aymericbouzy / react-router-rails

React Router for Rails asset pipeline

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Gem Version

React Router for Rails asset pipeline

  • React Router version: 0.13.3


  1. Add to your Gemfile and install with bundler:
gem 'react-router-rails', '~>'
bundle install
  1. Require the modified React-Router javascript file in app/assets/javascripts/application.js:
//= require react_router
// OR
//= require react_router.min

//Optional. Gives you the ability to use the view helper in your template
//= require react_router_ujs

Or in app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee:

#= require react_router
#= require react_router.min

#Optional. Gives you the ability to use the view helper in your template
#= require react_router_ujs
  1. Using the view helper:

Define your routes 'MyRoutes' in your react components folder, like you would normally do:

var Route = ReactRouter.Route;

this.MyRoutes = (
  <Route handler={App}>
    <Route name='home' handler={Home} path='/' />

In the view helper set the name of your routes component

<%= react_router 'MyRoutes' %>

Optionally set the location handler (defaults to HashLocation):

<%= react_router 'MyRoutes', 'HistoryLocation' %>

If you use server rendering:

<%= react_router 'MyRoutes', 'HistoryLocation', {}, { prerender_location: path_to_route } %>
  1. Require your components folder AFTER your react_router:

     #= require react_router
     #= require components
  2. Using React Router in your javascript :

ReactRouter.run(routes, function (Handler) {
  ReactDOM.render(<Handler/>, document.body);

Or in coffeescript:

ReactRouter.run(routes, (Handler) ->
  ReactDOM.render <Handler/>, document.body


  1. Better handle of production version

Instead of explicit require minified version, we should make it possible to configure that in the environment config files like the react-rails configuration (ex. config.react_router_variant = :production)


This gem is highly inspired and based on React Rails code. Thanks!

A big thanks to @troter who implemented the server-side rendering engine for this gem.

React Router by Ryan Florence, Michael Jackson licensed under the MIT license

Copyright Mario Peixoto, released under the MIT license.


React Router for Rails asset pipeline

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%