azmizanal / everydocs

A simple Document Management System for private use with basic functionality to organize your documents digitally

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EveryDocs Core

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EveryDocs Core is the server-side part of EveryDocs. This project contains a web interface. All in all, EveryDocs is a simple Document Management System (DMS) for private use. It contains basic functionality to organize your documents digitally.


  • Uploading PDF documents with a title, description and the date the document was created
  • Organizing documents in folders and subfolders
  • Adding people and processing states to documents
  • Extracting the content from the PDF file for full-text search
  • Searching all documents by title, description or content of the document
  • Creating new accounts (be aware that at the current moment everybody who knows the URL can create new accounts)
  • Authentication via JsonWebToken
  • REST-API for all CRUD operation for documents, folders, persons and processing states
  • Mobile-friendly web UI

Screenshots of the web interface

EveryDocs Web - Dashboard EveryDocs Web - Uploading new document


Docker (recommended)

Start the container and make the API accessible on port 8080 by running the following commands. Of course, you can change the port in the last command. Also make sure to check the folder that is mounted into the container. In this case, the uploaded files are stored in /data/everydocs on the host.

docker run -p -e SECRET_KEY_BASE="$(openssl rand -hex 64)" -v /data/everydocs:/var/everydocs-files jonashellmann/everydocs

You can configure the application by using the following environment variables:

  • EVERYDOCS_DB_ADAPTER: The database adapter (default: mysql2)
  • EVERYDOCS_DB_NAME: The name of the database (default: everydocs)
  • EVERYDOCS_DB_USER: The user for the database connection (default: everydocs)
  • EVERYDOCS_DB_PASSWORD: The password for the database connection (no default)
  • EVERYDOCS_DB_HOST: The host of the database (default: localhost)
  • EVERYDOCS_DB_PORT: The port of the database (default: 3306)

You might want to include this container in a network so it has access to a database container. Also there are ways to connect to a database that runs on the host (e.g. see Stackoverflow).

Manual Installation (not recommended)

  1. Make sure you have Ruby installed. For an installation guide, check here: Ruby installation guide
  2. If you haven't installed the Rails Gem, you can run the following command: gem install rails
  3. Download the newest release and unzip it in a location of your own choice.
  4. Configure your database connection by setting the following environment variables: EVERYDOCS_DB_ADAPTER (e.g. mysql2), EVERYDOCS_DB_NAME, EVERYDOCS_DB_USER, EVERYDOCS_DB_PASSWORD, EVERYDOCS_DB_HOST, EVERYDOCS_DB_PORT. You can do so by editing the script.
  5. Configure the folder where documents are stored in config/settings.yml. The default location is /var/everydocs-files/.
  6. Install required dependencies by running: bundle install
  7. You might want to change the port of the application in and
  8. Setup your database by running: rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production. If there is an error, you might need to execute the following command, to set an encryption key: EDITOR="mate --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit
  9. Make sure that the environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE has a value. If not, you can generate a key by running rake secret and set it by editing the script. In case your not using production as your environment, the environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE_DEV or SECRET_KEY_BASE_TEST needs to be set.
  10. Start your Rails server: ./
  11. Access the application on http://localhost:5678 or configure any kind of proxy forwarding in your webserver.
  12. If you wish to use this application in your web browser, consider to install EveryDocs Web!
  13. Stop the application: ./


To backup your application, you can simply use the backup functionality of your database. For example, a MySQL/MariaDB DBMS may use mysqldump.

Additionally you have to backup the place where the documents are stored. You can configure this in config/settings.yml. To restore, just put the documents back in that location.

Routes Documentation

To learn about the routes the API offers, run the following command: rake routes


A simple Document Management System for private use with basic functionality to organize your documents digitally

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Ruby 78.2%Language:HTML 10.0%Language:CoffeeScript 3.4%Language:SCSS 3.3%Language:JavaScript 1.6%Language:CSS 1.4%Language:Dockerfile 1.2%Language:Shell 0.9%