baconYao / 2fa

2fa which fork from lp:~toykeeper/+junk/2fa

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool :: A small 2-factor auth tool which works with Ubuntu SSO

NOTE: It is not very secure to keep your shared AES key and sequence
counter on the same device you use to access Canonical sites while
travelling! If you use, we strongly recommend installing it only
on a system you leave at home or a secure server you can access
remotely.  Alternately, you could keep your data files on a USB
disk -- plug it in and run when you need a passcode, then unplug
it afterward.  This achieves nearly the same security as a Yubikey, only
without having to buy a Yubikey.

Initial setup

Install and its dependencies:

  - install oathtool (sudo apt-get install oathtool) and make sure you
    have python 2.7. This means you will need Oneiric or newer.

  - Branch the source from Launchpad: bzr branch lp:~toykeeper/+junk/2fa

  - To install, just link it into your path somewhere.
    ln -s ~/src/2fa/ ~/bin/2fa 

Optional: If you would like to use it from a USB disk, create a symlink.
Or just move and ~/.2fa/ to the USB disk.  It will detect that it
has been moved, and load the data files from there automatically.
Replace 'my_usb_disk' with the path your disk normally gets mounted at.

  - mkdir /media/my_usb_disk/.2fa

  - ln -s /media/my_usb_disk/.2fa ~/.2fa

Set up a new profile:

  - In SSO, add a new generic OATH/HOTP device.

  - Create a new profile in This will happen automatically the
    first time it is run. Copy/paste the shared AES key from SSO. Here
    is an example:

    user @ host> 2fa
    Creating profile "default".
    Paste the shared AES key from SSO: DEAD BEEF
    Your first OTP is: 057490

Then enter the value of the 'first OTP' into SSO.

You can add as many profiles as you like. To use one other than
'default', simply pass the name to, like '2fa paper' or
'2fa usb'.


When SSO asks for a one-time password, simply run and paste the
output into SSO. The terminal session should look something like this:

  user @ host> 2fa

If you are storing your credentials on a USB disk, be sure to plug it in
first, and unplug it afterward.

This can also be hooked up to other commands if desired, such as a
text-to-speech program (for the visually-impaired) or a program which
generates keyboard events.

The script can be used to make type in your passcodes
for you.  Bind a hotkey to run the script, edit the path and profile
name in the script, and you should have one-keypress passcode entry.
However, you should only do this if you have your 2fa data files on a
USB stick that you only plug in when you need to log in.  It's horribly
insecure otherwise.


2fa which fork from lp:~toykeeper/+junk/2fa


Language:Python 84.4%Language:Shell 15.6%