azureautomation / tag-based-vm-automatic-startup-and-shutdown-with-dependency-rules

This script can be used as Azure Runbook (scheduled / on demand) to stop/start VMs. It uses tags in an intelligent way to automate this.You'll give your VMs a startup and shutdown tag in hh:mm format, which defines the window in which the VM should be running.Optionally, you can

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Tag based VM Automatic Startup and Shutdown WITH dependency rules

This script can be used as Azure Runbook (scheduled / on demand) to stop/start VMs. It uses tags in an intelligent way to automate this.

You'll give your VMs a startup and shutdown tag in hh:mm format, which defines the window in which the VM should be running.

Optionally, you can give your VMs a dependsOn tag, to specify which VMs this VM depends on, the script will ensure that those are started first.

Script home:

PowerShell Edit|Remove powershell #Author: Jos Lieben (OGD), Peter Takacs (OGD) #Date: 01-06-2017 #Script home: #Copyright: MIT #Purpose: automatically start and stop VM's based on their tags #Requires –Version 5 #Name: azureTagbasedAutoStartupShutdown

<#Notes / features

Each target VM should have a 'Startup' and 'Shutdown' tag in hh:mm format Each target VM should have a depensOn tag IF it depends on other VM's that should first be in a running state Each vm with a dependsOn tag should have this tag filled in JSON format with the names of the vm's it depends on, example: ['vname1','vname2'] A PS Credential with valid permissions should be present to log in to Azure Subscription ID in which to run Powershell V5


Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$subscriptionId, #ID of subscription which houses the target VM's $automationPSCredentialName='AzureStartUpShutdownCreds',#name of the Azure credential in your credential store $maxRunTimeInSeconds=3600, #maximum time this script will wait for all VM's to start [Switch]$testMode #if specified, won't actually start or stop a VM )

try{ $azureCreds = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $automationPSCredentialName }catch{ Write-Error 'Failed to load azure credentials from credential object' Exit }

try{ Write-Output 'Logging in to Azure' $res = Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $azureCreds -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output 'Logged in to Azure' }catch{ Throw Exit }

try{ Write-Output 'Retrieving virtual machines with a Startup and Shutdown tag' $targetVMs = Find-AzureRmResource -TagName 'Startup'| Where-Object {$.Resourcetype -eq 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'} | Get-AzureRmVM | where {$.Tags.Keys -contains 'Shutdown' -and $_.Tags.Keys -contains 'Startup'} $targetVMs | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StartupShutdownProcessed -Value $False $count = 0 #check current status foreach($VM in $targetVMs){ $currentVMState = (Get-AzureRmVM -Name $VM.Name -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Status -ErrorAction Stop).Statuses[1].Code if($currentVMState -eq 'Powerstate/Stopped' -or $currentVMState -eq 'Powerstate/Deallocated'){ $targetVMs[$count] | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name currentlyRunning -Value $False
}else{ $targetVMs[$count] | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name currentlyRunning -Value $True } $count++ } if($targetVMs.Count -gt 0){ Write-Output '$($targetVMs.Count) VMs retrieved' }else{ Throw 'No virtual machines retrieved, script will not continue' } }catch{ Throw Exit }

$runTimeInSeconds = 0 $firstLoop = $True while($runTimeInSeconds -le $maxRunTimeInSeconds){ [DateTime]$dateTime = Get-Date Write-Verbose 'Current time: $(Get-Date)' #exit loop when all VM's have been started/stopped [Array]$unprocessedVMs = @($targetVMs | where {$.StartupShutdownProcessed -eq $False -and $}) if($unprocessedVMs.Count -eq 0){ Write-Output 'No more virtual machines in unprocessed state, job completed' break } $count = -1 foreach($VM in $targetVMs){ $count++ #skip if already processed if($VM.StartupShutdownProcessed){ continue } Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) start processing, VM window $($VM.Tags['Startup']) - $($VM.Tags['Shutdown'])'

