b2io / base2.io

Home Page:http://base2.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Base Two website.


Setup & Tools

Prerequisites (git, npm, stylelint)

You'll need to set up Git and NPM before you can run this project locally. The setup for these is slightly different depending on your OS.

  1. Git - Follow the Git instructions to install Git for your OS.

  2. Clone the repo

    # Either using SSH
    > git clone git@github.com:b2io/base2.io.git
    # Or using HTTPS
    > git clone https://github.com/b2io/base2.io.git
  3. Node / Volta

    It is recommended that you install Volta for Node Version management rather than Node directly because Volta is cross-platform and allows you to switch node versions more easily, which is necessary when you hop between different projects. Please use Node v18.x (currently 18.17.1) for this project as it is the long-term supported version, and what Vercel will use for the build.

  4. stylelint

stylelint has been setup on this project to lint the css-syntax of styled components. This linting runs as part of the husky pre-commit hooks (e.g. npm run lint:css). It is recommended that you install the stylelint VS Code extension so that you get warnings within your IDE. If you find the extension throwing warnings for unrelated files (such as markdown files) you can add a global .stylelintrc file to your personal root directory (i.e. the same location as your .gitconfig) that includes the following:

   "ignoreFiles": ["**/*.md"]

Install Packages

npm i

Local Development

Starts local development on port 3000.

npm run dev

Build & Run

Build and run built assets on port 3001.

npm run build
npm start

Development Workflow

  1. Go to the Github project board in Github to find a development task from the Todo column.

    If a new card is needed If you need to create a new card then click the `Add item` button in Github's footer, enter title, and select the correct card label
    • story: A user-focused feature written as a user story.
    • task: A development task or chore that isn't written as a user story.
    • fix: A task that corrects an issue with the application.
  2. Assign yourself to the card

  3. Track time in Harvest via Github by clicking the Open Harvest Time Tracking option next to Harvest Time Tracking in the Github card. This will start a timer in Harvest with the card's name and a link to the card.

  4. Update the card's status to be In Progress

  5. Create a new branch off of the main branch prefixed with the card id (e.g. 702-short-desc-of-task).

  6. When committing add #comment within the contents of the commit message if you'd like it to be included in the Github card as a commit. Example:

    WIP: add commit message example
  7. When creating a PR

    1. Ensure that the PR's destination is the correct base branch (e.g. main)

    2. Give it a title prefixed with its card type and a short description (e.g. task: update readme to include dev workflow)

    3. Provide a description that explains what was changed, why it was changed, and any other information that may help the reviewer (e.g. screenshots or proof of successful tests)

    4. Include the Github card number and #comment to communicate which card it closes and to link the commit in Github. E.g.:

      chore: update readme
      Closes #702
  8. Update the card's status to be In Review

  9. Once the PR is approved and it is ready to be merged

  10. Use the Squash and merge button in Github

  11. Update the commit message if and as needed

  12. Confirm squash and merge

  13. Delete the branch

  14. Update the card's status to be Done




Language:TypeScript 98.4%Language:JavaScript 1.6%