aykhara / kaldi-digts-audio-recognition

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Digits Audio Recognition with Kaldi

This is a sample code to create a custom model with Kaldi to recognise digits.


  • Install Kaldi
> git clone https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi.git
> cd kaldi

> cd tools
> cat INSTALL # following the instruction
> extras/check_dependencies.sh # Done if you get a message "all OK."

> nproc # Check CPU core on your environment e.g. 4
> sudo make -j (your CPU core) # replace the core number with yours

> cd ../src
> cat INSTALL # following the instruction
  • Install SRILM Download a file from the link. Then change the file name to "srilm.tgz" and put it under tools/. In my case, SRILM 1.7.3. ver was used.
> sudo apt-get install -y gawk
> extras/install_srilm.sh

Check if a sample "yesno" works correctly on your environment

There is an example to recognise yes or no in Hebrew. Just use it as test to see if Kaldi is installed on your environment.

> cd ../egs/yesno/s5
> bash run.sh
%WER 0.00 [ 0 / 232, 0 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ] exp/mono0a/decode_test_yesno/wer_10

Additional prerequisites

  • Create a folder "digits" in kaldi/egs/ directly and put all files of this repo in the folder
  • Copy two folders - utils and steps from kaldi/egs/wsj/s5 and put them in your kaldi/egs/digits directory

Directory layout

└── digits
    ├── conf                   # Configuration files (it's not necessary to create configuration files)
    ├── data
    ├── digits_audio           # Audio datasets
    ├── utils                  # Necessary Kaldi tools that are widely used in exemplary scripts
    ├── steps                  # Necessary Kaldi tools that are widely used in exemplary scripts
    ├── cmd.sh
    ├── path.sh
    └── run.sh

Now you're ready to run run.sh script.

> cd ../egs/digits
> bash run.sh

What each folder/file is doing

folder/file purpose
data/local/corpus.txt This file contain every single utterance transcription that can occur in your ASR system. In this example it will be 60 lines from 60 audio files.
data/local/dict/lexicon.txt This file contains every word from your dictionary with its 'phone transcriptions'. Pattern: <phone 1> <phone 2> ...
data/local/dict/nonsilence_phones.txt This file lists nonsilence phones that are present in your project.
data/local/dict/silence_phones.txt This file lists silence phones.
data/local/dict/optional_silence.txt This file lists optional silence phones.
data/local/score.sh This script will help you to get decoding results.
data/test/spk2gender This file informs about speakers gender. Currently there is only one male speaker so just use "global" as speaker ID. Pattern:
data/test/wav.scp This file connects every utterance (sentence said by one person during particular recording session) with an audio file related to this utterance. Pattern: <full_path_to_audio_file>
data/test/text This file contains every utterance matched with its text transcription. Pattern: <text_transcription>
data/test/utt2spk This file tells the ASR system which utterance belongs to particular speaker. Pattern:
data/train Same as test folder structure
digits_audio/test test datasets - 10% of all wav data
digits_audio/train training datasets - 90% of all wav data
utils Necessary Kaldi tools that are widely used in exemplary scripts.
steps Necessary Kaldi tools that are widely used in exemplary scripts.
cmd.sh Setting local system jobs
path.sh Setting path
run.sh Running script



Collaborating with @koheikawata



Language:Shell 52.7%Language:Python 38.7%Language:Perl 8.6%