backus / clarity

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Getting started

Set up

  1. Clone this repo, and then in the root directory create a .env file containing:
# Postgres url

# Host and port on which to run the app

# Environment affects the config

# Facebook Passport config (go to

# Sentry error tracking config
  1. Run the initial migration to get your development db in the correct state:
sequelize db:migrate:undo:all && sequelize db:migrate

Sublime Text

JsPrettier – This project's CI enforces formatting rules across the codebase with Prettier. To avoid unecessary conflicts and failures when running PRs against CI, it's nice to use the Sublime Text plugin JsPrettier, which autoformats to the rules on save This has the added bonus of allowing you to ignore formatting your code as you write it, which can be an obnoxious time sink. You can find the JsPrettier config here.



Unit and integration test files are named module-name.ut.ts and, respectively. They are co-located with the module they test. For instance, utilities for formatting dates can be found in utils/date, and the unit tests that exercise these helpers are in utils/date.ut. Mocks are defined in files named module-name.mock.ts.

Functional tests and corresponding test helpers can be found in test/functional. At some point, I'd like to consolidate these into the same naming convention as the unit and integration tests, by having them in module-name.ft.ts, but NightmareJS was flakey as hell and it wasn't worth the effort at the time. Someday...

Here's a useful post about the definitions of each test type and finding the boundaries between them:


  1. Install the Java JDK and set up Selenium.

    brew install selenium-server-standalone
    brew install chromedriver
  2. Start the Selenium server and your local dev server.

    # In separate terminal windows
    yarn start
  3. Run Nightwatch.

    nightwatch --config nightwatch.js # Run all tests
    nightwatch --config nightwatch.js test/functional/myTest.js # Run one test


There are several linting rules that can cause CI to fail. Here's a non-comprehensive list (you can find the rest here):

  • Files don't conform to the Prettier code formatter
    • More info about setting up JsPrettier for Sublime above in "Set up"
  • Files contain console.*
    • The default console logger should only be used in debugging/development, so this ensures that they're cleaned up before committing to master
    • If you need a real logger, use Hermes.
  • Files contain express() or bodyParser outside of the http/newApp module
    • New express servers will nearly always require certain plugins and configuration, so this check ensures that any new server instances will use the pre-packaged newApp, which handles all that for you


  • yarn build: Build development server (outputs into /build)
  • yarn build:prod: Build release (outputs into /dist)
  • yarn lint: Lint all Typescript files
  • yarn pretest: Run linter as part of test script
  • yarn test: More info on Jest config below
  • yarn test:watch: Run Jest in watch mode
  • yarn prestart: Bundle the server with development environment before start script
  • yarn start: Run development server
  • yarn start:prod: Run production server

Build System

  • Clarity's Webpack configuration is written in Typescript. By enforcing types in our build system, we can avoid a lot of the mistakes that are famously easy to make when using Webpack.

Live environments

Periodically, we'll want to reset the database for

heroku run "sequelize db:migrate:undo:all && sequelize db:migrate" --app clarity-develop



Language:TypeScript 59.3%Language:JavaScript 34.8%Language:CSS 5.1%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:HTML 0.2%