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	笔记整理自 乐词APP-新东方精品课程-许密杉老师写作课程


 * Table 表格
 * Bar chart 柱状图
 * Pie Chart 饼状图
 * Line Chart 线形图

 * 趋势 show an upward/downward trend during the period
 * 上升 go up/ increase/ rise/ grow 
 * 急剧上升 jump/ shoot up/ surge/ soar -The spending on research soared/jumped/shot up/surged to 2 million pounds in 1990.
 * 下降 decline/ fall/ decrease/ drop
 * 急剧下降 plummet/ plunge
 * 稳定在一个水平上 level off/ stabilize/ remain stable/ reach a plateau(at ...)

 * 形容速度快 sharp/ rapid/ dramatic/ marked/ significant/ substantial  / fast  (a fast increase,surging to 88%)
 * 形容逐渐、缓慢、持续的 gradual gentle slight moderate steady
 * fluctuate v.波动 In spite of some fluctuations in the expected percentages, the proportion of old people will continue to rise in the next two decades.

 * 由...组成 be composed of /consist of /be comprised of
 * 达到最高点的 peak at /reach the peak at/reach the highest point at
 * 达到最低点 reach the bottom at/ reach the lowest point at
 * 达到数量 reach/ arrive at/ stand at
 * 占多少 account for/ make up/ represent/ occupy/ constitute -The proportion of the unemployed accounts for 43% of the total.
 * 大约 about/ around/ roughly/ approximately
 * 分别的 respectively The number of boys and girls in my class is 20 and 30 respectively.
 * 类比(相同) similarly/ likewise         blablaa. Similarly/Likewise, blablaa. 
 * 对比(相反) in comparison/ in contrast/ while/ whereas   / however,
 * by 8% from 25% to 33%
 * remain steady under XX.


图表作文三段式-描述图表 分析原因 提出建议



%CHART table|pie|chart|line chart|bar chart	

According to the CHART [given] above, we can see|conclude that...
*a striking|dramatic contrast|difference|change* has *taken place* in the number|proportion|percentage of... [from 20XX to 20XX].
During the period, there has been a marked/steady increase/decrease in... from... to..., while that of... witnessed a marked/steady increase/decrease/ reach a plateau at...
