axonasif / nbgrader-gitpod-template

Config scripts for managing nbgrader envs in Gitpod

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Working with nbgrader in Gitpod

Quickstart upon reopening a stopped Gitpod workspace

# Increase gitpod timeout setting
gp timeout set 6h

# Launch Jupyter session in Assignment dir
gogo assignments

Or manually start Jupyter session to work on assignments

# Navigate to Assignments db location
cd nbgrader/Assignments

# Launch jupyter-lab
# Only use this for teaching or grading
jupyter lab --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --no-browser --port=8888

# If using older nbgrader < v0.9.0, can use jupyter-notebook for creating assignment notebooks.
# nbgrader 0.8.5 has the good cell toolbars.
jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --no-browser --port=8888

Note: See other gitpod settings here.

Setting up new nbgrader Course in Gitpod

In this repo setup of the Gitpod workspace is handled via .gitpod.yml ans .gitpod.Dockerfile.

These config files do the following tasks:

  • Add channels defaults, conda-forge, and bioconda
  • pip install nbgrader and all python deps (conda was too slow)
  • conda install non-python packages (blast bwa samtools)
  • init the nbextensions
  • alias 'gogo' launcher script

In this example we will create an nbgrader course called "Assignments"

# Create the course dir
mkdir -p nbgrader/Assignments

# Navigate to nbgrader course dir
cd nbgrader/Assignments

# Generate a blank nbgrader config file
nbgrader generate_config

After creating the file you will need to edit the following settings.

# Add these lines to
# Manage root dir with tempfile module
import tempfile
c.Exchange.root = tempfile.mkdtemp()

# These settings make Jupyter play nice with Gitpod and can also be set when invoking Jupyter from the cmd line
c.NotebookApp.allow_origin = '*'
c.NotebookApp.allow_remote_access = True

# Update the course name (check that is variable is only set once)
c.CourseDirectory.course_id = 'COURSE_ID_2024'
# Populate nbgrader student database (on first run only)
nbgrader db student import ../students/students_2024.csv
# Where file student file format is:

Open Jupyter for grading or assignment development:

# Launch jupyter-lab
jupyter lab --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --no-browser --port=8888

# or if using older nbgrader < v0.9.0, can use jupyter-notebook (has a nicer interface)
jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*' --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password='' --no-browser --port=8888

Installing nbgrader locally

If you want to set up nbgrader in an env on your local computer (not in Gitpod), follow these instructions.

# Create conda env from yml
conda env create -f nbgrader/environment.yml

# or create manually
conda create --name graderenv python=3.11
source activate graderenv
conda install -c conda-forge 'nbgrader==0.8.5'
# Note: Check that you are using the latest versions of
# nbconvert
# jupyter-client

## Install Jupyter extensions
# Jupyter notebook
jupyter nbextension install --sys-prefix --py nbgrader
jupyter nbextension enable --sys-prefix --py nbgrader

# Optional extensions
# Jupyter Lab
jupyter labextension enable nbgrader
# Jupyter Server
jupyter serverextension enable --sys-prefix --py nbgrader

# Packages for Comp Gen Assignment 1 & 2 2024
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
#pip install numpy pandas seaborn matplotlib pysam biopython
conda install -c bioconda blast bwa samtools

Setting up local nbgrader instance

Generate blank config file.

# Generate blank config file
nbgrader generate_config

Add the following line to the config file to create temp dirs as required:

import tempfile
c.Exchange.root = tempfile.mkdtemp()

You may wish to edit some of the default timeout settings if you find student solutions take too long to run.

To populate the student database import a csv with the format:

# Populate nbgrader student database
cd nbgrader/Assignments
nbgrader db student import ../students/students_2024.csv

Or manually add a student

#Manually create a student
nbgrader db student add --first-name=Adam --last-name=Taranto --lms-user-id=U001 U001

Set up directory structure for assignment submissions. Should be run in top level nbgrader dir that also contains "source" folder.

