file-based routing using the files in this directory. The src/routes/sources/** endpoints also preload state server-side, simplifying state management, which is something the other routes should probably switch to doing long term.
      • src/routes/_layout.svelte: this is the main svelte component that wraps every route
    • src/stores: where our Svelte stores live. This is where the state for most of the endpoints and components is managed
    • src/auth.js: sets up authentication
    • src/client.js: sets up client-side rendering
    • src/getToken.js: a function that's used client-side to acquire the anti-CSRF token used to protect the api/* endpoints
    • src/server.js: starts the server, integrates auth and server setup
    • src/service-worker.js: the basic service worker code
    • src/setup.js: sets up the expressjs server app
    • src/template.html: the core page template for every single server-rendered page.
  • state: this is where the newer state code lives. These directories contain Svelte stores created and managed using rxjs which is best described as a sort of lodash for reactive stores. This is also where the client-side models and controllers were supposed to live.
    • state/models/: currently only houses the Annotation and Bookmark models and related utility functions which unify all methods for dealing with annotations into single TypeScript models. The plan was to migrate all api request code and state management code into models
    • state/controllers: currently only houses the SelectionToolbar controller which is an rxjs class (BehaviorSubject) that controls everything state-related for that component. Toolbar handlers are methods and it itself is a svelte store that always contains the current state for that component. The plan was to piecemeal, as each component was updated, switch to this Model-View-Controller architecture to make the complexity of the app easier to handle, long term.
    • static: static files for the front end. Contains a few vendored dependencies like polyfills and modal code.
    • styles: contains the base stylesheet code that's available to all components and pages. These are imported, in order, into the svelte-generated stylesheet on build which means that each level takes precedence over the lower levels.
      • styles/01-settings contains CSS variables.
      • styles/02-tools contains simple utility styles (only .visually-hidden at this point).
      • styles/03-generic contains code that sets up higher level CSS or is reused by higher level CSS.
      • styles/04-elements contains the style for specific elements. In effect this sets up our default global styles for each of these elements.
      • styles/05-objects contains CSS for specific landmarks that need to trump element code (only #sapper at the moment)
      • styles/06-components contains CSS for specific .Class components. Not really used because scoped svelte component CSS fulfils this use case.
    • test is where our tests live. Uses @web/test-runner
    • dev.js is not used
    • index.js is the app's primary entry point
    • rollup.config.js is the build setup for the app
    • rollup.test.config.js is not used since we switched to using a svelte plugin for @web/test-runner
    • save-config.js finds the env variable that stores the app.yaml for deployment and if it's there saves it as a file. Used by the GitHub action we use for automatic deploys.
    • save-keyfile.js finds an env variable that stores a Google keyfile.json and if it's there saves it as a file. To be used when hosting outside of the Google cloud but while still using Google Storage for uploads.
    • tsconfig.json is the TypeScript config file
    • web-dev-server.config.js sets up the server that @web/test-runner uses to process modules before handing off to the test runner
    • web-test-runner.config.js is config for the @web/test-runner test runner.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Svelte 78.8%Language:JavaScript 14.9%Language:TypeScript 5.0%Language:CSS 1.2%Language:HTML 0.1%