awslabs / multi-table-benchmark

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DBInfer Benchmark (DBB)

DBInfer Benchmark (DBB) is a set of benchmarks for measuring machine learning solutions over data stored as multiple tables.


Install DBInfer-Bench

pip install dbinfer-bench

Getting datasets

To get a dataset,

import dbinfer_bench as dbb 
dataset = dbb.load_rdb_data('diginetica')

See the full list of datasets and their data card in the accompanying paper.

Dataset name Task names
avs repeater
mag cite, venue
diginetica ctr, purchase
retailrocket cvr
seznam charge, prepay
amazon rating, purchase, churn
stackexchange churn, upvote
outbrain-small ctr

Understanding the dataset format

The dataset object obtained from load_rdb_data is of DBBRDBDataset class, which contains the following properties:

  • metadata: Metadata of the RDB dataset including table schema, relationships (primary key, foreign key), time column information, etc.
  • tables: The RDB table data. Each table is a collection of columnar values stored as a dictionary of NumPy arrays.
  • tasks: A list of tasks associated with the dataset.

A dataset can have multiple associated tasks. Each task is an DBBRDBTask object with the following members:

  • metadata: Task metadata including the prediction type, evaluation metric, etc.
  • train_set, validation_set, test_set: Training, validation and test samples associated with the task. Similar to a row instance in tables, each sample can have heterogenous input features (e.g., a product can have name and price). Hence, samples are also stored as a dictionary of NumPy arrays.

See this tutorial for a walkthrough of the above concepts.

Running baselines

The repository provides implementations of various baselines including popular tabular models w/ or w/o auto-feature-engineering methods and Graph Neural Networks. Since the running them consists of multiple steps such as data preprocessing, featurization, graph construction and training, we package them into a python package dbinfer with each step modularized as a commandline tool.

First, create the conda environment by:

bash conda/
bash conda/

It will setup an conda environment dbinfer-gpu or dbinfer-cpu depending on your input. To update an existing environment according to upstream changes, pass the -o option to the script to recreate the conda yaml, and then use conda env update --name <ENV_NAME> --file <CONDA_YAML>.

Then, add a command-line alias to bashrc:

alias dbinfer='python -m dbinfer.main'

Then, create a workspace for saving model checkpoints:

mkdir workspace

Methods using only a single table

We recommend using the preprocessed data (using data name <DATASET>-single) to save preparation efforts.

Click here to see the preprocessing details.
# Dummy table creation, data normalization, featurization, etc.
dbinfer preprocess <DATASET> transform <DATASET>-single

To train a baseline model,

dbinfer fit-tab <DATASET>-single <TASK>                \
  tabnn                      # model architecture  \
  -c <MODEL_CONFIG_YAML>     # model config        \
  -p workspace               # workspace path

Model configuration files (produced by HPO) are stored under hpo_results/<DATASET>/<TASK>/.

For example, to run the MLP baseline for the ctr task of diginetica:

dbinfer fit-tab diginetica-single ctr tabnn -c hpo_results/diginetica/ctr/single-mlp.yaml -p workspace

Methods based on Deep Feature Synthesis (DFS)

We recommend using the preprocessed data (using data name <DATASET>-dfs-<DEPTH>) to save preparation efforts. Note that when the depth is equal to one, only tables adjacent to the target table are used to augment features, which corresponds to the "simple join" baselines in our paper.

Click here to see the preprocessing details.
# Post-dfs processing including dummy table creation, key mapping, etc.
dbinfer preprocess <DATASET> transform <DATASET>-pre-dfs -c configs/transform/pre-dfs.yaml
# Run Deep Feature Synthesis
dbinfer preprocess <DATASET>-pre-dfs dfs <DATASET>-post-dfs -c configs/dfs/dfs-<DEPTH>.yaml
# Post-dfs processing including data normalization, extra featurization, etc.
dbinfer preprocess <DATASET>-post-dfs transform <DATASET>-dfs-<DEPTH> -c configs/transform/post-dfs.yaml

To train a baseline model,

dbinfer fit-tab <DATASET>-dfs-<DEPTH> <TASK>           \
  tabnn                      # model architecture  \
  -c <MODEL_CONFIG_YAML>     # model config        \
  -p workspace               # workspace path

Model configuration files (produced by HPO) are stored under hpo_results/<DATASET>/<TASK>/.

