azhai / go-imports-tidy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This tool updates your Go import lines, grouping it into three groups:

  • stdlib,
  • external libraries,
  • local libraries (optional).

The plugin is based on the golang application goimportstidy by Krzysztof Dryś.


  1. Inside your IDE, select Preferences -> Plugins.
  2. Search for GO Imports Tidy.
  3. Click the green "Install" button.
  4. Re-launch your IDE.


The configuration of the plugin is solely within the scope of the project. configure

How it works

You can run formatting manually from contextual menu: contextual

From tools menu: toolmenu


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Kotlin 87.4%Language:Java 12.6%