b1-systems / array-metrics-to-influxdb

Transfer performance metrics from a Pure FlashArray to an InfluxDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Array Metrics to InfluxDB

This program is mainly a wrapper around the py-pure-client and influxdb-python with the goal of transferring any number of metrics from one or more Pure products to an InfluxDB. Right now only FlashArray products are supported but other ones such as Pure1 and FlashBlade should not pose any problem since they are already supported by the client.

Different so-called collectors are responsible for different metrics. Use array-metrics-to-influxdb-collectors to open the documentation of any collector/metric of your choice to see which data are transferred. Entries such as name, id or interface_type as well as the values of the config values name (or host) will be stored as tags inside the InfluxDB, the rest will be stored as fields.


  • Python 3.9 or higher which is available in current Debian and RHEL releases
  • Credentials of an InfluxDB user with write privileges
  • API client credentials of one or more supported Pure products (see above)


Via pip

It is highly recommended to install the project and its dependencies to a dedicated virtual environment (venv). Substitute python3.9 with your version of choice and .venv with your path of choice.

  • python3.9 -m venv .venv
  • .venv/bin/pip install .

After the successful installation the commands are available at .venv/bin/. For easier handling it is recommended to simply activate the virtual environment by running source .venv/bin/activate.


Use the provided Dockerfile to build the container image.


Two commands are available after the installation: The main entrypoint and a helper program.


usage: array-metrics-to-influxdb [-h] [-s | -d] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-j]
                                 [-r RETENTION_POLICY] [-i INITIAL_START_TIME]
                                 [-m MAIN_DATA_COLLECTION_INTERVAL]
                                 [-b INFLUXDB_BATCH_SIZE]

Retrieve selected metrics from one or multiple Pure FlashArray instances and
write them to a InfluxDB. Different collectors are responsible for different
kind of data. They are written to the same database but with different
'measurement' fields.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --silent          Switch to WARNING log level. (default: INFO)
  -d, --debug           Switch to DEBUG log level. (default: INFO)
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file to use. Default value honors
                        $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. (default:
  -v, --validate-config
                        Only validate the structure (not the content) of the
                        configuration file. (default: False)
  -j, --json-log        Output log messages as single line JSON instead of
                        plain text. (default: False)
                        Existing retention policy to specify for all InfluxDB
                        writes. Overrides the value from the config file.
                        (default: None)
  -i INITIAL_START_TIME, --initial-start-time INITIAL_START_TIME
                        Datetime to use for the first collection round.
                        Defaults to one interval before the current time. Can
                        be specified as UNIX timestamp in *milliseconds* or as
                        ISO-8601 formatted string, e.g.
                        2021-08-01[T00[:05[:23[.541[000]]]]] Should not be
                        older than one year which is the maximum retention
                        policy of pure product's performance metrics. Might be
                        helpful if this application crashed and you want to
                        collect the missing data from the downtime. Depending
                        on the requested range the used resolution for the
                        data might have to be increased. This happens
                        dynamically if necessary. (default: None)
                        Due to a limit of 500 volumes or volume groups which
                        can be queried at once we need to collect the IDs of
                        all volume (groups) periodically. This settings allows
                        setting the amount of *minutes* between each
                        collection round. Overrides the value from the config
                        file for all arrays. (default: None)
                        Maximum number of points to send in one write request.
                        Recommended for large data transfers, if e.g.
                        historical data are imported via `-i`. Overrides the
                        value from the config file. (default: None)

v1.2.0, GPLv3 @ B1 Systems GmbH <info@b1-systems.de>

If you're using the (self-build) container image you should mount the configuration file to /etc/pure_metrics_to_influxdb.conf:

podman run -it --rm -v ./config.toml:/etc/pure_metrics_to_influxdb.conf array-metrics-to-influxdb

Alternatively use the -c/--config option to provide an alternative path:

podman run -it --rm -v ./config.toml:/config.toml array-metrics-to-influxdb -c /config.toml


usage: array-metrics-to-influxdb-collectors [-h] [-a ARRAY_URL]

Prints all available collectors with a short description. Optionally takes an
URL to a Flasharray to provide clickable links to the official REST API where
you can scroll down to the "200 OK" Response, in green, and expand the items
section to learn more about all the metrics.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ARRAY_URL, --array-url ARRAY_URL
                        By providing the base URL of an array every
                        documentation link will point to it, for example `-a

v1.2.0, GPLv3 @ B1 Systems GmbH <info@b1-systems.de>


Take a look at the provided example config file config_example.toml. It's format is TOML. Most entries should be self explanatory.

The usage of private_key, to embed the private RSA key inside the config file, might be useful you if you're running the application inside a container or are using a config management tool. If the latter applies make sure to register the --validate-config option as confirmation hook.


If you're using a centralized log management system of any kind be sure to call the application with -j/--json-log to output log messages as single line JSON messages which are much easier to process.


To make sure that one slow product, e.g. FlashArray, does not slow down the whole application multiple threads are used. One thread per product is responsible for retrieving the data and one thread is responsible for sending the data to an InfluxDB. Communication happens via a queue.

InfluxDB batch_size/Diagnostics

If you have a lot of volumes or volumes group you should definitely set a value for setting, especially when you're importing historical data via -i. InfluxDB might refuse your write request if it contains too many points. But you also have to choose a number large enough to not be a bottleneck for data transfer. To show the current number of packages of points, not individual points, waiting to be transferred send SIGUSR1 to the running process.

Development Setup

We are using poetry for package and dependency management. Please make sure that it is available and issue make setup afterwards. This will install the current project (including any development dependencies) and setup pre-commit to make sure that every one of your future commits follows our standards. Most maintenance tasks are performed via our Makefile, you can get an overview over all tasks by simply calling make.

Use bin/dev_console.py to start a preconfigured shell with preconfigured clients, very useful to determine if you want to add another collector and have to figure out the potentiell quirks of it.

The docker-compose.yml starts an InfluxDB and a Grafana instance, the configuration for some very basic panels can be found in simple_grafana_dashboards.json.


Transfer performance metrics from a Pure FlashArray to an InfluxDB

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 95.8%Language:Makefile 2.8%Language:Dockerfile 1.4%