axhixh / metrics-influxdb

A reporter for metrics which announces measurements to an InfluxDB server.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The library provide :

  • a lighter client than influxdb-java to push only series to an InfluxDB server.
  • A reporter for metrics which announces measurements.

The library provide a lighter client than influxdb-java to push only metrics.

Dependencies :

  • slf4j-api for logging.
  • metrics-core, to provide, if you use InfluxdbReporter.

Usage sample :

private static InfluxdbReporter startInfluxdbReporter(MetricRegistry registry) throws Exception {
	final InfluxdbHttp influxdb = new InfluxdbHttp("", 8086, "mydb", "user", "pass"); // http transport
	// = new InfluxDbUdp("", 1234); // udp transport
	//influxdb.debugJson = true; // to print json on System.err
	//influxdb.jsonBuilder = new MyJsonBuildler(); // to use MyJsonBuilder to create json
	final InfluxdbReporter reporter = InfluxdbReporter
			.skipIdleMetrics(true) // Only report metrics that have changed.
	reporter.start(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
	return reporter;

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A reporter for metrics which announces measurements to an InfluxDB server.

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:Java 100.0%