ayushgoyal004 / DiamondPricePredictor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Diamond Price Prediction Web App


The Diamond Price Prediction Web App is a user-friendly and interactive web application designed to predict the price of diamonds based on various attributes. This project demonstrates the integration of a machine learning model with a web interface to provide a seamless experience for users interested in estimating the value of their diamonds.


  • Input Form: Users can input various attributes of a diamond, including carat, depth, table, dimensions (x, y, z), cut, color, and clarity.
  • Machine Learning Prediction: The application uses a trained machine learning model to predict the price of the diamond based on the provided attributes.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The web app features an attractive and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to enter data and receive predictions.
  • Background Image: The app uses a captivating background image to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of users.

Dataset Information:

The dataset used in the Diamond Price Prediction Web App project is a collection of diamond attributes and their corresponding prices. The dataset is utilized to train a machine learning model that can predict the price of a diamond based on its various characteristics. The dataset provides a valuable resource for understanding the relationships between diamond attributes and their market values.

Attributes in the Dataset:

  • carat: Carat (ct.) refers to the unique unit of weight measurement used exclusively to weigh gemstones and diamonds.
  • cut: Quality of Diamond Cut.
  • color: Color of Diamond.
  • clarity: Diamond clarity is a measure of the purity and rarity of the stone, graded by the visibility of these characteristics under 10-power magnification.
  • depth: The depth of the diamond is its height (in millimeters) measured from the culet (bottom tip) to the table (flat, top surface).
  • table: A diamond's table is the facet which can be seen when the stone is viewed face up.
  • x: Diamond X dimension.
  • y: Diamond Y dimension.
  • z: Diamond Z dimension.

Technologies Used:

  • Front-End: HTML, CSS
  • Back-End: Python (Flask framework)
  • MachineLearning: Linear Regression, Lasso Regression, Ridge Regression, Decision Tree

How to run?:

Step 1: Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/ayushgoyal004/DiamondPricePredictor

Step 2- Create a conda environment after opening the repository

conda create -p venv python==3.8 conda activate venv/

Step 3 - Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4 - Run the application server

python application.py

Step 5-

  1. Visit the web app. :-
  2. Enter the attributes of the diamond in the input form.
  3. Click the "Predict" button.
  4. Receive the predicted price of the diamond.


Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have ideas for improvement, bug fixes, or additional features, feel free to create a pull request or open an issue.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 94.3%Language:Python 3.9%Language:HTML 1.8%