baha-a / byk-widget-mvp

MVP version of Buerokratt Chat Widget

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bürokratt Widget

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

npm test:coverage

Launches the test runner and displays code coverage

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\

npm run webpack

Bundles the app into a single bundle named widget_bundle.js for easy embedding

Snippet embedding

Snippet can be embedded to any site using the following html:

<div id="byk-va"></div>
  window._env_ = {
    TIM_AUTHENTICATION_URL: 'TIM url with callback parameter',
      TIMEZONE: 'Europe/Tallinn',
      BEGIN: 8,
      END: 17,
      DAYS: [1, 2, 4, 5],
    other variables...
<script id="script-bundle" type="text/javascript" src="LOCATION_OF_WIDGET_BUNDLE" crossorigin=""></script>

Configurable variables

  • RUUTER_API_URL: Location of back end for fetching data
  • TIM_AUTHENTICATION_URL: Link to authenticate user
  • OFFICE_HOURS: If this variable is added, widget will be hidden when not in defined work hours. If this variable is not added, the widget will always be displayed
    • TIMEZONE: Used for comparing the following variables against a specific timezone.
    • BEGIN: Beginning of office hours. If current time is before this hour (24H), the widget will not be displayed
    • END: End of office hours. If current time is after this hour (24H), the widget will not be displayed
    • DAYS: List of days in numbers, where 1=monday, 2=tuesday, 3=wednesday... If current day is in the list of days, the widget will be displayed according to BEGIN and END times.

Rasa Buttons Support

In order for Rasa buttons to be supported this Pull Request must be merged and deployed. Other option is to merge and deploy it manually using these steps:

  • Add m.buttons, to the SELECT statement of DSL.Resql/get-chat-messages-updated-after-time.sql as in here

  • Add m.buttons, to the SELECT statement of DSL.Resql/get-chat-messages.sql as in here

  • Add "buttons": "{{buttons}}", in line number 5 of DSL.DMapper/format_chat_log.hbs as in here

  • Add the following line

    "buttons": "[{{#each buttons}}{\"title\": \"{{{escape_special_chars title}}}\",\"payload\": \"{{{escape_special_chars payload}}}\"}{{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}{{/each}}]",

    in line number 6 of DSL.DMapper/bot_responses_to_messages.hbs as in here

  • Add buttons, into the SELECT statement of DSL.Resql/get-message-by-id.sql as in here

  • Add buttons, into the SELECT statement of DSL.Resql/get-messages-by-ids.sql as in here

  • Inside file DSL.Resql/insert-bot-message.sql do

    • Add buttons, into the INSERT INTO as in here
    • Add (SELECT value) ->> 'buttons' AS buttons, into the SELECT statement as in here
  • Copy database migration file into DSL.Liquibase/changelog/20231116124800_add_buttons_to_messages.xml

  • Run database migration by executing this command

    docker run --rm --network bykstack -v `pwd`/DSL.Liquibase/changelog:/liquibase/changelog -v `pwd`/DSL.Liquibase/master.yml:/liquibase/master.yml -v `pwd`/DSL.Liquibase/data:/liquibase/data liquibase/liquibase --defaultsFile=/liquibase/changelog/ --changelog-file=master.yml --url=jdbc:postgresql://users_db:5432/byk?user=byk --password=01234 update


See licence here.


MVP version of Buerokratt Chat Widget

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 90.2%Language:SCSS 5.0%Language:HTML 2.8%Language:JavaScript 1.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%