aydanurakca / Linux-Kernel-System-Call

This is the implementation of a system call named processinfo to the Linux kernel.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the implementation of a system call which named as processinfo to the linux kernel. There are four different usages.

  1. Without an argument This prints the right usage of the program.

Right Usage: -all prints some information (process id and its argument/s) about all processes -p takes process id and prints the details of it -k takes process id and kill the process

Example: ./processinfo.o

  1. "-all" This lists all the processes and some information about each process.

Example: ./processinfo.o -all

  1. "-p processId" This shows the commandline of the given process.

Example: ./processinfo.o -p 1425

  1. "-k processId" This kills the given process.

Example: ./processinfo.o -k 1425

In syscall_64.tbl, the line 335 64 processinfo __x64_sys_processinfo is added.

In syscalls.h, the line asmlinkage long sys_processinfo(char * all_processes, char* process_id, int kill_id, char* commandline, char* argument) is added.


This is the implementation of a system call named processinfo to the Linux kernel.

License:MIT License


Language:C 99.5%Language:Makefile 0.5%