axeldelafosse / expo-next-monorepo-example

Create a universal React app using Expo and Next.js in a monorepo

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Problems runnning expo

danielkv opened this issue · comments

So far I managed to run on NextJS, it's running smooth. I having problems running the expo part. (I'm not using expo-dev-client for now, just want to make it work first)

  1. The console.log is not working, does not give me any messages
  2. The fast refresh is not working, already checked the metro config, it seems to be right

I ended up using a different config on metro.config.js with the lib expo-yarn-workspaces:

const { createMetroConfiguration } = require('expo-yarn-workspaces');

const config = createMetroConfiguration(__dirname);

// remove web modules
delete config.resolver.extraNodeModules['@labook/web'];

module.exports = config;

It worked like a charm, no further configuration

This repo is now deprecated in favour of Solito