badetitou / Pharo-LibVLC

Binding ffi of libvlc for Pharo

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pharo version

Binding FFI of libvlc for Pharo


  1. Install VLC 3.x.x

  2. In a Pharo 11 image

Metacello new
  baseline: 'VLC';
  repository: 'github://badetitou/Pharo-LibVLC';

You should be able to execute VLCLibrary uniqueInstance getVersion


If you work on linux, please check that libvlc and libvlccore are in your path. To do so, you can execute whereis libvlc and whereis libvlccore.

If the whereis command return something like:

  • libvlccore: /usr/lib/ → OK
  • libvlccore: → It means you didn't install correctly the libraries, or you used snap.
  • libvlccore: /usr/lib/ → It means you've installed a specific version of the library. To use it with pharo please create a symbolic link without the ".x" → ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

If you used snap to install vlc, the path might be '/snap/vlc/current/usr/lib'


Simply install the last version of VLC and it should work.

Quick example

vlc := VLCLibrary uniqueInstance createVLCInstance.
"do not use accentuated characters for the path"
media := vlc createMediaFromPath: '/my/file/path.mp3'.
mediaPlayer := VLCLibrary uniqueInstance mediaPlayerNewFromMedia: media.
mediaPlayer play

Or using a media list.

instance := VLCLibrary uniqueInstance createVLCInstance.
media := instance createMediaFromPath: '/home/badetitou/Musique/Coda.mp3'.
mediaList := instance createMediaList.
mediaList addMedia: media.

mediaListPlayer := instance createMediaListPlayer.
mediaListPlayer mediaList: mediaList.
mediaListPlayer mediaList.
mediaListPlayer play



Binding ffi of libvlc for Pharo

License:MIT License


Language:Smalltalk 100.0%Language:Shell 0.0%