azawawi / raku-selenium-webdriver

Raku bindings for Selenium WebDriver

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Actions Status

This module provides the Raku bindings for the Selenium WebDriver Wire Protocol.

Note: This module is a work in progress. Please see its project status here.


use v6;
use Selenium::WebDriver::PhantomJS;

my $driver =;
say "Title: "         ~ $driver.title;
say "URL: "           ~ $driver.url;
say "Source length: " ~ $driver.source.chars;
  $driver.quit if $driver.defined

For more examples, please see the examples folder.

PhantomJS Installation


To install phantomjs on Debian, please type the following:

$ sudo apt-get install phantomjs

CAUTION: Also there are prebuilt binaries for PhantomJS for Linux if the packaged version is a bit old.

Mac OS X

To install PhantomJS on Mac OS X, the simplest solution is to use brew:

$ brew update
$ brew install phantomjs


To install PhantomJS on windows, please download a copy from Here and then make it available in your PATH environment variable.

Travis CI

Travis CI comes with pre-installed PhantomJS. No special instructions are needed.

Project Status

Web Driver Status
PhantomJS DONE but needs more tests
Firefox DONE
Chrome DONE but needs external chromedriver
Safari Pending
Opera Pending
MSIE Pending
MSEdge Pending
BlackBerry DONE


To install it using zef (a module management tool bundled with Rakudo Star):

$ zef install Selenium::WebDriver


  • To run tests:
$ prove --ext .rakutest -ve "raku -I."
  • To run all tests including author tests (Please make sure Test::Meta is installed):
$ zef install Test::META
$ TEST_AUTHOR=1 prove --ext .rakutest -ve "raku -I."


Ahmad M. Zawawi, azawawi on #raku


MIT License


Raku bindings for Selenium WebDriver

License:MIT License


Language:Raku 100.0%