azizzaeny / composable

Reusable modules, library, toolkit, General purpose Functional Programming, Side-effects Library, Data structure

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Collection of functions that can be composed to solve programming problem.
Provide reusable toolkit, General purpose library Functional Programming, Pattern & side-effects modules, Data structure algorithm

Composable is to make or form by combining things.   


Status Packages Descriptions
development @zaeny/clojure.core Translating the clojure core functions into javascript functions
development @zaeny/literate Literate programming, extracting code markdown
development @zaeny/env Read .env files
developemnt @zaeny/hiccup ui building with hiccup
development @zaeny/aof efficient appendonly log json
development @zaeny/mql Mongodb Query Langauge in memory
development @zaeny/http basic utility setup nodejs http server




Reusable modules, library, toolkit, General purpose Functional Programming, Side-effects Library, Data structure


Language:JavaScript 100.0%