    #first, retrieve current VM status
        $currentVMState = (Get-AzureRmVM -Name $VM.Name -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Status -ErrorAction Stop).Statuses[1].Code
        if($currentVMState -eq 'Powerstate/Stopped' -or $currentVMState -eq 'Powerstate/Deallocated'){
            $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $False  
            $VM.currentlyRunning = $False 
            $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $True 
            $VM.currentlyRunning = $True 
        Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) state: $currentVMState'
        Write-Error 'Failed to retrieve Power State for VM $($VM.Name) because of $($Error[0])'
        continue #skip to next VM to avoid processing without valid data

    #determine if this VM should be started or stopped by its time tags and the current datetime
    if($dateTime -gt [DateTime]$VM.Tags['Startup'] -and $dateTime -lt [DateTime]$VM.Tags['Shutdown']){
        #VM should be started according to time tags
        if($VM.currentlyRunning -eq $False){
            #VM is stopped, check if it depends on any other VM's or can be started safely
            $allowedToStart = $True
                #skip on the first loop as we're still evaluating states
                    Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) not starting yet, VM's without dependencies are processed first'
                    [Array]$dependsOnList = $VM.Tags['dependsOn'] | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) has $($dependsOnList.Count) dependencies, checking their status:'
                    foreach($dependency in $dependsOnList){
                        $dependentVM = $targetVMs | where {$_.Name -eq $dependency -and $_.currentlyRunning -eq $False -and $_}
                            $allowedToStart = $False
                            Write-Verbose '$dependency ---> NOT STARTED YET'
                            Write-Verbose '$dependency ---> STARTED'
                    Write-Error 'VM $($VM.Name) has a dependsOn tag, but it does not contain valid JSON data in the [`'vmname1`',`'vmname2`'] JSON format: $($Error[0])'
                    $allowedToStart = $False
                Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) should be started, it has no dependencies'
                    Write-Output '$($VM.Name) starting...'
					if(!$testMode) {$results = Start-AzureRmVM -Name $VM.Name -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction Stop}
					Write-Output '$($VM.Name) started: $($results.status) command duration: $($results.Starttime) - $($results.Endtime)'
                    $targetVMs[$count].StartupShutdownProcessed = $True 
                    $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $True 
                    Write-Error 'Failed to start VM $($VM.Name) because of $($Error[0])'
                Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) not allowed to start yet'
            #VM is already started and should be removed from the loop
            Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) has been started'
            $targetVMs[$count].StartupShutdownProcessed = $True
            $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $True 
        #VM should be stopped according to time tags
            #VM is started, check if any other VMs depend on it or if it can be stopped safely
            Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) should be stopped, checking any VMs that depend on it'
            $allowedToStop = $True
            foreach($reliant in $targetVMs){
                            [Array]$dependsOnList = $reliant.Tags['dependsOn'] | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
                            foreach($dependency in $dependsOnList){
                                if($dependency -eq $VM.Name){
                                    $allowedToStop = $False
                                    Write-Verbose '$($reliant.Name) ---> NOT STOPPED YET'
                            Write-Error 'VM $($VM.Name) has a dependsOn tag, but it does not contain valid JSON data in the [`'vmname1`',`'vmname2`'] JSON format: $($Error[0])'
                            $allowedToStop = $False
                    Write-Output '$($VM.Name) stopping...'
					if(!$testMode) {$results = Stop-AzureRmVM -Name $VM.Name -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Force -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction Stop}
					Write-Output '$($VM.Name) stopped: $($results.status) command duration: $($results.Starttime) - $($results.Endtime)'
                    $targetVMs[$count].StartupShutdownProcessed = $True 
                    $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $False
                    Write-Error 'Failed to start VM $($VM.Name) because of $($Error[0])'
                Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) not allowed to stop yet'
            #VM is already stopped
            Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) has been stopped'
            $targetVMs[$count].StartupShutdownProcessed = $True
            $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $False

$firstLoop = $False
#wait a while before looping again
Sleep -s 10
$runtimeInSeconds += 10


#Author: Jos Lieben (OGD), Peter Takacs (OGD)  #Date: 01-06-2017  #Script home:  #Copyright: MIT  #Purpose: automatically start and stop VM's based on their tags  #Requires –Version 5  #Name: azureTagbasedAutoStartupShutdown    <#Notes / features   