This code imports student IDs from a single column file.

cd nbgrader/Assignments
cat ../students/id_list_2024.csv | tr -d '\r' | while IFS=, read -r ID
    mkdir -p "submitted/${ID}/Assignment_1"
    mkdir -p "submitted/${ID}/Assignment_2"
    mkdir -p "submitted/${ID}/Assignment_3"

Creating a new assignment

Configure a project

# Edit the assignment notebook
jupyter notebook
# view --> cell toolbar --> create assignment

If updating an old assignment update metadata with

nbgrader update . #from source dir

Note on Cell types:

Notes on writing tests:

Generate & release assignment from within jupyter, or manually:

nbgrader generate_assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader release_assignment Assignment_1

Grading an assignment

Student submissions should be located in the following path and have the same name as the source assignment:


If you happen to be importing assignment submissions from UniMelb's Canvas LMS you can use the nb_load utility included in this template.

To use nb_load your raw submissions exported from canvas should be in one directory and have a name fortmat where the first run of numbers bounded by underscores corresponds to a student ID in your database.

Here is an example submission name:

# nb_load will extract 123456 as the student ID

To place this submission in its correct location for grading with nbgrader:

nb_load --submissions submissions --assignment Assignment_1 --idlist nbgrader/students/id_list_2024.csv

This command will move the example submission to the location:


Before running the autograder you can check submission metadata:

cd nbgrader/Assignments/submitted
# This will test all notebooks below this level. 
# Note that this may include other submitted assignments.
nbgrader update . 

To bulk autograde submissions:

# Submission notebooks must be in the student folders and have a name matching the assignment source book
# Bulk autograde
nbgrader autograde --assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader autograde --assignment Assignment_2
nbgrader autograde --assignment Assignment_3
nbgrader autograde --assignment Exam_B

By default this will skipp any submissions that have already been graded.

If you need to amend any test cases in an assignment during marking, you must first edit the source notebook then generate a new release.

# First edit the *source* notebook, then generate a new release:
nbgrader generate_assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader release_assignment Assignment_1

To update the autograding results with the new tests run autograder with the --force option.

# The re-run autograding
nbgrader autograde --force --assignment Assignment_1

Exporting grades

Export grades to CSV

Note: When formatting for Canvas, must use linux EOL characters

nbgrader export --to grades/A1_grades_nbgrader.csv --assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader export --to grades/A2_grades_nbgrader.csv --assignment Assignment_2
nbgrader export --to grades/A3_grades_nbgrader.csv --assignment Assignment_3
nbgrader export --to grades/Exam_B_grades_nbgrader.csv --assignment Exam_B

Custom export grades per question to CSV

You can use the custom exporter module gpqExporter to export grades per question.

# Note: In this case "--to" sets an output directory that individual assignment
# grade reports are written to.

nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Assignment_1
nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Assignment_2
nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Assignment_3
nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Exam_B

# Use --student to get grades for a specific student
nbgrader export --to grades --exporter=plugins.gpqexport.gpqExporter --assignment Assignment_1 --student 123456

Generating feedback

Create feedback dir with html reports

nbgrader generate_feedback "Assignment_1"
nbgrader generate_feedback "Assignment_2"
nbgrader generate_feedback "Assignment_3"

Generate feedback for one student:

nbgrader generate_feedback "Assignment_2" --student 123456

Format feedback html reports

# Studentlist file format:
# ../students/students_2024.csv
# ID,FirstName,LastName

#cd nbgrader/Assignments

mkdir -p feedback/A1_feedback


while IFS=',' read -r ID Fname Lname
  if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
    mv -f "${FILE}" "${OUTDIR}/${Fname}_${Lname}_feedback_${ASSNAME}.html" && \
    rm -rf "feedback/${ID}" && \
    echo "Moved: ${FILE}"
    echo "File not found: ${FILE} Student: ${Fname} ${Lname}"


Config scripts for managing nbgrader envs in Gitpod

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 91.4%Language:Shell 7.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 0.7%