bagustris / SER_ICSigSys2019

Repository of code for Speech emotion recognition using voiced speech and attention model, submitted to ICSigSys 2019

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Speech emotion recognition using voiced speech and BLSTM with attention model

This repository contains code for the following paper: "Speech emotion recognition based on voiced speech using LSTM with attention model", prepared to be submitted on ICSygSys 2019. The main code (jupyter-noteboook) is ICSigSys4.ipynb. Other codes are borrowed from other repositories (see on each directory).

Step to reproduce the result:

Besides notebook, .py python files are provided.


The python used is version 3.6 with latest modules for each packages (at the time of writing (July 2019)).


Repository of code for Speech emotion recognition using voiced speech and attention model, submitted to ICSigSys 2019


Language:Python 57.6%Language:Jupyter Notebook 42.4%