bahmanshams / ICECREAM

restful api with bottle

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ICE-CREAM framework for Bottle designed for simplify building restful api. It is structured such that any part of the core functionality can be customised to suit the needs of your project. every controller has access to each to reduce complex business logic.

To run bottle builtin server with commands:

python runserver 
python runserver

To bind icecream to gunicorn:

gunicorn --workers=2  'manage:wsgi_app()'

Copy and rename .env_example to .env and change the variable as project needs. Or you can add the parameters manually into .env file To generate an .env file these values are required:

Variable Name Description
host icecream host
port icecream port
db_name your database db_name
db_user your database username
db_pass your database password
db_host your database host
db_port your database port
project_secret needs for jwt authentication: experimental feature
jwt_ttl jwt time to live
sentry_dsn sentry address (logging tool), it can be
media_files static media folder

already ice-cream is working with postgres

Now you need to check that your website is running. Open your browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer or whatever you use) and enter this address:


Congratulations! You've just created your first website and run it using a web server! icecream

to create super user:

python createsuperuser

to create new app:

python startapp app_name
then register app in

Migration Commands:

To initialize migration:

alembic init alembic
python makealembic

To make migration:

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Message"

To migrate:

alembic upgrade head

File serving:

To serving files first need to create a static folder in root of project:

 Create a folder like :

After that register the address in the .env:

media_files = /statics/media/


Role-based User Access Control

in ICECREAM an access control model is abstracted into two csv file. So switching or upgrading the authorization mechanism for a project is just as simple as modifying a csv files. You can customize your own access control model by combining the available models. we assume we had 2 roles.

we define roles into roles.csv :

admin staff

in the next step we will define our policy in model_rules:

role operation object_you_want to modify

like this:

staff create message

so in the last step we pass the Model to the ACLHandler and pass the current user to check permission as bellow:

aclh = ACLHandler(Resource=Message)
identity = aclh.get_identity(current_user)

Full text search in ICECREAM

Full text search is a more advanced way to search a database. Full text search quickly finds all instances of a term (word) in a table without having to scan rows and without having to know which column a term is stored in. Full text search works by using text indexes. to provide full text search ICECREAM integrated with SQLAlchemy-Searchable, its provides full text search capabilities for SQLAlchemy models. Currently it only supports PostgreSQL. to start full text search first we should follow these steps:

as the first step we should define the model in app :

class Article(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'article'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        name = Column(Unicode(255))
        content = Column(sa.UnicodeText)
        search_vector = Column(TSVectorType('name', 'content'))

after define models, need to add these lines to ICECREAM settings:

searches_index = [
    ('article', 'search_vector', ['name','content'])

and in the last step it can be sweet as an icecream

article1 = Article(name=u'First article', content=u'This is the first article')
article2 = Article(name=u'Second article', content=u'This is the second article')

query = session.query(Article)

query = search(query, 'first')

print query.first().name
# First article

Optionally specify sort=True to get results in order of relevance (ts_rank_cd):

query = search(query, 'first', sort=True)

When making changes to your database schema you have to make sure the associated search triggers and trigger functions get updated also. ICECREAM offers a helper command called index_search for this. to perform this ,its calling SQLAlchemy-Searchable sync_trigger after every

alembic upgrade head

to perform search trigger , should run this command :

python index_search


restful api with bottle

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 94.6%Language:HTML 5.4%