For example, to run the DFS-2 + MLP baseline for the ctr task of diginetica:

dbinfer fit-tab diginetica-dfs-2 ctr tabnn -c hpo_results/diginetica/ctr/dfs-2-mlp.yaml -p workspace

Graph Neural Networks

We use two graph construction algorithms, termed r2n and r2ne to demonstrate the significance in such choice. Again, we recommend using the preprocessed data (using data name <DATASET>-<GRAPH_ALGO>) to save preparation efforts.

Click here to see the preprocessing details.
# Dummy table creation, data normalization, featurization, etc.
dbinfer preprocess <DATASET> transform <DATASET>-single
# Graph construction.
dbinfer construct-graph <DATASET>-single <GRAPH_ALGO> <DATASET>-<GRAPH_ALGO>

To train a baseline model,

dbinfer fit-gml <DATASET>-<GRAPH_ALGO> <TASK>          \
  <GNN_NAME>                 # GNN architecture    \
  -c <MODEL_CONFIG_YAML>     # model config        \
  -p workspace               # workspace path

Model configuration files (produced by HPO) are stored under hpo_results/<DATASET>/<TASK>/.

Available GNNs:

  • sage: GraphSAGE
  • gat: Graph Attention Network
  • hgt: Heterogeneous Graph Transformer
  • pna: Principle Neighborhood Aggregator

For example, to run the r2ne + GAT baseline for the ctr task of diginetica:

dbinfer fit-gml diginetica-r2ne ctr gat -c hpo_results/diginetica/ctr/r2ne-gat.yaml -p workspace


  • Some preprocessing steps (e.g., converting text fields into embeddings) may use multi-GPUs automatically. To control the GPU devices in use, set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable.
  • The dbinfer command-line tool supports more than just fit-gml and fit-tab. Use dbinfer --help to see the full list of supported subcommands.
  • The GNN solutions will try to utilize all CPU cores to accelerate data loading. To limit the number of CPU core resources used by each experiment, use the NUM_VISIBLE_CPUS environment variable. E.g., on a g4dn.metal instance with 96 cores and 8 GPUs, to run an experiment that consumes 1/8 of the resources:
    NUM_VISIBLE_CPUS=12 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 dbinfer fit-gml ...
  • The default dataset download path is <PROJECT_HOME>/datasets. Use the DBB_DATASET_HOME environment variable to override that setting.
  • You can also use the dbinfer commands to work with your local datasets. Just pass the local dataset path as the argument.
  • When encountering the received 0 items of ancdata error, it means the solution may uses too much shared memory resources for data loading (a similar PyTorch issue). Typically, limiting NUM_VISIBLE_CPUS will be useful. You could also try to increase the limit of open file descriptors (by default 1024). Edit `/etc/security/limits.conf' and add the following two lines at the end to increase the limit to e.g. 16284:
    * hard nofile 16384
    * soft nofile 16384
    Afterwards, log out of your session and log back in again. You can see if the change takes place by running ulimit -n in the command line.

Cite Us

  title={4DBInfer: A 4D Benchmarking Toolbox for Graph-Centric Predictive Modeling on Relational DBs},
  author={Wang, Minjie and Gan, Quan and Wipf, David and Cai, Zhenkun and Li, Ning and Tang, Jianheng and Zhang, Yanlin and Zhang, Zizhao and Mao, Zunyao and Song, Yakun and Wang, Yanbo and Li, Jiahang and Zhang, Han and Yang, Guang and Qin, Xiao and Lei, Chuan and Zhang, Muhan and Zhang, Weinan and Faloutsos, Christos and Zhang, Zheng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.18209},


Thanks to the help from

  • Ning on implementing graph construction.
  • Zhenkun on implementing temporal sampling for GNNs.
  • Zunyao and Zhenkun on implementing a scalable DFS.
  • Jianheng, Yanlin, Zizhao on curating the datasets.
  • Ning, Yakun, Yanbo on implementing the baselines.
  • Jiahang, Jianheng on implementing AutoGluon-based solutions.
  • And all the above for running the experiments and fixing countless bugs.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 70.6%Language:Jupyter Notebook 28.5%Language:Shell 0.9%