bahim22 / gullo-db

MERN fullstack web app using MongoDB-Atlas and React

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gullo-db: MERN-fullstack MongoDb, React App

tags: [ 'react', 'express', 'mongoDb', 'npm', 'javascript']


Project setup, config and packages

  1. create root dir and project dir
  2. start the nodejs app via yarn init
  3. install ts and dep (local or -g )
    1. express, mongoDB (mongoose), cors and their types as devDep for TS compiler
    2. install dep so we can compile the ts and for starting server concurrently
  4. add build and start values to script key in package.json
yarn add typescript
yarn add express cors mongoose
yarn add -D @types/node @types/express @types/mongoose @types/cors
yarn add -D concurrently nodemon

Back-end steps

  • create a type (interface)
  • create a model
    • import the BE interface and util from mongoose
      • (defines the A1.schema and passes the interface as a A2.type to A3.model)
  • create API controller (CRUD-get, add, update, delete info)
    • create a func to fetch data(in controller/app/index.ts)
    • the model gets data from db and returns res (array of items)
    • create api routes
    • create server and get keys from MongoDB Atlas by making a cluster

Front-end steps (adjust for proj not using tsx)

  • make the client side app with React
    • create types
    • fetch data
    • create components
    • add forms
    • display items
    • fetch/display data

Add Styling and Build for Production

  • Test
  • Debug
  • Deploy

editor config file add'l key/val

  "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
  "[javascript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
		"editor.formatOnSave": true

Notes for Ts Fullstack

Tsx Example

  • Example TS types, interfaces
let foo: string = "test" //explicit type define
 let foo = "test" //or implicit
let baz: string[] = ["This", "is", "a", "Test"] //same code as below
 let baz: Array<string> = ["This", "is", "a", "Test"].
  • Interfaces and Type aliases help to define the shape of an object-like data structures.
interface ITest {
  id: number;
  name?: string;

type TestType = {
  id: number,
  name?: string,

function myTest(args: ITest): string {
  if ( {
    return `Hello ${}`
  return "Hello Word"

myTest({ id: 1 })

Initial SetUp

  1. clone or degit repo, cd into app and install dep
    npm install --global yarn #to update yarn
    npx degit <github repo url>
    cd <app-name>
  1. if there are security issues run audit and upgrade dep
    1. can pass flags such as
      1. --production[=true|false]
      2. --verbose
    2. yarn add (dep) || yarn add --dev (devDep)
      1. yarn add package-name@tag // @latest @next
    3. yarn run [script] [args] // yarn test -o --watchAll
    4. yarn cache list | ... cache dir | cache clean | yarn config set cache-folder [path]
    5. yarn install --check-file
    6. yarn import // creates yarn-lock file based on package-lock or w/ info from node_modules dir
    7. yarn info [package] --json # get info on a npm package
yarn init # create new package.json
yarn install
yarn audit --groups "dependencies devDependencies"
yarn upgrade-interactive --latest
yarn versions #check --v of node, yarn, v8 etc.
yarn remove <pack> --flag

πŸ”Ž Dir

. | Main App β”œβ”€β”€ node_modules β”œβ”€β”€ public β”œβ”€β”€ src β”œβ”€β”€ .env β”œβ”€β”€ .gitignore β”œβ”€β”€ LICENSE β”œβ”€β”€ package.json β”œβ”€β”€ yarn.lock └──

  1. public: This directory will contain the development and production build of the site.

  2. src: This directory will contain all of the code related to what you will see on your application.

  3. .env: Simple text configuration file for controlling the application's environment constants.

  4. package.json: Standard manifest file for Node.js projects, which typically includes project specific metadata (such as the project's name, the author among other information). It's based on this file that npm will know which packages are necessary to the project.

Front-End React

Create React App Scripts

npm start: Runs the app in the development mode.
npm test: Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. npm run build: Builds the app for production to the build folder.
npm run eject: copy config files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) into your proj

FE TypeScript

  • initially learned by creating todo app; can generalize for add'l fullstack apps
  • src/type.d.ts holds the types
    • ext .d.ts allows types to be global, removing need for importing them
  • create the types for data you'll be using CRUD methods for
    • the FE interface needs to match the structure of the API data + add'l props for equaling the defined API types
    • the Props are = type of the app handling data rendering
  • axios response implemented to req info from API
    • get() func calls the server to get the data and returns a promise
      • Type = AxiosResponse which is the Todos that will match type = ApiDataType
    • add: a user inputs data (argument) then the func responds with a promise (return)
    • Mdb also able to auto create _id prop so we can remove it.
    • update
      • pass in the updated data and the _id of the object & change status
    • delete
      • receives _id param to return promise
  • components: todo form and display
    • AddTodo = React func compo that recieves the saveTodo() method as a prop, enabling storing data to the db
    • The ITodo type is matched by the formData state and in order for it to accept the initial state of the empty object (no todos) an alternative type ({}) is added
    • To correctly handle props received by the compo we extend TodoProps type then append the updatetodo & deleteTodo funcs
    • the todo object will be passed in enabling it to be displayed and add funcs to update & delete a Todo
  • Fetch & Display data (import compos & utilities)
    • implement useState with the ITodo type but initialized w/ empty []
    • since getTodos() returns a promise, able to use then func and return the user input data or error (change to async func and await); then call fetchTodos after compo mounts
  • (update/delete = get params, send req to server, get a res and carryout the task or throw error) upon form submit, addTodo() req to server and the data is either saved and the Todo updated or throw new error
  • place AddTodo compo in App then use to loop thru the data & return to the nested TodoItem compo
  • start the server then the FE
  • test and debug
  • add UI/UX, az login and build

connect to db

const { MongoClient, ServerApiVersion } = require('mongodb');
const uri = "mongodb+srv://<username><password>";
const client = new MongoClient(uri, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, serverApi: ServerApiVersion.v1 });
client.connect(err => {
  const collection = client.db("test").collection("devices");
  // perform actions on the collection object


MERN fullstack web app using MongoDB-Atlas and React

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 89.6%Language:HTML 5.6%Language:CSS 4.8%