A simple webpage that allows users to input a username and get returned a list of public repos from that user as well as general user information, if available
*User inputs a github user's username *input example: ayanapowell *output example: ayana powell, ayanapowell1@gmail.com, "this user has no repos yet"
- Clone the repository at (https://github.com/ayanapowell/githubApi)
- Using the command line, navigate to the project's root directory
- Take '.env' out of the .gitignore file
- You will need to get your own github API access token from (https://github.com/blog/1509-personal-api-tokens)
- Create a .env folder in the TOP LEVEL of the project, and place your API access token in following code below: *exports.apiKey = "YOUR_APIKEY_HERE";
- At the top of the js/github.js file place the following code: *var apiKey = require('./../.env').apiKey;
- Install node dependencies by running
- $ npm install
- Install bower dependencies by running
- $ bower install
- Build the files by running $ gulp build
- Open index.html to view application in browser
- On command line enter 'gulp serve' to run application on a server
No known bugs at this time
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Bootstrap jQuery
This webpage is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2016 _Ayana Powell