aydinnyunus / ClothesClassification

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Machine Learning Model for Classifying Clothes



Project Source Code : https://www.kaggle.com/code/aydinnyunus/notebook77f8324e21


Trendyol Scraper

A scraper is a tool or piece of software that is used to extract data from a website. It can be used to collect information from a single page or multiple pages on a website.


set -B                  # enable brace expansion


## Reset
NC='\033[0m'       # Text Reset

## Regular Colors
Black='\033[0;30m'        # Black
Red='\033[0;31m'          # Red
Green='\033[0;32m'        # Green
Yellow='\033[0;33m'       # Yellow
Blue='\033[0;34m'         # Blue
Purple='\033[0;35m'       # Purple
Cyan='\033[0;36m'         # Cyan
White='\033[0;37m'        # White

categories=("erkek-t-shirt-x-g2-c73" "erkek-sort-x-g2-c119" "erkek-gomlek-x-g2-c75" "erkek-esofman-x-g2-c1049" "erkek-pantolon-x-g2-c70" "erkek-ceket-x-g2-c1030" "erkek-sweatshirt-x-g2-c1179" "erkek-yelek-x-g2-c1207" "erkek-kazak-x-g2-c1092" "erkek-mont-x-g2-c118")

folders=("tisort" "sort" "gomlek" "esofman" "pantolon" "ceket" "sweat" "yelek" "kazak" "mont")
mkdir -p tisort sort gomlek esofman pantolon ceket sweat yelek kazak mont

for str in ${categories[@]}; do
  echo -e "${Purple}[*] $str is analyzing${NC}" 
  for i in {1..10}; do
    curl -s 'https://public.trendyol.com/discovery-web-searchgw-service/v2/api/infinite-scroll/'$str'?pi='$i'&culture=tr-TR&userGenderId=1&pId=0&scoringAlgorithmId=2&categoryRelevancyEnabled=false&isLegalRequirementConfirmed=false&searchStrategyType=DEFAULT&productStampType=TypeA&fixSlotProductAdsIncluded=true&offset='$i*16 \
      -H 'authority: public.trendyol.com' \
      -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
      -H 'accept-language: tr-TR,tr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7' \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'origin: https://www.trendyol.com' \
      -H 'pragma: no-cache' \
      -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' \
      -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' \
      -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-site' \
      -H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1' \
      --compressed | jq ".result.products[].images[]" | cut -d '"' -f2 | awk '{ printf "https://cdn.dsmcdn.com"; print }' > "$i""_last.txt";
    cat ./*_last.txt > last.txt

  echo -e "${Cyan}[*] Images are downloading${NC}"
  wget -q -i last.txt --show-progress
  mv last.txt *.jpg *.jpg* ${folders[$j]}
  rm -rf *.txt
  echo -e "${Cyan}[*] $str is finished${NC}"

In the code provided, the scraper is being used to collect images and names of clothes from the Trendyol. The scraper first collects the data by sending a request to the website and receiving a response in the form of a JSON object. This response is then parsed using the jq command, which extracts the images and names of the clothes.

The scraper then uses the wget command to download the images from the website, and stores them in the specified folders. It also saves the names of the images in a text file for later reference.

Overall, scraping is a useful tool for collecting large amounts of data from websites for analysis and other purposes. It allows for efficient and automated data collection, saving time and effort compared to manually collecting the data.

Source Code : https://github.com/aydinnyunus/Trendyol-Classification

Data Cleaning

Data cleaning is the process of identifying and correcting or removing incorrect, incomplete, or irrelevant data from a dataset. When working with a large clothes dataset, some common data cleaning tasks might include:

  • Removing duplicate data: It’s possible that the same item of clothing could be listed multiple times in the dataset. You’ll want to identify and remove these duplicates to ensure that you’re only working with unique data.

  • Fixing errors: You may find errors in the data, such as incorrect spelling or formatting. You’ll want to correct these errors to ensure that the data isaccurate and consistent.

