axelhahn / ahcli

helper for php cli tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Axels CLI helper class

It helps to handle command line arguments.

version 1.07

GNU GPL v 3.0


The cli class was written to simplify the handling of arguments in the command line. Other goodies are: it can generate a small help and interactively read a value until the value matches a pattern.

  • short and long cli argument parameter will be handled like one parameter i.e. you never again need to care about "-h" or "--help" was given
  • generate a short help
  • verify a parameter value by given pattern (optional)
  • interactive input to read a missing var (with pattern check; optional)
  • use colored text


GNU GPL v 3.0


PHP 5 (and higher)


put the file "cli.class.php" somewhere



$oCli=new axelhahn\cli($aParamDefs);

$aParamDefs is a config array.

first level subkeys:

marked items with (*) are required

'label'       - string - name of your tool (*)
'description' - string - short description
'params'      - array  - definition of all needed variables (*)

Put your variables / command line parameters as subkeys below "params". Each variable has the following keys:

'short'      - char    - name of the short parameter (*)
'value'      - integer - flag for information if a value is required or not
                         you should use these constants
                           - CLIVALUE_REQUIRED 
						     to force to use a param --myparam [value]
                           - CLIVALUE_OPTIONAL 
						     to use it as flag --myparam 
							 or with optional value --myparam="[value]"
							 Remark: pay attention to the "=" versus space
                           - CLIVALUE_NONE
						     to use it as flag only --myparam 
'pattern'    - string  - optional regex ... if a value is given it will be
                         checked against it (see examples below).
                         The class will stop on invalid values.
'shortinfo'   - string - short description for this variable (*)
'description' - string - short description for this variable (*)

example patterns:

letters only - case insensitive


one of required names case sensitive


integer values


Public methods

color([type], [text]) (boolean)
  set output color based on a type. Type is one of
    head | input | cli | ok | info | warning | error
  If a text was given, then it outputs colored text and resets the color

getlabel() (string)
  get label and description (from config) to display a header for your tool
getopt() (array)
  get fetched vars and its values as key-value hash.

getvalue([varname]) (string)
  get the value of a variable. [varname] will be filled with the long
  and the short parameter version. Only the long name is valid.
  see output of getopt()

read([varname]) (string)
  Let the user enter a value for a (missing) parameter.
  The [varname] must be an existing key below 'params'.
  If you leave a pattern the input can be finished only if it matches
  this pattern.

showhelp() (string)
  get pre generated help with all parameters and explainations from config 
setvalue([varname], [value])
  Set or override a value of one of the params.
  The [varname] must be an existing key below 'params'.


helper for php cli tool


Language:PHP 100.0%