baiolo / BZObjectStore

ORM library wrapped FMDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

This is an ORM library wrapped FMDB.


  • Mapping Models to SQLite tables
  • Relationships with NSObject, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet, NSOrderedSet
  • Automatic Schema Creating
  • Thread Safe
  • Useful functions


BZObjectStore can be installed using CocoaPods.

pod 'BZObjectStore'

Example Usage

#import "BZObjectStore.h"

@interface SampleModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSInteger price;
@implementation SampleModel

- (void)simpleTest
    NSError *error = nil;

    SampleModel *sample1 = [[SampleModel alloc]init]; = @"sample1";
    sample1.price = 100;

    SampleModel *sample2 = [[SampleModel alloc]init]; = @"sample2";
    sample2.price = 50;
    // open database
    BZObjectStore *os = [BZObjectStore openWithPath:@"database.sqlite" error:&error];

    // save object
    [os saveObject:sample1 error:&error];
    // save objects in array
    [os saveObjects:@[sample1,sample2] error:&error];

    // fetch objects
    NSArray *samples = [os fetchObjects:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];

    // remove object
    [os removeObject:sample1 error:&error];
    // remove objects
    [os removeObjects:[SampleModel class] condition:nil error:&error];

    // fetch objects with condition
    BZObjectStoreConditionModel *fetchCondition = [BZObjectStoreConditionModel condition];
    fetchCondition.sqlite.where = @"name = 'sample1' and price > 50";
    fetchCondition.sqlite.orderBy = @"name desc";
    NSArray *samples = [os fetchObjects:[SampleModel class] condition:fetchCondition error:&error];

    // remove objects with condition
    BZObjectStoreConditionModel *removeCondition = [BZObjectStoreConditionModel condition];
    removeCondition.sqlite.where = @"name = 'sample1'";
    [os removeObjects:[SampleModel class] condition:removeCondition error:&error];
    // close database
    [os close];


There are six main classes and one main interface in BZObjectStore:

  1. BZObjectStore -
  2. BZObjectStoreBackground -
  3. BZObjectStoreConditionModel -
  4. BZObjectStoreSQLiteConditionModel -
  5. BZObjectStoreReferenceConditionModel -
  6. BZObjectStoreReferenceConditionModel -
  7. BZObjectStoreModelInterface -


ORM library wrapped FMDB

License:MIT License