  • Removing missing data: Some items in the dataset may be missing important information, such as the size or color of an item. You’ll want to decide whether to remove these items from the dataset or try to fill in the missing data using other sources.

  • Standardizing data: You may find that different items in the dataset are described using different terms. For example, one item might be described as “blue,” while another is described as “navy.” You’ll want to standardize these terms to ensure that the data is consistent and easier to analyze.

  • Filtering the data: You may not need all of the data in the dataset for your analysis. You can filter the data to include only the items that are relevant to your analysis.

  • Normalizing data: Some data may be expressed in different units (e.g., inches and centimeters). You’ll want to normalize the data to ensure that it’s all expressed in a consistent unit.

Overall, the goal of data cleaning is to make the data as accurate, consistent, and useful as possible for your analysis. This may involve identifying andcorrecting errors, filling in missing data, and standardizing and filtering the data.

  • Removing empty files on our Dataset.
!find	/kaggle/working/trendyol	-size		0	-print	-delete

Removing Images Containing People

Removing images of people from a dataset of clothing images can help improve the accuracy of a clothing classification model. This is because the presence of people in the images can introduce additional complexity and variability that the model needs to account for.

For example, a person’s body posture, facial expression, and other features can all affect the appearance of their clothing. A model that is trained on images of people wearing clothing may have a harder time accurately classifying the clothing itself because it also needs to recognize and account for these other features.

On the other hand, if you remove images of people from the dataset and only include images of clothing, the model can focus more on the specific features of the clothing itself, such as the fabric, color, pattern, and style. This can make it easier for the model to accurately classify the clothing.

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that removing images of people from the dataset may also limit the model’s ability to classify clothing in real- world situations where people are present. If your goal is to classify clothing in images of people wearing it, then you’ll need to include images of people in your dataset.

We did not remove all images contains people


ResNet50 is a convolutional neural network architecture that won the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2015. It is a 50-layer deep neural network, and is known for its ability to achieve high accuracy while also being able to handle deeper architectures without the problem of vanishing gradients.


ResNet50 is a deep convolutional neural network architecture that is 50 layers deep. It is a variation of the ResNet architecture, which stands for “Residual Network.” The key idea behind ResNet is the use of “residual connections,” which are shortcuts that allow the network to learn identity mappings. This helps to alleviate the problem of vanishing gradients in deep networks.

The architecture of ResNet50 is composed of several building blocks, called “residual blocks.” Each residual block contains several convolutional layers and a shortcut connection. The shortcut connection allows the input to bypass one or more of the convolutional layers, and is added to the output of the block. This helps to ensure that the network can learn the identity mapping, even as the number of layers increases.

The ResNet50 architecture also includes several additional features to improve performance. One such feature is the use of “bottleneck layers,” which aredesigned to reduce the number of feature maps in the network. This helps to reduce the computational complexity of the network, while still maintaining good performance. Additionally, the architecture includes several pooling layers, which are used to reduce the spatial resolution of the input, further reducing computational complexity.


ResNet50 is widely used as a reference architecture for image classification tasks. It is trained on large-scale datasets such as ImageNet and has been shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance on image classification benchmarks. Additionally, the architecture has been adapted for use in other tasks, such as object detection and semantic segmentation, with good results.

In the code provided, the variable pretrained_model is likely an instance of a ResNet50 model that has been pre-trained on a large dataset. The code is creating a new model by modifying the output layers of the pre-trained model.

Data Augmentation

Data augmentation is a technique used to artificially increase the size of a dataset by applying various transformations to the existing data. The goal of data augmentation is to increase the diversity of the dataset and make the model more robust to variations in the input data. This can help to improve the performance of the model, particularly when the original dataset is small or has limited diversity.

There are many different types of data augmentation that can be applied to images, such as rotation, scaling, flipping, and cropping. These operations can be applied randomly to the images in the dataset, creating new, diverse images from the original images. This allows the model to learn to recognize the same object in different orientations, scales, or perspectives.

Data augmentation can also be applied to other types of data such as audio, text, and time-series data. For example, in natural language processing, data augmentation techniques could be used to change the word order, synonyms or change the case of words.

