Nothing special, just a binary dump (π) of a KSRTC (Kerala State Road Transport Corporation) Kart developed for SuperTuxkart, by a Blender Noob.
- Migrate to appropriate version controller, like subversion (I admit Git is a terrible place for version control binary files. Anywho I'm too lazy to learn SVN or other mangers rn (feel free to contribute)
- Fix rear wheel texture baking issues and other baking glitches.
- Add STK character animations.
- Make it pretty, and more cartoonish
- Adding shadows and other properties.
- A good character (driver)
- Package and push to STK Addons. :)
(Currently the model is not available under public addons at STK)
- Download and extract the latest release file from releases. (eg:
) - Rename the extracted directory to
- Move the directory to the OS specific STK add-on directory (create the parent directory if not already exists).
- On Linux:
- On Windows:
- On macOS:
~/Library/Application Support/supertuxkart/addons/karts
- Open SuperTuxkart and find the kart under standard karts (:))
for more info refer stk testing docs
- Blender 3.8 or above
- SuperTuxKart Blender Addons for
export - Documentation: The STK kart's doc
- No comments on The character. The current one is made by doing some slight modification to the existing Phil model created by Blender Studio. The model is named Vasu. Will be great if you can keep the name. Otherwise feel free to add a female character with any name of choice.
The character Vasu or the slightly cartoonized model of KSRTC bus, doesn't indent to harm or disfame any person / organization. The character's look and features are completely random and are not following any stereotypes.
Final blender model used to export the kart (having baked textures) can be found under
- There was an issue with the existing character model, causing colour change in the exported
file on using STK-Addon. To avoid, try to export the kart elements (excluding headlights, and wheels) to.spm
format separately by uncheckingExport Vertex Colors
- There was an issue with the existing character model, causing colour change in the exported
The realistic kart model (doesn't match with the style of other karts ( as it's too long :)) can be found under
- Base model of KSRTC by Akhilvictor46 ( licensed under CC )
- The base character model Phil by Blender Studio ( licensed under CC By 4.0 )
- KeralaSRTC
- Made in Blender
- SuperTuxKart Blender Addons
- Idea developed from Kochi FOSS
- License text for kart : LICENSE.kart
- All binary files used in SKT Kart For KSRTC by Agraj P Das is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
- The rest of the repo is licensed under MIT License