azamatsmith / react-social-bar

Configurable social media sharing bar for React

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Configurable Social Media Sharing Bar



Yarn: yarn add react-social-bar

Npm: npm install react-social-bar

Get Started

This project was bootstrapped using create-react-app and react-storybook

The easiest way to get started is to clone this repo and run yarn start

Adding react-social-bar to your app

Once react-social-bar is installed. Import it into your file
`import SocialBar from 'react-social-bar';

  return (
    <SocialBar config={ configObj } />

Configuration Options


  const configObj = {
    description: string (required),
    domain: string (required),
    handleClick: function (required),
    hideBelowWidth: number (optional),
    mediaUrl: string (optional),
    productName: string (required),
    twitterHandle: string (optional)

Example Options

  const configObj = {
    description: 'NameSquash: An easy way to name your next side project or business',
    domain: '',
    handleClick: (social) => console.log('clicked:', social),
    hideBelowWidth: 1038,
    mediaUrl: '',
    productName: 'NameSquash',
    twitterHandle: 'namesquash'


Configurable social media sharing bar for React


Language:JavaScript 85.8%Language:CSS 9.4%Language:HTML 4.8%