baconYao / v4l-video-test-app

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V4L Video Test Application

1. What Is This ?

This is a simple video test application which uses Linux V4L interfaces to simulate several basic Encoder and Decoder behaviors. The main purpose of this test application is to test the compatibility and validity of video drivers on Unix-like operating systems.

2. How To Build This Project ?

This project requires few opensource dependencies for compilation and execution :

  1. FFMpeg - used as input demuxer.
  2. JsonCpp - used as configuration parser.

2.1. Setup Development Environment

To compile this project we need to setup the cross compiling environment for ARM architecture.

**NOTE: This project was written in Ubuntu 20.04-WSL. (Linux Kernel newer or equal to 6.2 (6.6 recommended))

2.1.1. Install ARM Cross-compiler toolchain : Compiler

Recommended : gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz

2.1.2. Install the latest CMake for compilation of project.

sudo apt-get -y install cmake

2.1.3. Follow the below commands to setup your compiler

Copy the compressed compiler in /local/ in your machine. Unzip the compiler in /local/
cd /local/
tar -xvf ./gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
Create toolchain directory
sudo mkdir -p /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu
Copy toolchain files to dst directory
cd gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu
sudo cp -r ./* /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu
Add paths for the environment
export ARCH=arm64
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:/pkg/asw/compilers/gnu/linaro-toolchain/5.1/bin/"
export CROSS_COMPILE=/local/gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-none-linux-gnu-
To check if the compiler is properly set use the below commands
aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc -v
aarch64-none-linux-gnu-g++ -v
Setup the include file for linux headers
cd /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/aarch64-none-linux-gnu/libc/usr/include
sudo mv linux linux_bak
sudo ln -s /usr/include/linux ./linux

2.2 Install and compile the dependent projects

Run the script present in v4l_video_test_app/third-parties folder to clone, compile and install the shared libraries and include file.

**NOTE: The install location of output headers & libs can be modified in this script. Update the top-level CMakeLists.txt to make sure that they can be found.

2.2.1. Follow the below commands to compile the third party dependencies

Give executable rights and run the scripts
cd v4l-video-test-app/third-parties
chmod +x

2.3. Build & Test The Project

Once the environment is set and dependent projects are install we are ready for compiling our project.

Run script to build the project. This would build the project into an executable file "iris_v4l2_test" in "v4l_video_test_app/build" folder.

2.3.1. Follow the below commands to compile the executable

Give executable rights and run the scripts
cd v4l-video-test-app/
chmod +x
Give newly created binary iris_v4l2_test executable rights
cd build/
chmod +x iris_v4l2_test
Upload this executable file and data folder to the device (using "adb push ..." or some other methods according to your device and platform).

2.3.2. Follow the below commands to run the tests

This commands helps in understanding the requirement and options for running the test
./iris_v4l2_test --help
Command to run the Encoder testcase.
./iris_v4l2_test --config ./data/config/h264Encoder.json
Command to run the Decoder testcase.
./iris_v4l2_test --config ./data/config/h264Decoder.json
Command to run the testcase with custom log level. Range: [0, 16]
./iris_v4l2_test --loglevel 12 --config ./data/config/h264Decoder.json

3. Tags Table

This table specify the valid set of tags and it's possible value for creation of the JSON file, which is used as a config file to run the test.

S.No. Tag name Tag Description Type Possible values Mandatory / Optional
1 "ExecutionMode" Execution Mode in case of Multiple testcases execution String "Sequential" / "Concurrent" Optional
2 "TestCases" Array of testcases we need to execute Array - Mandatory
3 "Name" Unique testcase name String - Mandatory
4 "TestConfigs" Mention the configs required for running the tests Array - Mandatory
5 "Domain" Test type String "Decoder" / "Encoder" Mandatory
6 "InputPath" Absolute file path of Input Bitstream String Any accessable path in device Mandatory
7 "NumFrames" Number of frames to be executed Integer -1 (All frames) / Non-Zero Mandatory
8 "Width" Width of Input bitstream Integer Actual Width of the Input Mandatory
9 "Height" Height of Input bitstream Integer Actual Height of the Input Mandatory
10 "CodecName" Codec of Input bitstream for Decoder Testcasse String "HEVC" / "AVC" / "VP9" Mandatory
11 "PixelFormat" PixelFormat of Input bitstream for Encoder Testcase String "NV12" / "QC08C" / "QC10C" Mandatory
12 "OperatingRate" Operating Rate for Encoder testcsases Integer Default: 30 Max: 240
13 "FrameRate" Frame rate to Encode the bitstream Integer Default: 30 Max: 240
14 "StaticControls" Configurations to be set during initialization of the VPU Array Values from Controls Table Mandatory
15 "DynamicControls" Dynamic Configurations to be set to VPU during testcase execution. (Only applicable for Encoders) Array Values from Controls Table Optional
16 "Outputpath" Absolute file path of Output Dump file String Any accessable path in device Optional
17 "DumpInputPath" Absolute file path of Input Dump file String Any accessable path in device Optional
18 "InputBufferCount" Max Number of Input Buffers to circulate for test execution Integer Dec: [1,16] Enc: [1,32] Optional
19 "OutputBufferCount" Max Number of Output Buffers to circulate for test execution Integer Dec: [1,16] Enc: [1,32] Optional

4. Controls Table

This table specify the vaild controls which can be used and their possible value to run an Encoder test. These controls are given as StaticControls or DynamicControls in JSON config file.