 Each target VM should have a 'Startup' and 'Shutdown' tag in hh:mm format   Each target VM should have a depensOn tag IF it depends on other VM's that should first be in a running state   Each vm with a dependsOn tag should have this tag filled in JSON format with the names of the vm's it depends on, example: ['vname1','vname2']   A PS Credential with valid permissions should be present to log in to Azure   Subscription ID in which to run   Powershell V5    #>    Param(      [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$subscriptionId, #ID of subscription which houses the target VM's      $automationPSCredentialName='AzureStartUpShutdownCreds',#name of the Azure credential in your credential store      $maxRunTimeInSeconds=3600, #maximum time this script will wait for all VM's to start      [Switch]$testMode #if specified, won't actually start or stop a VM  )    try{      $azureCreds = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $automationPSCredentialName  }catch{      Write-Error 'Failed to load azure credentials from credential object'      Exit  }    try{      Write-Output 'Logging in to Azure'      $res = Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $azureCreds -ErrorAction Stop      Write-Output 'Logged in to Azure'  }catch{      Throw      Exit  }    try{      Write-Output 'Retrieving virtual machines with a Startup and Shutdown tag'      $targetVMs = Find-AzureRmResource -TagName 'Startup'| Where-Object {$.Resourcetype -eq 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'} | Get-AzureRmVM | where {$.Tags.Keys -contains 'Shutdown' -and $.Tags.Keys -contains 'Startup'}      $targetVMs | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StartupShutdownProcessed -Value $False      $count = 0      #check current status      foreach($VM in $targetVMs){          $currentVMState = (Get-AzureRmVM -Name $VM.Name -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Status -ErrorAction Stop).Statuses[1].Code          if($currentVMState -eq 'Powerstate/Stopped' -or $currentVMState -eq 'Powerstate/Deallocated'){              $targetVMs[$count] | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name currentlyRunning -Value $False             }else{              $targetVMs[$count] | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name currentlyRunning -Value $True          }          $count++      }      if($targetVMs.Count -gt 0){          Write-Output '$($targetVMs.Count) VMs retrieved'      }else{          Throw 'No virtual machines retrieved, script will not continue'      }  }catch{      Throw      Exit  }    $runTimeInSeconds = 0  $firstLoop = $True  while($runTimeInSeconds -le $maxRunTimeInSeconds){      [DateTime]$dateTime = Get-Date      Write-Verbose 'Current time: $(Get-Date)'      #exit loop when all VM's have been started/stopped      [Array]$unprocessedVMs = @($targetVMs | where {$.StartupShutdownProcessed -eq $False -and $})      if($unprocessedVMs.Count -eq 0){          Write-Output 'No more virtual machines in unprocessed state, job completed'          break      }      $count = -1      foreach($VM in $targetVMs){          $count++          #skip if already processed          if($VM.StartupShutdownProcessed){              continue          }          Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) start processing, VM window $($VM.Tags['Startup']) - $($VM.Tags['Shutdown'])'            #first, retrieve current VM status          try{              $currentVMState = (Get-AzureRmVM -Name $VM.Name -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Status -ErrorAction Stop).Statuses[1].Code              if($currentVMState -eq 'Powerstate/Stopped' -or $currentVMState -eq 'Powerstate/Deallocated'){                  $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $False                    $VM.currentlyRunning = $False               }else{                  $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $True                   $VM.currentlyRunning = $True               }              Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) state: $currentVMState'          }catch{              Write-Error 'Failed to retrieve Power State for VM $($VM.Name) because of $($Error[0])'              continue #skip to next VM to avoid processing without valid data          }            #determine if this VM should be started or stopped by its time tags and the current datetime          if($dateTime -gt [DateTime]$VM.Tags['Startup'] -and $dateTime -lt [DateTime]$VM.Tags['Shutdown']){              #VM should be started according to time tags              if($VM.currentlyRunning -eq $False){                  #VM is stopped, check if it depends on any other VM's or can be started safely                  $allowedToStart = $True                  if($VM.Tags['dependsOn']){                      #skip on the first loop as we're still evaluating states                      if($firstLoop){                          Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) not starting yet, VM's without dependencies are processed first'                          continue                      }                      try{                          [Array]$dependsOnList = $VM.Tags['dependsOn'] | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop                          Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) has $($dependsOnList.Count) dependencies, checking their status:'                          foreach($dependency in $dependsOnList){                              $dependentVM = $targetVMs | where {$.Name -eq $dependency -and $.currentlyRunning -eq $False -and $}                              if($dependentVM){                                  $allowedToStart = $False                                  Write-Verbose '$dependency ---> NOT STARTED YET'                              }else{                                  Write-Verbose '$dependency ---> STARTED'                              }                          }                      }catch{                          Write-Error 'VM $($VM.Name) has a dependsOn tag, but it does not contain valid JSON data in the ['vmname1','vmname2'] JSON format: $($Error[0])'                          $allowedToStart = $False                      }                  }else{                      Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) should be started, it has no dependencies'                  }                  if($allowedToStart){                      try{                          Write-Output '$($VM.Name) starting...'                          if(!$testMode) {$results = Start-AzureRmVM -Name $VM.Name -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction Stop}                          Write-Output '$($VM.Name) started: $($results.status) command duration: $($results.Starttime) - $($results.Endtime)'                          $targetVMs[$count].StartupShutdownProcessed = $True                           $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $True                       }catch{                          Write-Error 'Failed to start VM $($VM.Name) because of $($Error[0])'                      }                  }else{                      Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) not allowed to start yet'                  }              }else{                  #VM is already started and should be removed from the loop                  Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) has been started'                  $targetVMs[$count].StartupShutdownProcessed = $True                  $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $True               }          }else{              #VM should be stopped according to time tags              if($VM.currentlyRunning){                  #VM is started, check if any other VMs depend on it or if it can be stopped safely                  Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) should be stopped, checking any VMs that depend on it'                  $allowedToStop = $True                  foreach($reliant in $targetVMs){                      if($reliant.currentlyRunning){                          if($reliant.Tags['dependsOn']){                              try{                                  [Array]$dependsOnList = $reliant.Tags['dependsOn'] | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop                                  foreach($dependency in $dependsOnList){                                      if($dependency -eq $VM.Name){                                          $allowedToStop = $False                                          Write-Verbose '$($reliant.Name) ---&gt; NOT STOPPED YET'                                      }                                  }                              }catch{                                  Write-Error 'VM $($VM.Name) has a dependsOn tag, but it does not contain valid JSON data in the ['vmname1','vmname2'] JSON format: $($Error[0])'                                  $allowedToStop = $False                              }                          }                                              }                  }                  if($allowedToStop){                      try{                          Write-Output '$($VM.Name) stopping...'                          if(!$testMode) {$results = Stop-AzureRmVM -Name $VM.Name -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Force -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction Stop}                          Write-Output '$($VM.Name) stopped: $($results.status) command duration: $($results.Starttime) - $($results.Endtime)'                          $targetVMs[$count].StartupShutdownProcessed = $True                           $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $False                      }catch{                          Write-Error 'Failed to start VM $($VM.Name) because of $($Error[0])'                      }                                      }else{                      Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) not allowed to stop yet'                  }              }else{                  #VM is already stopped                  Write-Verbose 'VM $($VM.Name) has been stopped'                  $targetVMs[$count].StartupShutdownProcessed = $True                  $targetVMs[$count].currentlyRunning = $False              }          }      }        $firstLoop = $False      #wait a while before looping again      Sleep -s 10      $runtimeInSeconds += 10  }

TechNet gallery is retiring! This script was migrated from TechNet script center to GitHub by Microsoft Azure Automation product group. All the Script Center fields like Rating, RatingCount and DownloadCount have been carried over to Github as-is for the migrated scripts only. Note : The Script Center fields will not be applicable for the new repositories created in Github & hence those fields will not show up for new Github repositories.


This script can be used as Azure Runbook (scheduled / on demand) to stop/start VMs. It uses tags in an intelligent way to automate this.You'll give your VMs a startup and shutdown tag in hh:mm format, which defines the window in which the VM should be running.Optionally, you can



Language:PowerShell 100.0%