balanced-cookbooks / rundeck

A Chef cookbook for the remote administration tool Rundeck

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rundeck Cookbook

This is a Chef cookbook to install Rundeck, an orchestration and administration tool.

Quick Start

The fastest way to get started is to set the following node attributes:

  • node['rundeck']['cli_password'] – Password for CLI tools user.
  • node['rundeck']['admin_password'] – Password for default admin user.
  • node['rundeck']['ssh_key'] – SSH private key to log in to target servers.

Then add the following to your node's run list:

  • recipe[rundeck]

WARNING: This type of setup is dangerously insecure if you are using chef-server/client. See the Recipes section for more information about using the default recipe. See the Example section for an alternative usage that is more secure.



The following cookbooks are required:

  • apt
  • java
  • poise
  • runit
  • yum


The following platforms are supported and tested:

  • Ubuntu 12.04
  • CentOS 6.5


This cookbook requires Chef 11 or higher.


  • node['rundeck']['version'] – Version of Rundeck to install. (default: latest)
  • node['rundeck']['launcher_url'] – Download URL if using the JAR launcher installation method. (default:{version}.jar)
  • node['rundeck']['path'] – Base path for Rundeck data. (default: /var/lib/rundeck)
  • node['rundeck']['config_path'] – Path for Rundeck configuration. (default: /etc/rundeck)
  • node['rundeck']['log_path'] – Path for Rundeck log files. (default: /var/log/rundeck)
  • node['rundeck']['user'] – User to run Rundeck as. (default: rundeck)
  • node['rundeck']['group'] – Group to run Rundeck as. (default: rundeck)
  • node['rundeck']['jvm_options'] – Extra options to pass to the JVM.
  • node['rundeck']['node_name'] – Name for the initial Rundeck node. (default:
  • node['rundeck']['port'] – HTTP port for Rundeck. (default: 4440)
  • node['rundeck']['public_rss'] – Enable unauthenticated access to RSS feeds. (default: false)
  • node['rundeck']['logging_level'] – Default logging level for jobs. (default: INFO)
  • node['rundeck']['ssh_user'] – Username Rundeck will SSH to remote servers as. (default: rundeck)

Email settings

  • node['rundeck']['email']['hostname'] – SMTP hostname. (default: localhost)
  • node['rundeck']['email']['port'] – SMTP port. (default: 25)
  • node['rundeck']['email']['username'] – SMTP username.
  • node['rundeck']['email']['password'] – SMTP password.

Proxy settings

These settings are used to customize how Rundeck generates links. This is useful both if you have a DNS name for your Rundeck server and if you are using some kind of reverse proxy server.

  • node['rundeck']['external_hostname'] – Hostname to use when creating links. (default: localhost)
  • node['rundeck']['external_port'] – Port to use when creating links. (default: node['rundeck']['port'])
  • node['rundeck']['external_scheme'] – Scheme to use when creating links. Set to HTTPS if you are using a TLS proxy. (default: http)

Insecure settings

Three attributes are provided to set passwords/keys for the default recipe. As mentioned above, using these can be insecure with chef-server as all node attributes are visible to all nodes and users in Chef. It is highly recommended you do not use these, as a wrapper cookbook with a better secrets store is much safer:

  • node['rundeck']['cli_password'] – CLI user password. (default: password)
  • node['rundeck']['admin_password'] – Default admin user password.
  • node['rundeck']['ssh_key'] – SSH private key.



The default recipe (recipe[rundeck]) installs and configures a Rundeck server and optionally creates a single admin user. As noted above, you are highly encouraged to not use this recipe directly, in favor of making a wrapper cookbook and using the underlying resources yourself. This is because the recipe is configured using node attributes, and in a chef-server/client setup this is insecure. If you are using chef-solo, this recipe is believed to be safe at this time.

To use the recipe, node['rundeck']['cli_password'] and node['rundeck']['ssh_key'] are required. node['rundeck']['admin_password'] is optional, if present an admin user named admin will be created with the provided password.



The rundeck resource installs and configures a Rundeck server.

rundeck 'name' do
  version '2.1.1'
  port 8080
  cli_password 'password'
  ssh_key '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...'

Core attributes

  • node_name – Name of the Rundeck server node. (name_attribute)
  • version – Version of Rundeck to install. (default: node['rundeck']['version'])
  • launcher_url – Download URL if using the JAR launcher installation method. (default: node['rundeck']['launcher_url'])
  • service_name – Runit service name. Must be unique on the system. (default: rundeck)
Path attributes
  • path – Base path for Rundeck data. (default: node['rundeck']['path'])
  • config_path – Path for Rundeck configuration. (default: node['rundeck']['config_path'])
  • log_path – Path for Rundeck log files. (default: node['rundeck']['log_path'])
Template attributes
  • log4j_config – Template for (template, default_source:
  • jaas_config – Template for jaas-loginmodule.conf. (template, default_source: jaas-loginmodule.conf.erb)
  • profile_config – Template for bash profile config. (template, default_source: profile.erb)
  • framework_config – Template for (template, default_source:
  • rundeck_config – Template for (template, default_source:
  • realm_config – Template for (template, default_source:
  • enable_default_acls – Enable default ACLs for admin and cli groups. (default: true)
Configuration attributes
  • user – User to run Rundeck as. (default: node['rundeck']['user'])
  • group – Group to run Rundeck as. (default: node['rundeck']['group'])
  • jvm_options – Extra options to pass to the JVM. (default: node['rundeck']['jvm_options'])
  • port – HTTP port for Rundeck. (default: node['rundeck']['port'])
  • public_rss – Enable unauthenticated access to RSS feeds. (default: node['rundeck']['public_rss'])
  • logging_level – Default logging level for jobs. (default: node['rundeck']['logging_level'])
  • external_host – Hostname to use when creating links. (default: node['rundeck']['external_host'])
  • external_port – Port to use when creating links. (default: node['rundeck']['external_port'])
  • external_scheme – Scheme to use when creating links. Set to HTTPS if you are using a TLS proxy. (default: node['rundeck']['external_scheme'])
  • email – Email settings. (default: node['rundeck']['email'])
CLI attributes
  • cli_user – Username for Rundeck CLI tools. (default: cli)
  • cli_password – Password for Rundeck CLI tools. (required, unless cli_user is false)
  • create_cli_user – Create Rundeck user for CLI tools. (default: true)
SSH attributes
  • ssh_user – Username Rundeck will SSH to remote servers as. (default: node['rundeck']['ssh_user'])
  • ssh_key – SSH key Rundeck will SSH to remote servers with.



