axellbrendow / full-cycle-2.0-service-mesh-istio

K8S Cluster + Istio Service Mesh + Kiali + Grafana + Jaeger + Prometheus + Stress Test (fortio) + Stick Sessions + Fault Injection + Ingress Gateway + Subdomains

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Files I produced during the "Service Mesh with Istio" classes of my Microservices Full Cycle 3.0 course.


Install Istio on k8s cluster

istioctl install -y

Install Grafana, Jaeger, Kiali and Prometheus addons on Istio

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Open kiali dashboard

istioctl dashboard kiali

Fire requests to the k8s service to see the traffic in Kiali dashboard

while true
    curl http://localhost:8000
    sleep 0.5

Using Fortio, a load testing library, to fire requests

kubectl apply -f
export FORTIO_POD=$(kubectl get pods -lapp=fortio -o 'jsonpath={.items[0]}')
kubectl exec "$FORTIO_POD" -c fortio -- fortio load -c 2 -qps 0 -t 200s -loglevel Warning http://nginx-service:8000

Using stick sessions and consistent hash so that users are kept on the same version

kubectl apply -f consistent-hash.yaml
POD=$(kubectl get pods | grep nginx-a | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1)
kubectl exec -it $POD -- bash

# Then, inside the pod
curl --header "x-user: user1" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user1" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user1" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user1" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user1" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user1" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user1" http://nginx-service:8000
# Note that all requests will get the same response

curl --header "x-user: user2" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user2" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user2" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user2" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user2" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user2" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user2" http://nginx-service:8000
# Note that all requests will get the same response

curl --header "x-user: user3" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user3" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user3" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user3" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user3" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user3" http://nginx-service:8000
curl --header "x-user: user3" http://nginx-service:8000
# Note that all requests will get the same response

Fault Injection through Virtual Service

kubectl apply -f fault-injection.yaml

Creating an istio ingress gateway (a gateway that contains an istio proxy)

If you're creating a cluster in the cloud, go to "Finally, you can:".

When I created my local cluster, I run:

k3d cluster create -p "8000:30000@loadbalancer" --agents 2

So, when I access localhost:8000 I'm redirected to the port 30000 in my cluster, this way, I can access the LoadBalancer of deployment.yaml.

But now, we wanna access localhost:8000 and get redirected to the istio-ingressgateway. First, open deployment.yaml and edit the LoadBalancer nodePort to 30001 to let port 30000 free.

Now, run kubectl get svc -n istio-system and discover the NodePort of istio-ingressgateway:

NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)
istio-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer     <pending>     15021:30847/TCP,80:31784(<---- this one)/TCP

Then, edit the istio-ingressgateway service NodePort:

kubectl edit svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
# Search for:
# - name: http2
#   nodePort: 31784 # Change 31784 to 30000 and save
#   port: 80

Finally, you can:

kubectl apply -f gateway.yaml

Creating istio gateway based on subdomains

Just remember to add "" and "" to /etc/hosts and then:

kubectl apply -f gateway-subdomains.yaml


K8S Cluster + Istio Service Mesh + Kiali + Grafana + Jaeger + Prometheus + Stress Test (fortio) + Stick Sessions + Fault Injection + Ingress Gateway + Subdomains


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