azigler / ranvier-datasource-couchdb

CouchDB DataSource for Ranvier

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ranvier-datasource-couchdb **(deprecated)**

CouchDB DataSource for Ranvier

This bundle allows you to use a NoSQL CouchDB database instead of flat files for your Ranvier game. Everything that loads from JSON and YAML files can be loaded via this DataSource, including area definitions for Item, Room, and Npc.

To use this bundle, you will need a specific checkout of Ranvier. You MUST use my experimental fork (azigler/zigmud) alongside a checkout of my experimental core:develop branch (azigler/core:develop).

This bundle WILL NOT WORK with a regular Ranvier checkout.

You will also need an installation of CouchDB available with admin access and dotenv installed in the root of your Ranvier repository (npm install --save dotenv).


  1. Install this bundle in your Ranvier repository.

  2. Update (or create) the .env file in the root of your Ranvier repository and add DB_UN='<couchdb-admin-username>' and DB_PW='<couchdb-admin-password>' with your admin credentials for CouchDB.

  3. Update dataSources in your ranvier.json to include the new DataSource:

"dataSources": {
    "CouchDb": {
      "require": "./bundles/ranvier-datasource-couchdb/CouchDbDataSource.js"

To use the DataSource as an EntityLoader, you'll need to set it with a config object for each type of data. You can include a namespace property if you want to potentially have different databases for each type (e.g., one for development and one for production). The db property represents the name of the database in your CouchDB instance. An example config for accounts looks like this:

"config": {
    "namespace": "dev_",
    "db": "account"

This would attempt to utilize the dev_account database in your CouchDB instance.

  1. Update entityLoaders in your ranvier.json to use your new DataSource. QuestGoal and QuestReward are hard-coded to load from files currently in BundleManager, so this DataSource is untested for quests. Here's an example configuration using ranvier-datasource-couchdb for all data except quests:
"entityLoaders": {
    "accounts": {
      "source": "CouchDb",
      "config": {
        "namespace": "dev_",
        "db": "account"
    "players": {
      "source": "CouchDb",
      "config": {
        "namespace": "dev_",
        "db": "player"
    "areas": {
      "source": "CouchDb",
      "config": {
        "namespace": "dev_",
        "db": "area"
    "npcs": {
      "source": "CouchDb",
      "config": {
        "namespace": "dev_",
        "db": "npc"
    "items": {
      "source": "CouchDb",
      "config": {
        "namespace": "dev_",
        "db": "item"
    "rooms": {
      "source": "CouchDb",
      "config": {
        "namespace": "dev_",
        "db": "room"
    "quests": {
      "source": "Yaml",
      "config": {
        "path": "bundles/[BUNDLE]/areas/[AREA]/quests.yml"
    "help": {
      "source": "CouchDb",
      "config": {
        "namespace": "dev_",
        "db": "help"
  1. If you have pre-existing YAML files that you need to port over to the database, you can use a YAML to JSON service to hasten the process. JSON file contents can be copied into database documents easily or programmatically added.


In the item, room, and npc databases, the document's _id is the area to which the entities belong. Within each document, it needs a property for the type of entity (npc, room, or item). The value of this property is an array of entity definitions of that type. For example, here is a document holding all Item definitions for an Area called debug, pulling from the dev_item database:

  "_id": "debug",
  "_rev": "1-f034792b650d7a52cca28a63b380453f",
  "item": [
      "id": "clothing-crate",
      "type": "CONTAINER",
      "name": "!crate! overflowing with clothing",
      "roomDesc": "!crate! is here, overflowing with clothing",
      "behaviors": {
        "dispenser": {
          "items": [
      "metadata": {
        "irretrievable": true,
        "commands": [

Helpfiles each have their own document in the help database, with each document's _id representing the name of the Helpfile. Similarly, Accounts, Players, and Areas are all represented as individual documents with _id properties representing the id of the Account, Player, or Area, respectively.


You can use this DataSource to build a web-based editor for the document data. If you want to use a pre-existing editor, this bundle 🍷 pairs beautifully 🧀 with ranvier-zpanel. Otherwise, you can edit the values in the browser using Fauxton. If the database is running on your local machine, you can navigate to and access your data after entering your admin credentials. You can also manipulate all of this data with PouchDB in Node or in the browser, so this is a great starting point for using in-game data externally and adding new types of data.


CouchDB DataSource for Ranvier

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%