axzxs2001 / Ocelot.JWTAuthorize

This project is a JWT Authorize based on Ocelot API Gateway

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



NuGet Badge GitHub license

This library is used in the verification project when Ocelot is used as an API gateway. In the Ocelot project, the API project, the verification project, and the injection function can be used.

1. add the following sections to the appsetting. Json file for each project

  "JwtAuthorize": {  
    "Issuer": "ocelot",
    "Audience": "everyone",
    "PolicyName": "permission",
    "DefaultScheme": "Bearer",
    "IsHttps": false,
    "RequireExpirationTime": true

2. API Project

PM>Install-Package Ocelot.JWTAuthorize

Startup.cs,In ConfigureServices method

services.AddApiJwtAuthorize((context) =>
    return true;//validate permissions return(permit) true or false(denied)

API Controller, "permission" is PolicyName of appsettion.json

public class ValuesController : Controller

3. Authorize Project

PM>Install-Package Ocelot.JWTAuthorize

startup.cs,In ConfigureServices method


LoginController.cs _tokenBuilder is dependency injection in AddTokenJwtAuthorize,so it's ITokenBuilder

public IActionResult Login([FromBody]LoginModel loginModel)
        if (loginModel.UserName == "gsw" && loginModel.Password == "111111")
             var claims = new Claim[] {
                 new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "gsw"),
                 new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "admin")                  
             //DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1200) is expiration time
             var ip =HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpConnectionFeature>()?.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString();
             var token = _tokenBuilder.BuildJwtToken(claims,ip, DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1200));      
             return new JsonResult(new { Result = true, Data = token });
             return new JsonResult(new
                 Result = false,
                 Message = "Authentication Failure"

4. Ocelot Project

PM>Install-Package Ocelot.JWTAuthorize

Startup.cs,In ConfigureServices method



Token Invalid


This project is a JWT Authorize based on Ocelot API Gateway

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%