bakert / go.strava

Automatically generated Go client for the Strava API

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Go API client for swagger

The Swagger Playground is the easiest way to familiarize yourself with the Strava API by submitting HTTP requests and observing the responses before you write any client code. It will show what a response will look like with different endpoints depending on the authorization scope you receive from your athletes. To use the Playground, go to and change your “Authorization Callback Domain” to Please note, we only support Swagger 2.0. There is a known issue where you can only select one scope at a time. For more information, please check the section “client code” at


This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 3.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.go.GoClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import "./swagger"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ActivitiesApi CreateActivity Post /activities Create an Activity
ActivitiesApi GetActivityById Get /activities/{id} Get Activity
ActivitiesApi GetCommentsByActivityId Get /activities/{id}/comments List Activity Comments
ActivitiesApi GetKudoersByActivityId Get /activities/{id}/kudos List Activity Kudoers
ActivitiesApi GetLapsByActivityId Get /activities/{id}/laps List Activity Laps
ActivitiesApi GetLoggedInAthleteActivities Get /athlete/activities List Athlete Activities
ActivitiesApi GetZonesByActivityId Get /activities/{id}/zones Get Activity Zones
ActivitiesApi UpdateActivityById Put /activities/{id} Update Activity
AthletesApi GetLoggedInAthlete Get /athlete Get Authenticated Athlete
AthletesApi GetLoggedInAthleteZones Get /athlete/zones Get Zones
AthletesApi GetStats Get /athletes/{id}/stats Get Athlete Stats
AthletesApi UpdateLoggedInAthlete Put /athlete Update Athlete
ClubsApi GetClubActivitiesById Get /clubs/{id}/activities List Club Activities
ClubsApi GetClubAdminsById Get /clubs/{id}/admins List Club Administrators
ClubsApi GetClubById Get /clubs/{id} Get Club
ClubsApi GetClubMembersById Get /clubs/{id}/members List Club Members
ClubsApi GetLoggedInAthleteClubs Get /athlete/clubs List Athlete Clubs
GearsApi GetGearById Get /gear/{id} Get Equipment
RoutesApi GetRouteAsGPX Get /routes/{id}/export_gpx Export Route GPX
RoutesApi GetRouteAsTCX Get /routes/{id}/export_tcx Export Route TCX
RoutesApi GetRouteById Get /routes/{id} Get Route
RoutesApi GetRoutesByAthleteId Get /athletes/{id}/routes List Athlete Routes
RunningRacesApi GetRunningRaceById Get /running_races/{id} Get Running Race
RunningRacesApi GetRunningRaces Get /running_races List Running Races
SegmentEffortsApi GetEffortsBySegmentId Get /segment_efforts List Segment Efforts
SegmentEffortsApi GetSegmentEffortById Get /segment_efforts/{id} Get Segment Effort
SegmentsApi ExploreSegments Get /segments/explore Explore segments
SegmentsApi GetLoggedInAthleteStarredSegments Get /segments/starred List Starred Segments
SegmentsApi GetSegmentById Get /segments/{id} Get Segment
SegmentsApi StarSegment Put /segments/{id}/starred Star Segment
StreamsApi GetActivityStreams Get /activities/{id}/streams Get Activity Streams
StreamsApi GetRouteStreams Get /routes/{id}/streams Get Route Streams
StreamsApi GetSegmentEffortStreams Get /segment_efforts/{id}/streams Get Segment Effort Streams
StreamsApi GetSegmentStreams Get /segments/{id}/streams Get Segment Streams
UploadsApi CreateUpload Post /uploads Upload Activity
UploadsApi GetUploadById Get /uploads/{uploadId} Get Upload

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization



auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "ACCESSTOKENSTRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)

Or via OAuth2 module to automatically refresh tokens and perform user authentication.

import ""

/* Perform OAuth2 round trip request and obtain a token */

tokenSource := oauth2cfg.TokenSource(createContext(httpClient), &token)
auth := context.WithValue(oauth2.NoContext, sw.ContextOAuth2, tokenSource)
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)



Automatically generated Go client for the Strava API


Language:Go 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%