S.No. Static/Dynamic Control Id Vtype Value Mandatory / Optional
1 Static Control "Profile" "String" AVC Profiles: {"BASELINE", "MAIN", "HIGH"} HEVC Profiles: {"MAIN", "MAIN10", "MAIN_SP"} Mandatory
2 Static Control "Level" "String" AVC Levels: {"1.0", "1B", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "3.0", "3.1", "3.2", "4.0", "4.1", "4.2", "5.0", "5.1"} HEVC Levels: {"1.0", "2.0", "2.1", "3.0", "3.1", "4.0", "4.1", "5.0"} Mandatory
3 Static/Dynamic Control "BitRate" "Int" [1, 100000000] Mandatory
4 Static Control "BitRateMode" "String" {"VBR", "CBR", "MBR"} Mandatory
5 Static Control "PrefixHeaderMode" "String" {"JOINED", "SEPARATE"} Mandatory
6 Static Control "Tier" "String" {"MAIN", "HIGH"} Optional
7 Static Control "MinQP" "Int" Minimum quantization parameter for HEVC. Valid range: [0, 51] for 8 bit and [0 to 63] for 10 bit. Minimum quantization parameter for H264. Valid range: [0 to 51] Optional
8 Static Control "MaxQP" "Int" Maximum quantization parameter for HEVC. Valid range: [0, 51] for 8 bit and [0 to 63] for 10 bit. Maximum quantization parameter for H264. Valid range: [0 to 51] Optional
9 Static/Dynamic Control "IQP" "Int" Quantization parameter for an I frame. Valid range: [MinQP, MaxQP] Optional
10 Static/Dynamic Control "PQP" "Int" Quantization parameter for an P frame. Valid range: [MinQP, MaxQP] Optional
11 Static/Dynamic Control "BQP" "Int" Quantization parameter for an B frame. Valid range: [MinQP, MaxQP] Optional
12 Static Control "MaxIQP" "Int" Max quantization parameter to limit I frame quality to a range. Valid range: [MinQP, MaxQP] Optional
13 Static Control "MaxPQP" "Int" Max quantization parameter to limit P frame quality to a range. Valid range: [MinQP, MaxQP] Optional
14 Static Control "MaxBQP" "Int" Max quantization parameter to limit B frame quality to a range. Valid range: [MinQP, MaxQP] Optional
15 Static Control "MinIQP" "Int" Min quantization parameter to limit I frame quality to a range. Valid range: [MinQP, MaxQP] Optional
16 Static Control "MinPQP" "Int" Min quantization parameter to limit P frame quality to a range. Valid range: [MinQP, MaxQP] Optional
17 Static Control "MinBQP" "Int" Min quantization parameter to limit B frame quality to a range. Valid range: [MinQP, MaxQP] Optional
18 Static Control "EntropyCoding" "String" {"CABAC", "CAVLC"} Optional
19 Static Control "Transform8x8" "Int" Applicable to the H264 encoder. Valid range: [0, 1] Optional
20 Static/Dynamic Control "GOPSize" "Int" [0, INT_MAX] Optional
21 Static Control "BFrames" "Int" [0, 1] Optional
22 Static Control "PrependPsToIDR" "Int" [0, 1] Optional
23 Static Control "FrameRC" "Int" [0, 1] Optional
24 Static Control "Rotate" "Int" {0, 90, 180, 270} Optional
25 Static/Dynamic Control "VFlip" "Int" [0, 1] Optional
26 Static/Dynamic Control "HFlip" "Int" [0, 1] Optional
27 Static Control "MultiSliceMode" "String" {"SINGLE", "MAX_MB", "MAX_BYTES"} Optional
28 Static Control "MaxMacroBlocksPerSlice" "Int" [1, 36864] Optional
29 StaticControl "MaxBytesPerSlice" "Int" [512, 12500000] Optional
30 Static/Dynamic Control "IntraRefreshPeriod" "Int" [0, INT_MAX] Optional
31 Static Control "IntraRefreshType" "String" {"CYCLIC", "RANDOM"} Optional
32 Static Control "LTRCount" "Int" [0, 2] Optional
33 Static/Dynamic Control "UseLTR" "Int" [0, LTRCount - 1] Optional
34 Static/Dynamic Control "LTRIndex" "Int" [1, LTRCount] Optional
35 Static Control "HierarchicalCoding" "Int" [0, 1] Optional
36 Static Control "HierarchicalCodingType" "String" {"HierP", "HierB"} Optional
37 Static/Dynamic Control "HierarchicalLayerCount" "Int" [0, 5] Optional
38 Static/Dynamic Control "HierCodingL0BR" "Int" [1, 100000000] Optional
39 Static/Dynamic Control "HierCodingL1BR" "Int" [1, 100000000] Optional
40 Static/Dynamic Control "HierCodingL2BR" "Int" [1, 100000000] Optional
41 Static/Dynamic Control "HierCodingL3BR" "Int" [1, 100000000] Optional
42 Static/Dynamic Control "HierCodingL4BR" "Int" [1, 100000000] Optional
43 Static/Dynamic Control "HierCodingL5BR" "Int" [1, 100000000] Optional
44 Static/Dynamic Control "PeakBitrate" "Int" [1, 100000000] Optional
45 Static/Dynamic Control "InjectKeyFrame" "Int" Any Frame Number Optional
46 Static Control "BasePriorityID" "Int" [0, 63] Optional

5. License

Project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause-Clear License. See LICENSE.txt for the full license text.




Language:C++ 98.1%Language:CMake 1.1%Language:Shell 0.8%