Ayoub Ziate (ayoubziate)


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The current epidemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become a global crisis due to its rapid and widespread contamination worldwide. A good understanding of disease dynamics would significantly improve the control and prevention of COVID19. The unique features of this pandemic have limited the applications of all existing models We used, for the Moroccan context, a Markov chain system and a SIR modelfor predicting the distribution of the disease. The same stochasticmodel was used in Mexico, it characterizes the probabilitydistribution and the estimation of cases through a differentialequation (modified SIR model). With this model, we will be ableto characterize the disease and its evolution in order to be moreprepared and to promote more logical actions on the part ofpolicy makers than on the part of the general population.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:1Issues:1


L’objectif de cette application web développé en PHP est de permettre de trouver rapidement un covoiturage à proximité parmi les millions de trajet qui seront proposés afin de Faciliter le déplacement inter urbain et d’une ville à une autre tout en étant dans un cadre convivial et confortable à n’importe quel moment.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This dbt starter project template is using the Google Analytics 4 BigQuery exports as input for some practical examples / models to showcase the features of dbt and to bootstrap your own project.



Face detection using computer vision



A web service aims to predict the probability of a forest fire occurrence based on oxygen, temperature and humidity content while using the Decision Tree classification algorithm.



Dans ce projet, l’objectif est de construire des modèles de prévision de score, permettant de prévoir si un client aurait des difficultés financières dans les deux années à venir. Le modèle construit utilise les informations comme le salaire moyen, l’âge, le taux d’intérêt, etc… Les données existent dans les fichiers .csv joints avec ce document : ScoringTraining, ScoringTest et SampleScoring et la description des variables prédictives introduites dans le fichier Data Dictionary. Ces données permettront d’apprendre et de valider les modèles de prévision de score construits, ainsi que d’en évaluer la performance.



Given a database that contains historical customer orders, we would like to use this database to perform analysis to understand why customers are unsubscribing, and possibly develop a strategy to retain them before they leave. The goal is to create a machine learning model to help us predict customer churn. In concrete terms, the algorithm should be able to predict whether customers will place orders or if they are likely to unsubscribe