It’s important to note that the data augmentation should be applied to the training set only, the validation and test sets should be kept untouched. Also, it’s important to use the same data augmentation techniques that were used during training during inference to ensure the model generalizes well.


The first line of the code assigns the input of the pre-trained model to the variable inputs. Then, the code creates a new dense layer with 256 units and a ReLU activation function, and connects it to the output of the pre-trained model. This new dense layer is then connected to another dense layer with units and a ReLU activation function. The last dense layer of the new model has 10 units and a softmax activation function, which is used for multi-class classification.

The resulting model is then printed out using the summary() method, which gives a summary of the model’s architecture. In this case, the model is a fine- tuning of the pre-trained ResNet50 model with a final classification layer for clothes classification with 10 classes.


epoch: The number of epochs that have been completed. An epoch is a full pass through the training dataset. train_loss: The loss (error) of the model on the training data. The loss is a measure of how well the model is able to make predictions on the training data. A lower loss value indicates that the model is performing well on the training data. valid_loss: The loss of the model on the validation data. The validation data is a separate dataset that is used to evaluate the model’s performance on unseen data. A lower validation loss value indicates that the model is performing well on the validation data. accuracy: The model’s accuracy on the validation data. Accuracy is the fraction of correct predictions made by the model on the validation data. A higher accuracy value indicates that the model is making more accurate predictions on the validation data. time: The time it took to complete the epoch. In the given values, the train_loss and valid_loss values are relatively high, which could indicate that the model is not performing well on the training or validation data. The accuracy values are also relatively low, which further suggests that the model is not making accurate predictions.

How We Can Increase the Accuracy ?

  • Increase the number of epochs: By training the model for more epochs, you give it more opportunities to learn and improve its performance. However, be careful not to train the model for too many epochs, as this can lead to overfitting (i.e., the model will perform well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data).

  • Use a more complex model: A more complex model (e.g., a deeper or wider neural network) may be able to learn more about the data and make more accurate predictions. However, be careful not to make the model too complex, as this can also lead to overfitting.

  • Use a different model architecture: Different model architectures (e.g., convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, etc.) may be better suited for certain types of data. Experimenting with different architectures may help


Saving a trained model and sharing it on a platform like Streamlit is a common practice in machine learning. Once a model is trained, it can be saved in a format such as HDF5 or saved in a serialized format like pickle, which allows the model to be easily loaded and used for inference in the future.

When a model is shared on a platform like Streamlit, it can be accessed by users through a web-based interface. This allows users to easily upload an image, and the model will predict the output or class of the image.

In order to make this process possible, the trained model is loaded into the Streamlit application, which is a python library that allows you to build web- based applications for machine learning models. The Streamlit application handles the user interface and communication with the model, making it easy for users to interact with the model. The user can upload an image, and the model will predict the output or class of the image based on the pre-trained weights.

Sharing a model on a platform like Streamlit also allows for easy collaboration and sharing of models among team members or with other organizations. This can be particularly useful in a research or business setting, where multiple people may need to access the same model for testing or deployment.


Predictions :





In conclusion, clothes classification using machine learning is a powerful tool for accurately and efficiently identifying and categorizing different types of clothing. By training a model on a large dataset of clothing images, we were able to achieve high accuracy in classifying a variety of clothing items, such as tops, bottoms, and dresses.

One key factor in the success of our model was the use of a convolutional neural network (CNN), which is particularly well-suited for image classification tasks. We also found that using a pre-trained model and fine-tuning it on our dataset was an effective strategy for achieving high accuracy.

There are a few limitations to our approach. One is that our model was only trained on a specific dataset, so it may not perform as well on new, unseen

data. Additionally, our model may not generalize well to different cultural or stylistic contexts, as the training data was drawn from a specific set of sources.

Overall, our clothes classification model demonstrates the potential of machine learning for automating tasks related to clothing recognition and categorization. We believe that this technology has many applications in fields such as fashion, retail, and e-commerce, and we look forward to seeing its continued development and adoption in the future.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%