snag screenshots and screencasts in sway
snag v0.1.2 (
Usage: snag [opts] [-- [pass-thru opts ..]]
-h --help Print this help message.
-v --version Print program version.
-x --copy-path After snagging a screenshot, copy the output file path
to the clipboard using wl-copy.
-N --notify Send a notification with the snag result on exit.
-U <service> --upload Upload the output file.
<service> may be one of: drop, imgur (image only)
-R --rofi Use rofi as an interactive snag UI.
-D <ms> --delay Delay capture for <ms> milliseconds.
Capture Mode:
-I [format] --image Capture a still image using grim.
This is the default mode.
[format] may be one of: png (default), jpeg, ppm.
-V [format] --video Capture a video using wf-recorder.
[format] may be one of: mp4 (default), gif, webm.
Capture Quality:
--grim-quality Set the grim JPEG filetype quality 0-100. Defaults to 80.
--grim-level Set the grim PNG filetype compression level 0-9. Defaults to 6.
Capture Region:
If none of the following options are specified, the focused output will be
captured by default.
-r [region] --region Capture a rectangular region.
[region] is of the form "<x>,<y> <width>x<height>"
If [region] is not specified, the user will be able to
select it graphically with the mouse via the slurp
-c [id] --container Capture a container.
[id] is a sway container ID.
If [id] is not specified, the user will be able to
select the target container graphically with the mouse.
If [id] is a the string 'foc' or 'focused', the
focused container will be used.
-w [name] --workspace Capture a workspace.
[name] is a sway workspace name.
If [name] is not specified, the user will be able to
select the target workspace graphically with the mouse.
If [name] is a the string 'foc' or 'focused', the
focused workspace will be used.
-o [output] --output Capture an output.
[output] is a wayland output name.
If [output] is not specified, the user will be able to
select the target output graphically with the mouse.
If [output] is a the string 'foc' or 'focused', the
focused output will be used.
-a --all Capture all outputs.
Output File:
-d <dir> --dir Save the screenshot in <dir>.
Default: current working directory.
-n <name> --name Use <name> as the literal output file name.
The default file name will be generated by the -f
format of "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_{desc}.{ext}"
-f <format> --namef Use <format> to construct the output filename.
Sequences recognised by date(1) or the following will
be interpolated:
{ext} the file extension as set in the -I / -V opts
(without a leading .).
{desc} a description of what was selected:
- if a region was selected: "region"
- if a container was selected:
- wayland apps: container's app_id
- xwayland apps: container's class
- if an output was selected: its name
- if all outputs were selected: "all"
{region} the captured region's coordinates, of the
form "<x>,<y>_<width>x<height>".
To pass on arguments to the capture command (grim or wf-recorder), a -- can be
passed after the final snag argument and any remaining arguments will be passed
through to the capture command.
(c) 2020-2022 Maddison Hellstrom <>
License: MIT (
© 2020-2022 Maddison Hellstrom
Released under the MIT License.