If you are on a Debian-family platform, by default Rundeck will be installed from the official Apt repository.


If you are on a RHEL-family platform, by default Rundeck will be installed from the official Yum repository.


If you are on neither of the above, Rundeck will be installed using the JAR launcher. In this case, the version attribute is required as there is no way to determine what version is the latest. You can force either of the above platforms to install using the JAR launcher by manually setting the provider:

rundeck 'name'
  provider :rundeck


The rundeck_project resource creates a Rundeck project. It is a subresource of rundeck.

rundeck_project 'name' do
  executor 'stub'
  file_copier 'stub'
  • project_name – Name of the project. (name_attribute)
  • '' – Project template. (template, default_source:
  • ssh_authentication – SSH authentication mode. One of: privateKey, password. (default: privateKey)
  • ssh_key – SSH key Rundeck will SSH to remote servers with. (deafault: parent.path/.ssh/id_rsa)
  • executor – Execution mode. One of: jsch-ssh, stub. (default: jsch-ssh)
  • file_copier – File copier mode. One of: jsch-scp, stub. (default: jsch-scp)


The rundeck_node_source_file creates a node catalog file for a Rundeck project. It is a subresource of rundeck_project.

rundeck_node_source_file 'name' do
  query 'chef_environment:prod AND tags:enabled'
  • '' – Source properties template. (template, default_source:
  • resources_xml – Node catalog template. (template, default_source: resources.xml.erb)
  • query – Chef search query to generate node catalog. (default: chef_environment:node.chef_environment)
  • ssh_user – Username Rundeck will SSH to remote servers as. (default: parent.parent.ssh_user)


The rundeck_job resource creates a Rundeck job. It is a subresource of rundeck_project.

rundeck_job 'name' do
  source 'job.yml.erb'
  • job_name – Name of the job. (name_attribute)
  • format – Job format. One of: xml, yaml. (default: yaml)
  • '' – Job template. (template, required)

NOTE: XML format support not currently available.


The rundeck_user resource creates a Rundeck user. These are used to authenticate to the Rundeck web interface and API. It is a subresource of rundeck.

rundeck_user 'name' do
  password 'whatmeworry'
  • username – User name. (name_attribute)
  • password – Password data. See below for more information. (required)
  • format – Password format. See below for more information. One of: md5, crypt, plain. (default: md5)
  • roles – Array of roles to add the user to.

Thee modes are available for password obfuscation: unsalted MD5, crypt, and plain text. If you use format 'md5' or format 'crypt', you should pass password in plain text and the resource will obfuscate the password before writing to the file. The recommended way to handle passwords is to MD5-hash the password yourself and use the plain format like so:

rundeck_user 'name' do
  format 'plain'
  password 'MD5:'+hash

You are highly encouraged to store the hash just like you would a password, as unsalted MD5 is trivially crackable in most cases. The citadel cookbook and chef-vault are both good options for secure storage. Even with this, do not use the same password as you do for other websites.


The rundeck_acl resource creates an ACL configuration for Rundeck. It is a subresource of rundeck.

rundeck_acl 'name' do
  source 'myacl.erb'
  • acl_name – ACL name. (name_attribute)
  • '' – ACL template. (template, required)


An example of a small wrapper cookbook. All you need is three files, the cookbook metadata, a recipe, and a template for the job.


name 'mycompany-rundeck'
version '1.0.0'
depends 'rundeck'
depends 'citadel'


# Install Rundeck
rundeck node['rundeck']['node_name'] do
  cli_password citadel['rundeck/cli_password']
  ssh_key citadel['deploy_key/deploy.pem']

# Create an admin user for ourselves
rundeck_user 'asmithee' do
  format 'plain'
  password 'MD5:'+citadel['rundeck/asmithee_password']
  roles %w{admin user}

# Create a project for general purpose jobs
rundeck_project 'mycompany' do
  # Create a node source using all Chef nodes in the same environment
  rundeck_node_source_file 'mycompany'

  # Create a job from a template file
  rundeck_job 'deploy' do
    source 'deploy.yml.erb'

  # Create more jobs here as needed ...


- loglevel: INFO
    keepgoing: false
    strategy: node-first
    - exec: cd /srv/myapp && make deploy

See the Rundeck documentation for more information about the required data and format for jobs.


Copyright 2013-2014, Panagiotis Papadomitsos

Copyright 2014, Balanced, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A Chef cookbook for the remote administration tool Rundeck

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Ruby 100.0%