b2gills / perl5-to-perl6-docs

Expanding on the docs for Perl 5 to Perl 6 Translation

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At YAPC::NA::2015, I attended the Perl 6 Beginners Class. I am happy to see
that Perl 6 is settling down into apparently having a more settled spec (for
some value of spec), and is, with its impending release, something I'll want
to at least play with.

That said, the docs are far from complete, and there are certainly questions
someone coming from Perl 5 will have that are not clearly answered in the Perl
5 to Perl 6 Translation document.


 a) In trying to port the Test-Simple package to Perl 6, I encountered this
 bit of code: "my (undef, $file, $line) = caller();" I made the mistake
 of starting at the beginning, and wondering what I should replace
 "undef" with. My first thought was "Nil", but a bit of poking on #perl6
 on freenode informed me that undef would most likely be <Any> in Perl
 6. But, upon further investigation, "caller()" itself is gone,
 apparently replaced by "callframe()". So, what this would *really* turn
 into in Perl 6 is "my ($file, $line) = callframe().annotations<file
 line>". The problem here is that "callframe()" *isn't documented* in
 the online Perl 6 language documentation. One can also call
 "callframe().my" which gives... something that may or may not be an
 analog of the package name formerly returned either as the first item
 given by "caller()" or by using that call in scalar context.

 b) A number of files in Test-Simple look for what version of Perl you are
 using, found in Perl 5 in the "$]" variable. This made me go looking for the
 equivalent in Perl 6. This would seem to be the "$*PERL" variable, but that
 gives us "Perl 6", which is not really what we're looking for. What we *are*
 looking for seems to be in "$*PERL.version" (although at this point in Perl 6
 development, that gives us "vunknown" which is... not useful).

So, what this leads me to is that what would be *hugely* useful for people
transitioning from Perl 5 to Perl 6 is a much more comprehensive text
than what currently exists as the Perl 5 to Perl 6 Translation document.

With that in mind, I'm going to start here with two initial goals:

 1) Map Perl 5's special variables to their Perl 6 equivalents (or, of course,
 note where there is no direct analog)

 2) Describe how to translate the core Perl 5 functions to their Perl 6
 equivalents (or, similarly to the variables, punt if necessary).

As a cursory check shows there to be something like 4-500 built-in functions
(don't quote me on that, I'm just grepping for "=item" in perlfunc....), this
could take a while. But hopefully, all that work will be of use to someone.
More hopefully a lot of someones.

So here goes. Wish me luck.


Expanding on the docs for Perl 5 to Perl 6 Translation


Language:Perl 100.0%