tool for splitting up and archiving grocery bills with my roommates
<name of store> month date year.txt
<store> <date> <card> <total>
- header must be the first line
- arguments separated by a space (be careful about trailing whitespace)
<store> one string
<date> mmddyy
<card> last four digits of card used
<total price> e.g. "420.69", no dollar sign
<item> <price> <token> <token> ...
- each line following the header is one "bean"
- separated by spaces (be careful about trailing whitespace)
<item> name of item as ONE word, e.g. oat_milk
<price> e.g. 4.20, no dollar sign
-> Supports subtraction e.g 4.20-0.69
-> NEW! Supports addition e.g. 4.20+0.69
-> does NOT support both subtraction and addition at the same time...
-> if you wanna add a negative value do 0-4.20
- always come after first two args
- can be in any order
- separated by spaces
1) Gnome Token
- single letter denoting owner of bean
- if there's no gnome token, bean is automatically split between all gnomes
- can denote more than one gnome in any order without spaces e.g. ca, ac
2) Multiplier Token
- e.g. x2, adds the item twice